Republic of Lithuania リトアニア共和国 | |
INPUT DATA : "Republic of Lithuania " All the registration data |
Number of matched data : 81 / Number of edible data : 14 / Number of medicinal data : 67 |
Species Name | UpperClassification (Region ; Classification) | FamilyName | CommonName | Purpose | 大分類(部位 ; 分類) | 科名 | 一般名 | Reference |
Acer platanoides | plants | Aceraceae Sapindaceae | edible | 植物 | カエデ科 ムクロジ科 | ノルウェーカエデ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Achillea millefolium | plants(flavouring) | Asteraceae | Yarrow milfoil soldier's woundwort | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | セイヨウノコギリソウ ヤロウ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Acorus calamus | plants | Araceae Acoraceae | Sweet flag Calamus Myrtle flag | medicinal | 植物 | ショウブ科 | ショウブ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Agrimonia eupatoria | plants(tea) | Rosaceae | Agrimony Sticklewort Cocklebur | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | セイヨウキンミズヒキ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Allium sativum | plants | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | Garlic | edible | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | ニンニク ガーリック オオビル | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Angelica archangelica | plants | Apiaceae | Angelica | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | アンゼリカ セイヨウトウキ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Arctium lapa | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Arctium tomentosum | plants | Asteraceae | Cotton burdock Woolly burdock | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | plants | Ericaceae | Bearberry Mountain box Uva-ursi Kinnikinik | medicinal | 植物 | ツツジ科 | クマコケモモ ウバウルシ ウワウルシ ベアーベリー | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Armoracia rusticana | plants(roots,flowers : condiment) | Brassicaceae | horse radish Horseradish cran cranson raifort | edible | 植物 | アブラナ科 | ホースラディッシュ セイヨウワサビ ワサビダイコン クラン クランソン レフォール レホール | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Arnica montha | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Artemisia absinthium | plants | Asteraceae | Wormwood | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | ニガヨモギ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Artemisia vulgare | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Bidens tripartite | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Bos taurus | meats | Bovidae | beef Cattle | edible | 動物(肉) | ウシ科 | ウシ ギュウニク ワギュウ | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs,Farming Statistics, Provisional crop areas, yields and livestock populations (2014) |
Calluna vulgaris | plants(tea) | Ericaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツツジ科 | ギョリュウモドキ ハイデソウ ヒース ヘザー | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | |
Centhaurium erythraea | medicinal | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||||||
Cetraria isandica | plants | Parmeliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウメノキゴケ科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Chamomilla recutita | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | カモミール カミツレ カミルレ カミレ ゼルマンカミルレ ドイツカミルル カモミラ・レクティタ ジャーマンカモミール | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | |
Chelidonium majus | plants | Papaveraceae | Greater celandine Swallow wort Tetterwort | medicinal | 植物 | ケシ科 | ヨウシュクサノオウ クサノオウ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Cichorium intybus | plants(coffee substitute,inulin,sugar) | Asteraceae | chicory Succory | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | チコリー キクニガナ アンディーブ ベルギーチコリー トレビス レッドチコリー ラディッキオ イタリアンレタス トレビッツ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Convallaria majalis | plants(wine) | Liliaceae | Lily of the valley May lily | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 | スズラン | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Ctenopharyngodon idellus | seafood | Cyprinidae | grass carp white amur | edible | 魚介類 | コイ科 | ソウギョ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Cyprinus carpio | seafood | Cyprinidae | carp common carp | edible | 魚介類 | コイ科 | コイ マゴイ ヤマトゴイ ノゴイ リクリクギョ サクゴイ ドイツゴイ カワゴイ カガミゴイ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Drosera anglica | plants | Droseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | モウセンゴケ科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Epilobium angustifolium | plants(flour,eaten) | Onagraceae | Fireweed | medicinal | 植物 | アカバナ科 | ヤナギラン エピロビウム・アングスティフォリウム | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Equisetum arvense | plants | Equisetaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トクサ科 | スギナ ツクシ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | |
Fillipendula ulmaria | medicinal | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||||||
Fragaria ananassa | plants | Rosaceae | Strawberry | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | イチゴ オランダイチゴ | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Fragaria vesca | plants | Rosaceae | Wood Strawberry Common Strawberry | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | エゾヘビイチゴ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Frangula alnus | medicinal | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||||||
Gentiana cruciata | plants | Gentianaceae | medicinal | 植物 | リンドウ科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Glechoma hederacea | plants | Lamiaceae | Ground ivy alehoof Gill-Over-The-Ground Ground-Ivy | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | カキドオシ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Gnaphalium uliginosum | plants | Asteraceae | Marsh cudweed Low cudweed Cottonweed | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | ヒメチチコグサ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Helichrysum arenarium | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Heracleum sphondylium | plants(young flowers) | Apiaceae | Hogweed Cow parsnip Keck | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | カウパースニップ ホグウィード | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Hermiaria glabra | medicinal | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||||||
Herniaria hirsuta | plants | Caryophyllaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナデシコ科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Humulus lupulus | plants(flavouring) | Cannabaceae | Hop | medicinal | 植物 | アサ科 | ホップ セイヨウカラハナソウ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Hypericum perforatum | plants(edible) | Hypericaceae | Perforate St John's wort Common St John's wort | medicinal | 植物 | オトギリソウ科 | セイヨウオトギリソウ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Inula helenium | plants | Asteraceae | Elecampane Scabwort | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | オオグルマ エレキャンペーン | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Ledum palustre | plants(beverage) | Ericaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツツジ科 | イソツツジ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | |
Leonurus cardiaca | plants(flavouring,tea) | Lamiaceae | Motherwort | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | ヨウシュメハジキ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Lycopodium clavatum | plants | Lycopodiaceae | Stag's horm Clubmoss Ground pine | medicinal | 植物 | ヒカゲノカズラ科 | ヒカゲノカズラ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Malva syvestris | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Mentha longifolia | plants | Lamiaceae | Horsemint European Horsemint | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | ナガバハッカ ホースミント | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Menyanthes trifoliate | plants | Menyanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミツガシワ科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Micromesistius poutassou | seafood | Gadidae | edible | 魚介類 | タラ科 | プタスダラ | Marine Stewardship Council Aug 13 (2014) | |
Oenothera biennis | plants(eaten) | Onagraceae | Common evening primrose | medicinal | 植物 | アカバナ科 | メマツヨイグサ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | seafood | Salmonidae | rainbow trout steelhead trout | edible | 魚介類 | サケ科 | ニジマス ショマ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Origanum vulgare | plants(flavouring) | Lamiaceae | Oregano Wild marjoram | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | オレガノ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Ovis aries | meats | Bovidae | sheep | edible | 動物(肉) | ウシ科 | ヒツジ マトン ラム ヨウニク | Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs,Farming Statistics, Provisional crop areas, yields and livestock populations (2014) |
Pandalus borealis | shrimps, crabs | Pandalidae | edible | 動物(エビ、カニ) | タラバエビ科 | ホッコクアカエビ | Marine Stewardship Council Feb 21 (2013) | |
Petasites officinalis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Plantago arenaria | plants | Plantaginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オオバコ科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Plantago major | plants | Plantaginaceae | Greater plantan Rat-tail plantain Common Plantain | medicinal | 植物 | オオバコ科 | セイヨウオオバコ ヨウシュオオバコ オニオオバコ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Polemonium ceruleum | plants | Polemoniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ハナシノブ科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Polygonum aviculare | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | ミチヤナギ ニワヤナギ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | |
Polygonum bistorta | plants | Polygonaceae | Bistort Snakeweed English serpentary | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | イブキトラノオ 伊吹虎の尾 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Potentlla erecta | medicinal | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||||||
Primula veris | plants | Primulaceae | Cowslip Paigle | medicinal | 植物 | サクラソウ科 | キバナノクリンザクラ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Pulmonaria officinalis | plants | Boraginaceae | Lungwort Jerusalem cowslip Soldiers and sailors | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | ラングワート | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Rubus ideaeus | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Sambucus nigra | plants | Caprifoliaceae | Common elder | medicinal | 植物 | スイカズラ科 | セイヨウニワトコ エルダー | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Solanum tuberosum | plants | Solanaceae | potato | edible | 植物 | ナス科 | ジャガイモ ニドイモ | INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE POTATO 2008 New light on a hidden treasure,(2009)ISBN978-92-5-306142-8 |
Symphytum officinale | plants(coffee substitute) | Boraginaceae | Comfrey Knitbone | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | ヒレハリソウ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Tanacetum vulgare | plants(flavouring) | Asteraceae | Tansy Common Tansy | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | タンジー エゾヨモギギク ヨモギギク エゾノヨモギギク | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Thymus serphyllum | plants(edible) | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | ヨウシュイブキジャコウソウ イブキジャコウソウ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | |
Tillia cordata | medicinal | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||||||
Traxacum officinale | medicinal | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||||||
Tussilago farfara | plants | Asteraceae | Coltsfoot | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | コルツフット フキタンポポ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Urtica dioica | plants | Urticaceae | Stinging nettle Nettle | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | スティンギング・ネットル ネトル セイヨウイラクサ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Vaccinium myrtillus | plants | Ericaceae | Bilberry Huckleberry Whortleberry | medicinal | 植物 | ツツジ科 | ビルベリー セイヨウスノキ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Vaccinium vitis-idaea | plants | Ericaceae | Mountain Cranberry | medicinal | 植物 | ツツジ科 | コケモモ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Valeriana officinalis | plants | Caprifoliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スイカズラ科 | セイヨウカノコソウ ヨウシュカノコソウ ヴァレリアン バレリアン 纈草 けっそう 吉草 きっそう | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | |
Verbascum nigrum | plants | Scrophulariaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ゴマノハグサ科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Viburnum opulus | plants | Adoxaceae | Guelder rose Crampbark | medicinal | 植物 | レンプクソウ科 | カンボク ゲルダー・ローズ セイヨウカンボク | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Viola arvensis | plants | Violaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スミレ科 | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. | ||
Viola tricolor | plants | Violaceae | Heartsease Wild pansy | medicinal | 植物 | スミレ科 | サンシキスミレ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Viscum album | plants | Santalaceae | Mistletoe | medicinal | 植物 | ビャクダン科 | セイヨウヤドリギ オウシュウヤドリギ | Barcevic,Report of a working group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,(2002),European Cooperative programe for crop genetic Resources Networks. |
Vitis spp. | plants(Fresh fruit, jelly, cold drink, cooked green.) | Vitaceae | Grape Wild Grapes | edible | 植物 | ブドウ科 | ブドウ | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |