Republic of India インド共和国 | |
INPUT DATA : Tamarindus indica |
Number of matched data : 4 / Number of edible data : 1 / Number of medicinal data : 3 |
Species Name | UpperClassification (Region ; Classification) | FamilyName | CommonName | Purpose | 大分類(部位 ; 分類) | 科名 | 一般名 | Reference |
Tamarindus indica | plants(young shoots,flowers,leaves,fruits,pods,seeds : vegetable) | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | タマリンド | H. V. Kuhnlein, B. Erasmus, D. Spigelski, Indigenous peoples' food system, (2009) ISBN978-92-5-106071-201 H. V. Kuhnlein, B. Erasmus, D. Spigelski, Indigenous peoples' food system, (2009) ISBN978-92-5-106071-72 U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Tamarindus indica | plants(vegetable) | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | タマリンド | A.Jain et al.,J.Ethnopharmacol.,102,(2005),143 Indian Medicinal Plants by C.P.Khare,ISBN 978-0-387-70637-5 Katewa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,92,(2004),41 P.Mahishi et al.,J.Ethnopharmacol.,98,(2005),307 Ayyanar,J.Ethnopharmacol.,134,(2011),851 | |
Tamarindus indica L. | plants | Fabaceae | Tamarind Indian date | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | タマリンド | Joshi, S.G.,Medicinal Plants,Mohan Primlani for Oxfor & IBH Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd.,New Delhi (2003) Medicinal Plants of the World by Ivan A.Ross,Vol.1,ISBN 1-58829-281-9. |
Tamarindus indica Linn. | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Abani,(2003),Medicinal Plants & Their Uses(1)Published(2003) by ABOSARBangladesh). ISBN 984-415-196-1 |