Argentine Republic

INPUT DATA : Hypericum perforatum

Number of matched data : 2 / Number of edible data : 0 / Number of medicinal data : 2
Species NameUpperClassification
(Region ; Classification)
FamilyNameCommonName Purpose大分類(部位 ; 分類)科名一般名Reference
Hypericum perforatum
plants(edible)HypericaceaePerforate St John's wort
Common St John's wort
medicinal植物オトギリソウ科セイヨウオトギリソウD.Estomba et al,J.Ethnopharmacol.,103,(2006),109
Hypericum perforatum L.
plantsHypericaceaemedicinal植物オトギリソウ科Medicinal Plants of the World by Ivan A.Ross,Vol.2,ISBN 0-89603-877-7.
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