Republic of Bulgaria ブルガリア共和国 | |
Number of matched data : 247 / Number of edible data : 160 / Number of medicinal data : 87 |
Species Name | UpperClassification (Region ; Classification) | FamilyName | CommonName | Purpose | 大分類(部位 ; 分類) | 科名 | 一般名 | Reference |
Acorus calamus | plants | Araceae Acoraceae | Sweet flag Calamus Myrtle flag | medicinal | 植物 | ショウブ科 | ショウブ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Aesculus hippocastanum | plants | Hippocastanaceae | Common horse chestnut | medicinal | 植物 | トチノキ科 | セイヨウトチノキ ヨウシュトチノキ ウマグリ マロニエ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Aesculus hippocastanum | plants | Hippocastanaceae | Common horse chestnut | edible | 植物 | トチノキ科 | セイヨウトチノキ ヨウシュトチノキ ウマグリ マロニエ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Agaricus arvensis | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | シロオオハラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Agaricus campestris | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | ハラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Agaricus silvaticus | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | モリハラタケ モリノハラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Agrimonia eupatoria | plants(tea) | Rosaceae | Agrimony Sticklewort Cocklebur | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | セイヨウキンミズヒキ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Albatrellus confluens | mushrooms | Scutigeraceae | edible | キノコ | ニンギョウタケモドキ科 | ニンギョウタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Albatrellus ovinus | mushrooms | Scutigeraceae | edible | キノコ | ニンギョウタケモドキ科 | ニンギョウタケモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Alisma plantago-aquatica | plants | Alismataceae | Water plantain | medicinal | 植物 | オモダカ科 | サジオモダカ アリスマ・プランタゴアクアティカ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Allium sativum | plants | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | Garlic | edible | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | ニンニク ガーリック オオビル | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Allium ursunum | plants | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Alnus glutinosa | plants | Betulaceae | Common alder European alder Black alder | medicinal | 植物 | カバノキ科 | ヨーロッパハンノキ オウシュウクロハンノキ セイヨウヤマハンノキ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Althaea officinalis | plants(eaten) | Malvaceae | Marsh mallow | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | マシュマロー ビロードアオイ ウスベニタチアオイ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Amanita argentea | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Amanita caesarea | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | セイヨウタマゴタケ 西洋卵茸 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanita fulva | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | カバイロツルタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanita rubescens | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | ガンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanita vaginata | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | ツルタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanitopsis vaginata | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | ツルタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanitopsis vaginata var. alba | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | シロツルタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanitopsis vaginata var. plumbea | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | ツルタケの変種 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanitopsis vaginata var. umbrinolutea | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | ツルタケの変種 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Anethum graveolens | plants(flavouring) | Apiaceae | dill | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | ディル ジル ジラ イノンド | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Armillaria mellea | mushrooms | Physalacriaceae Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | タマバリタケ科 キシメジ科 | ナラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Armoracia rusticana | plants(condiment) | Brassicaceae | horse radish Horseradish cran cranson raifort | medicinal | 植物 | アブラナ科 | ホースラディッシュ セイヨウワサビ ワサビダイコン クラン クランソン レフォール レホール | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Armoracia rusticana | plants(roots,flowers : condiment) | Brassicaceae | horse radish Horseradish cran cranson raifort | edible | 植物 | アブラナ科 | ホースラディッシュ セイヨウワサビ ワサビダイコン クラン クランソン レフォール レホール | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Artemisia absinthium | plants | Asteraceae | Wormwood | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | ニガヨモギ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Artemisia vulgaris | plants | Asteraceae | Mugwort Felon herb Chinese moxa | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | オオヨモギ オウシュウヨモギ マグワート | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Arum maculatum | plants | Araceae | medicinal | 植物 | サトイモ科 | アルム・マクラツム ロード・アンド・レディス マムシアルム マクラティム アルム・マクラトゥム | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | |
Asarum europaeum | plants | Aristolochiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウマノスズクサ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Asparagus albus | plants | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | edible | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | スマイラックス アスパラゴイデス ホワイトアスパラガス アスパラガス・アルブス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Atropa belladonna | plants | Solanaceae | Deadly nightshade Dwale | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | ベラドンナ セイヨウハシリドコロ オオカミナスビ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Avena | plants | Poaceae | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | ||
Berberis vulgaris | plants | Berberidaceae | Common barberry | medicinal | 植物 | メギ科 | セイヨウメギ バーベリー ベルベリス・ウルガリス | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Betula pendula | plants | Betulaceae | Silver birch | medicinal | 植物 | カバノキ科 | シダレカンバ ヨーロッパシラカンバ オウシュウシラカンバ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Betula pendula | plants(young catkins) | Betulaceae | Silver birch | edible | 植物 | カバノキ科 | シダレカンバ ヨーロッパシラカンバ オウシュウシラカンバ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Boletus aereus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ススケイグチタケ ススケヤマドリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus edulis | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ヤマドリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus elegans | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Boletus erythropus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | オオウラベニイロガワリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus luridus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ウラベニイロガワリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus regius | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アケボノヤマドリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus scaber | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ヤマイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus subtomentosus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Bos taurus | meats | Bovidae | beef Cattle | edible | 動物(肉) | ウシ科 | ウシ ギュウニク ワギュウ | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs,Farming Statistics, Provisional crop areas, yields and livestock populations (2014) |
Bryonia alba | plants(root : Starch) | Cucurbitaceae | edible | 植物 | ウリ科 | ブリオニア ブライオニア ブライオニア・アルバ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Butomus umbellatus | plants(root,roots) | Butomaceae | edible | 植物 | ハナイ科 | ハナイ フラワリングラッシュ ハナクサイ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Calocybe gambosa | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 キシメジ科 | ユキワリ ユキタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Calvatia caelata | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | キクメタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Calvatia utriformis | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | キクメタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Camarophyllus pratensis | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | ハダイロガサ オトメノハナガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cantharellus cibarius | mushrooms | Cantharellaceae | edible | キノコ | アンズタケ科 | アンズタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cantharellus infundibuliformis | mushrooms | Cantharellaceae | edible | キノコ | アンズタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Cantharellus tubiformis | mushrooms | Cantharellaceae | edible | キノコ | アンズタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Carlina acanthifolia | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | カルリナ・アカンティフォリア | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | |
Carum carvi | plants | Apiaceae | Caraway | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | キャラウエイシード キャラウェー カルム キャラウェイ ヒメウイキョウ キュンメル | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Celtis tournefortii | plants | Ulmaceae Cannabaceae | edible | 植物 | ニレ科 アサ科 | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | ||
Centaurea cyanus | plants(colouring,vegetable) | Asteraceae | cornflower Blue bottle | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | コーンフラワー ヤグルマギク | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Centaurea cyanus L. | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Sarker,Phytochem.,57,(2001),1273 | ||
Chamaerops humilis | plants | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | チャボトウジュロ ヨーロッパウチワヤシ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Chelidonium majus | plants | Papaveraceae | Greater celandine Swallow wort Tetterwort | medicinal | 植物 | ケシ科 | ヨウシュクサノオウ クサノオウ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Chroogomphus rutilus | mushrooms | Gomphidiaceae | edible | キノコ | オウギタケ科 | クギタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Chrysanthemum balsamita | plants | Asteraceae | edible | 植物 | キク科 | バルサムギク コストマリー | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Cirsium palustre | plants(flower stalks : vegetables) | Asteraceae | edible | 植物 | キク科 | キルシウム・パルストレ マーシュシスル マーシュアザミ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Cistus ladaniferus | plants | Cistaceae | edible | 植物 | ハンニチバナ科 | キスタス・ラダニフェル キスツス・ラダニフェル ラブダナム ロックローズ シトローズ シストローズ シスト シスタス オニカ ラウダナム | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Clavariadelphus pistillaris | mushrooms | Clavariadelphaceae | edible | キノコ | スリコギタケ科 | スリコギタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe geotropa | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | オオイヌシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe gibba | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | カヤタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe infundibuliformis | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | ジョウゴタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe nebularis | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | ハイイロシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe odora | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | アオイヌシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitopilus prunulus | mushrooms | Entolomataceae | edible | キノコ | イッポンシメジ科 | ヒカゲウラベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cnicus benedictus | plants | Asteraceae | Blessed thistle | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | サントリソウ キバナアザミ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Coprinus atramentarius | mushrooms | Psathyrellaceae Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ナヨタケ科 ハラタケ科 | ヒトヨタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Coprinus comatus | mushrooms | Psathyrellaceae Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ナヨタケ科 ハラタケ科 | ササクレヒトヨタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Coriandrum sativum | plants | Apiaceae | Coriander Cilantro | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | コリアンダーシード コリアンダー チュウゴクパセリ コエンドロ シャンツァイ パクチー チャイニーズパセリ コウソウ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Cortinarius praestans | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | ムレオオフウセンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Corylus colurna | plants | Betulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カバノキ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Crataegus monogyna | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | セイヨウサンザシ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | |
Craterellus cornucopioides | mushrooms | Cantharellaceae | edible | キノコ | アンズタケ科 | クロラッパタケ クロウスタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Ctenopharyngodon idellus | seafood | Cyprinidae | grass carp white amur | edible | 魚介類 | コイ科 | ソウギョ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Cyprinus carpio | seafood | Cyprinidae | carp common carp | edible | 魚介類 | コイ科 | コイ マゴイ ヤマトゴイ ノゴイ リクリクギョ サクゴイ ドイツゴイ カワゴイ カガミゴイ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Ephedra distachya | plants | Ephedraceae | Joint fir Ma huang Shrubby horsetail | medicinal | 植物 | マオウ科 | フタマタマオウ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Ephedra distachya | plants | Ephedraceae | Joint fir Ma huang Shrubby horsetail | edible | 植物 | マオウ科 | フタマタマオウ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Equisetum arvense | plants | Equisetaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トクサ科 | スギナ ツクシ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | |
Fagus sylvatica | plants | Fagaceae | Common beech | edible | 植物 | ブナ科 | ヨーロッパブナ セイヨウブナ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Filaginella uliginosa | medicinal | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||||||
Fistulina hepatica | mushrooms | Fistulinaceae | edible | キノコ | カンゾウタケ科 | カンゾウタケ センケツタケ キツネノシタ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Flammulina velutipes | mushrooms | Physalacriaceae Tricholomataceae | Enoki mushrooms enokitake winter mushrooms | edible | キノコ | タマバリタケ科 キシメジ科 | エノキタケ エノキダケ ナメタケ ナメススキ ユキノシタ ナメラッコ フラムリナ・ベルティペス | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Foeniculum vulgaris | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Fragaria ananassa | plants | Rosaceae | Strawberry | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | イチゴ オランダイチゴ | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Frangula alnus | medicinal | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||||||
Fraxinus ornus | plants | Oleaceae | Manna ash | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | マンナトネリコ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Fumaria officinalis | plants | Papaveraceae | Fumitory Earth smoke Wax dolls | medicinal | 植物 | ケシ科 | カラクサケマン フマリアオフィシナリス | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Gentiana lutea | plants | Gentianaceae | Great yellow gentian | medicinal | 植物 | リンドウ科 | ゲンチアナ ゲンティアナ・ルテア | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Geranium macrorrhizum | plants | Geraniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウロソウ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Geranium sanguineum | plants | Geraniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウロソウ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Geum urbanum | plants | Rosaceae | Avens Wood avens Herb Bennet | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | セイヨウダイコンソウ ハーブベネット | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Glaucium flavum | plants | Papaveraceae | medicinal | 植物 | ケシ科 | ツノゲシ イエローホーンドポピー | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | |
Gleditsia triacanthos | plants | Fabaceae | Honey Locust | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | アメリカサイカチ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Glycyrrhiza glabra | plants(flavourant,sweetener) | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | スペインカンゾウ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | |
Gomphidius glutinosus | mushrooms | Gomphidiaceae | edible | キノコ | オウギタケ科 | シロエノクギダケ ヨゴレオウギタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Gomphus clavatus | mushrooms | Gomphaceae | edible | キノコ | ラッパタケ科 | ラッパタケ ハナビララッパタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Gyromitra esculenta | mushrooms | Discinaceae | edible | キノコ | フクロシトネタケ科 | ジャグマアミガサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Gyroporus castaneus | mushrooms | Gyroporaceae | edible | キノコ | クリイロイグチ科 | クリイロイグチ クリイグチ アカタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Gyroporus cyanescens | mushrooms | Gyroporaceae | edible | キノコ | クリイロイグチ科 | アイゾメイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Helichysum arenarium | medicinal | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||||||
Helleborus odorus | medicinal | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||||||
Helvella crispa | mushrooms | Helvellaceae | edible | キノコ | ノボリリュウ科 ノボリリュウタケ科 | ノボリリュウタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Helvella lacunosa | mushrooms | Helvellaceae | edible | キノコ | ノボリリュウ科 ノボリリュウタケ科 | クロノボリリュウタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Heracleum sibiricum | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Herniaria glabra | plants | Caryophyllaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナデシコ科 | コゴメビユ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | |
Hieracium pilosella | plants | Asteraceae | Mouse-ear Hawkweed | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | ハイコウリンタンポポ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Hordeum | plants | Poaceae | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | ||
Hydnum repandum | mushrooms | Hydnaceae | edible | キノコ | カノシタ科 | シロカノシタ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrocybe punicea | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | ヒイロガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus eburneus | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | シロヌメリガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus russula | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | サクラシメジモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hyoscyamus niger | plants | Solanaceae | Henbane Hogbean | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | ヒヨス | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Inula helenium | plants | Asteraceae | Elecampane Scabwort | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | オオグルマ エレキャンペーン | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Juniperus excelsa | plants | Cupressaceae | edible | 植物 | ヒノキ科 | グリークジュニパー | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Kuehneromyces mutabilis | mushrooms | Strophariaceae | edible | キノコ | モエギタケ科 | センボンイチメガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Laccaria amethystina | mushrooms | Hydnangiaceae | edible | キノコ | ヒドナンギウム科 | ウラムラサキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Laccaria laccata | mushrooms | Hydnangiaceae | edible | キノコ | ヒドナンギウム科 | キツネタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius deliciosus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アカハツタケ アカモミタケ近縁 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius piperatus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ツチカブリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius torminosus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | カラハツタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius vellereus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ケシロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius volemus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | チチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Laetiporus sulphureus | mushrooms | Fomitopsidaceae Polyporaceae | edible | キノコ | ツガサルノコシカケ科 サルノコシカケ科 | アイカワタケ ヒラフスベ オオウズラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Langermannia gigantea | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | セイヨウオニフスベ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Leccinum aurantiacum | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アカエノキンチャヤマイグチ アカツブキンチャヤマイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Leccinum scabrum | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ヤマイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Leonurus cardiaca | plants(flavouring,tea) | Lamiaceae | Motherwort | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | ヨウシュメハジキ | Papanov,Phytochemistry,47,(1998),139 |
Lepista nuda | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Lepista personata | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | オオムラサキシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Levisticum officinale | plants(flavouring) | Apiaceae | Lovage Love parsley | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | ラビッジ ロベッジ ラビジ ラベージ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Linaria vulgaris | plants | Scrophulariaceae | Common toadflax | medicinal | 植物 | ゴマノハグサ科 | ホソバウンナン | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Linum usitatissimum | plants | Linaceae | Flax Linseed Flaxseed | medicinal | 植物 | アマ科 | アマ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Lycoperdon caelatum | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Lycoperdon gemmatum | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | キツネノチャブクロ ホコリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lycoperdon perlatum | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | Puffball | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | ホコリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Lycoperdon pyriforme | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | タヌキノチャブクロ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Macrolepiota procera | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | カラカサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Macrolepiota rhacodes | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Malva sylvestris | plants | Malvaceae | Common mallow Blue mallow Heigh mallow | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | マロウブルー ウスベニアオイ ヨアケノティザーヌ サンセットティー ゼニアオイ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Marasmius caryophylleus | mushrooms | Marasmiaceae | edible | キノコ | ホウライタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Marasmius oreades | mushrooms | Marasmiaceae | edible | キノコ | ホウライタケ科 | シバフタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Marasmius scorodonius | mushrooms | Marasmiaceae | edible | キノコ | ホウライタケ科 | ニオイヒメホウライタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Marrubium vulgare | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | ニガハッカ ホアハウンド ホアハウンドホワイト | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | |
Matricaria chamomilla recutita | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Mentha pulegium | plants(flavouring) | Lamiaceae | Pennyroyal | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | ペニーロイヤル | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Menyanthes trifoliata | plants | Menyanthaceae | Bog bean Buckvean Marsh trefoil Buckbean | medicinal | 植物 | ミツガシワ科 | ミツガシワ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Morchella conica | mushrooms | Morchellaceae | edible | キノコ | アミガサタケ科 | トガリアミガサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Morchella esculenta | mushrooms(Cooked vegetable.) | Morchellaceae | Common Morel | edible | キノコ | アミガサタケ科 | トガリアミガサタケ アミガサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Mytilus galloprovincialis | seafood | Mytilidae | blue mussel | edible | 魚介類 | イガイ科 | ムラサキイガイ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Nuphar lutea | plants | Nymphaeaceae | edible | 植物 | スイレン科 | セイヨウコウホネ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | seafood | Salmonidae | rainbow trout steelhead trout | edible | 魚介類 | サケ科 | ニジマス ショマ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Ononis spinosa | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Origanum vulgare | plants(flavouring) | Lamiaceae | Oregano Wild marjoram | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | オレガノ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Ovis aries | meats | Bovidae | sheep | edible | 動物(肉) | ウシ科 | ヒツジ マトン ラム ヨウニク | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs,Farming Statistics, Provisional crop areas, yields and livestock populations (2014) |
Paeoniae peregrina Mill. | medicinal | Kostova,Phytochemistry,47,(1998),1303 | ||||||
Paliurus spina-christi | plants | Rhamnaceae | edible | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | セイヨウハマナツメ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Pastinaca sativa | plants | Apiaceae | Parsnip Wild Parsnip | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | パースニップ アメリカボウフウ シロニンジン サトウニンジン | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Petroselinum crispum | plants | Apiaceae | Parsley | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | パセリ パセリー オランダパセリ | Jane Grigson, Jane Grigson's vegetable book, (1987) ISBN4-309-26256-2 |
Petroselinum hortense | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Pinus sylvestris | plants | Pinaceae | Scots pine | medicinal | 植物 | マツ科 | オウシュウアカマツ ヨーロッパアカマツ セイヨウアカマツ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Pinus sylvestris | plants | Pinaceae | Scots pine | edible | 植物 | マツ科 | オウシュウアカマツ ヨーロッパアカマツ セイヨウアカマツ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Pleurotus ostreatus | mushrooms | Pleurotaceae | oyster mushroom | edible | キノコ | ヒラタケ科 | ヒラタケ アワビタケ ワカイ カンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Pleurotus ostreatus f. salignus | mushrooms | Pleurotaceae | edible | キノコ | ヒラタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Pleurotus ostreatus var. columbinus | mushrooms | Pleurotaceae | edible | キノコ | ヒラタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Pleurotus pulmonarius | mushrooms | Pleurotaceae | edible | キノコ | ヒラタケ科 | ウスヒラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Pluteus cervinus | mushrooms | Pluteaceae | edible | キノコ | ウラベニガサ科 | ウラベニガサ シカタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Polygonum aviculare | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | ミチヤナギ ニワヤナギ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Polygonum aviculare | plants | Polygonaceae | edible | 植物 | タデ科 | ミチヤナギ ニワヤナギ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Polygonum dumetorum | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | ツルタデ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Polygonum dumetorum | plants | Polygonaceae | edible | 植物 | タデ科 | ツルタデ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Polyporus squamosus | mushrooms | Polyporaceae | edible | キノコ | タマチョレイタケ科 サルノコシカケ科 | アミヒラタケ チャウチワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Potamogeton perfoliatus | plants | Potamogetonaceae | edible | 植物 | ヒルムシロ科 | ヒロハノエビモ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Potentilla erecta | plants | Rosaceae | Tormentil Bloodroot | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | タチキジムシロ ポテンティラ・エレクタ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Primula officinalis | plants | Primulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | サクラソウ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum | mushrooms | Exidiaceae Auriculariaceae | Jelly Tooth | edible | キノコ | ヒメキクラゲ科 キクラゲ科 | ニカワハリタケ ネコノシタ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Ptychoverpa bohemica | mushrooms | Morchellaceae | edible | キノコ | アミガサタケ科 | オオズキンカブリ オオズキンカブリ オオズキンカブリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Pulmonaria officinalis | plants | Boraginaceae | Lungwort Jerusalem cowslip Soldiers and sailors | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | ラングワート | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Ramaria aurea | mushrooms | Gomphaceae | edible | キノコ | ラッパタケ科 | コガネホウキタケ 黄金箒茸 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Ramaria botrytis | mushrooms | Gomphaceae | edible | キノコ | ラッパタケ科 | ホウキタケ カブタケ ネズミタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Ramaria flava | mushrooms | Gomphaceae | edible | キノコ | ラッパタケ科 | キホウキタケ 黄箒茸 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Ramaria mairei | mushrooms | Gomphaceae | edible | キノコ | ラッパタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Rhamnus catharticas | plants | Rhamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Rheum palmatum | plants | Polygonaceae | Chinese rhubarb Chinghai rhubarb | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | キンモンダイオウ カラダイオウ ショウヨウダイオウ 掌葉大黄 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Rosa damascena | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | バラ ローズ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | |
Rosmarinus officinalis | plants | Lamiaceae | Rosemary | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | ローズマリー マンネンロウ メイテッコウ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Rosmarinus officinalis | plants(flowers and leaves) | Lamiaceae | Rosemary | edible | 植物 | シソ科 | ローズマリー マンネンロウ メイテッコウ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Rozites caperata | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | ショウゲンジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula alutacea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アカネタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula cyanoxantha | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | カワリハツ ウグイスタケ アオムラサキハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula emetica | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ドクベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula olivacea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | クサイロアカネタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula vesca | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | チギレハツタケ チギレハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula virescens | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アイタケ アオハツ アイヨヘイジ ナツアイタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula xerampelina | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ニオイベニハツ ヤブレベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Ruta graveolens L. | plants | Rutaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | Pollio,J.Ethnopoharmacol.,116,(2008),469 | ||
Sambucus ebulus | plants | Caprifoliaceae | edible | 植物 | スイカズラ科 | サンブクス・エブルス | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Sarcodon imbricatus | mushrooms | Bankeraceae Thelephoraceae | edible | キノコ | マツバハリタケ科 イボタケ科 | シシタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Satureja hortensis | plants(edible) | Lamiaceae | Savory Summer savory | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | セボリー サマー・サボリー サマーサボリー セイボリー キダチハッカ セイバリー | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Schoenoplectus lacustris | plants | Cyperaceae | edible | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | ブルラッシュ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Scleroderma citrinum | mushrooms | Sclerodermataceae | edible | キノコ | ニセショウロ科 | ニセショウロ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Scutiger ovinus | mushrooms | Scutigeraceae | edible | キノコ | ニンギョウタケモドキ科 | ニンギョウタケモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Secale cereale | plants | Poaceae | Rye | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | ライムギ クロムギ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Sideritis scardica | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Silybum marianum | plants | Asteraceae | Blessed thistle Milk thistle | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | マリアアザミ オオアザミ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Solanum nigrum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | イヌホオズキ バカナス | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Solanum nigrum | plants | Solanaceae | edible | 植物 | ナス科 | イヌホオズキ バカナス | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 | |
Solanum tuberosum | plants | Solanaceae | potato | edible | 植物 | ナス科 | ジャガイモ ニドイモ | INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE POTATO 2008 New light on a hidden treasure,(2009)ISBN978-92-5-306142-8 |
Solidago virgaaurea | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Stellaria media | plants(vegetable,garnish) | Caryophyllaceae | Chickweed | medicinal | 植物 | ナデシコ科 | チックウィード コハコベ ハコベ ヒヨコグサ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Suillus bovinus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | アミタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus granulatus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | チチアワタケ ツブアワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus grevillei | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | ハナイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus luteus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | ヌメリイグチ ヌメリイクチ カワムキ ボタイグチ マンジュウタケ イグチナバ ジコウボウ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Teucrium chamaedrys | plants | Lamiaceae | Wall germander | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | ウォールジャーマンダー ジャーマンダー ウォール・ジャーマンダー | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Thlaspi arvense | plants(flower buds,Salad, cooked green, seasoning.) | Brassicaceae | Field Pennycress | edible | 植物 | アブラナ科 | グンバイナズナ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Tribulus terrestris | plants | Zygophyllaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ハマビシ科 | ハマビシ | Medicinal Plants of the World by Ivan A.Ross,Vol.2,ISBN 0-89603-877-7. | |
Tricholoma flavovirens | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | キシメジ キンタケ シモコシ キタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma portentosum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | シモフリシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma terreum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | クマシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholomopsis rutilans | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | サマツモドキ アカゲタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Triticum aestivum | plants | Poaceae | Wheat | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | コムギ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Tussilago farfara | plants | Asteraceae | Coltsfoot | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | コルツフット フキタンポポ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Typha angustifolia | plants(rootstock,spikes,pollens,stalk,Salad, asparagus, cooked vegetable, flour, pickle, potato.) | Typhaceae | Narrow-Leaved Cattail | edible | 植物 | ガマ科 | ヒメガマ ホソバヒメガマ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Typha latifolia | plants(flour,substitute for cornstarch) | Typhaceae | Great reedmace Cat-tale Common Cattail | medicinal | 植物 | ガマ科 | ガマ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Typha latifolia | plants(root,Salad, asparagus, cooked vegetable, flour, pickle, potato. : flour,substitute for cornstarch) | Typhaceae | Great reedmace Cat-tale Common Cattail | edible | 植物 | ガマ科 | ガマ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Urtica dioica | plants | Urticaceae | Stinging nettle Nettle | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | スティンギング・ネットル ネトル セイヨウイラクサ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Urtica dioica | plants(Cooked green, soup, tea.) | Urticaceae | Stinging nettle Nettle | edible | 植物 | イラクサ科 | スティンギング・ネットル ネトル セイヨウイラクサ | E. Magyori, Studies and Papers, 4,(1990),1-30 |
Vaccinium myrtillus | plants | Ericaceae | Bilberry Huckleberry Whortleberry | edible | 植物 | ツツジ科 | ビルベリー セイヨウスノキ | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Veratrum lobelianum | plants | Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Verbascum thapsiforme | plants | Scrophulariaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ゴマノハグサ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Veronica officinalis | plants | Plantaginaceae | Common speedwell Heath speedwell Fluellen | medicinal | 植物 | オオバコ科 | スピードウェル ベロニカ・オフィキナリス | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Verpa conica | mushrooms | Morchellaceae | edible | キノコ | アミガサタケ科 | ズキンカブリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Vinca minor | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 | ||
Viola tricolor | plants | Violaceae | Heartsease Wild pansy | medicinal | 植物 | スミレ科 | サンシキスミレ | Ivancheva,J.Ethnopharmacol.,69,(2000),165 |
Vitis spp. | plants(Fresh fruit, jelly, cold drink, cooked green.) | Vitaceae | Grape Wild Grapes | edible | 植物 | ブドウ科 | ブドウ | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Xerocomus badius | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ニセイロガワリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Xerocomus chrysenteron | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | キッコウアワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Xerocomus subtomentosus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Zea mays | plants(young tassels,pollen,fresh succulent silks : eaten) | Poaceae | Corn Ornamental maize Sweet corn | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | トウモロコシ ナンバンキビ トウキビ ヤングコーン ベビーコーン | Jane Grigson, Jane Grigson's vegetable book, (1987) ISBN4-309-26256-2 |