Russian Federation ロシア連邦 | |
INPUT DATA : "Russian Federation " All the registration data |
Number of matched data : 430 / Number of edible data : 321 / Number of medicinal data : 109 |
Species Name | UpperClassification (Region ; Classification) | FamilyName | CommonName | Purpose | 大分類(部位 ; 分類) | 科名 | 一般名 | Reference |
Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. & Maxim.) Harms. | plants | Araliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウコギ科 | Liu,J.Ethnopharmacol.,118,(2008),495 | ||
Achillea millefolium | plants(flavouring) | Asteraceae | Yarrow milfoil soldier's woundwort | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | セイヨウノコギリソウ ヤロウ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Actinidia polygama | plants | Actinidiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マタタビ科 | マタタビ ナツウメ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Adonis amurensis | plants | Ranunculaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キンポウゲ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Agaricus campestris | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | ハラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Agaricus placomyces | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | ハラタケモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Agaricus silvaticus | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | モリハラタケ モリノハラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Agaricus silvicola | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | シロモリノカサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Agrimonia coreana | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Agrimonia japonica | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Agrimonia pilosa | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | キンミズヒキ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Agriophyllum gobicum | plants | Chenopodiaceae | edible | 植物 | アカザ科 | スルヒル | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Agropyron repens | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | シバムギ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Alaria esculenta | marine algae(Salad, seasoning, soup.) | Alariaceae | Edible Kelp | edible | 海藻 | チガイソ科 アイヌワカメ科 | バダーロックス アイヌワカメ | ケンブリッジ世界の食物史大百科事典2,-主要食物:栽培植物と使用動物ー,三輪睿太郎 監訳 朝倉書店 ISBN4-254-43532-0 |
Alaria pylaii | brown algae | Alariaceae | edible | 褐藻 | チガイソ科 | アラリア・ピライ キャピリアサ スブドゥイツ メクゴメイ | ケンブリッジ世界の食物史大百科事典2,-主要食物:栽培植物と使用動物ー,三輪睿太郎 監訳 朝倉書店 ISBN4-254-43532-0 | |
Aleuria aurantia | mushrooms | Pyronemataceae | edible | キノコ | ピロネマキン科 | ヒイロチャワンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Allium angulosum | plants(bulb,flowers : spice) | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | edible | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | ニラ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Allium fistulosum | plants | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | Bunching onion Welsh onion Scallion | edible | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | ワケギ ネギ ユウザキネブカ ヤマトフトネギ ネブカ ヒトモジ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Allium obliquum | plants(bulb,flowers : spice) | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | edible | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | アリウム・オブリキュウム | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Allium odorum | plants | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | edible | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | ニラ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Allium sativum | plants | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | Garlic | edible | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | ニンニク ガーリック オオビル | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Allium sativum | plants | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | Garlic | medicinal | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | ニンニク ガーリック オオビル | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Allium senescens | plants(young bulbs,leaves,flowers) | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | edible | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | セッカヤマネギ アリウムセネスケンス アリウム・セネスケンス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Allium sphaerocephalum | plants | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | edible | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | タンチョウアリウム タンチョウ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Allium ursinum | plants(flowers) | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | Ramsons | edible | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | ラムソン アリウム・ウルシヌム | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Alnus hirsuta | plants | Betulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カバノキ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Alpinia galanga | plants(rhizome,young shoots,flower buds,opened flowers,young inflorescences : spice,flavouring,food,vegetable) | Zingiberaceae | Galangal Greater galingal Siamese ginger | edible | 植物 | ショウガ科 | リョウキョウ ナンキョウ ナンキョウソウ アルピニア・ガランガ ガランガ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Amanita caesareoides | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | タマゴタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanita crocea | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | コガネツルタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanita muscaria | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | medicinal | キノコ | テングタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Amanita vaginata | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | ツルタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanitia muscaria | medicinal | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||||||
Anethum graveolens | plants(flavouring) | Apiaceae | dill | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | ディル ジル ジラ イノンド | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem. | plants | Araliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウコギ科 | Song,Chem.Pharm.Bull.,48,(2000),838 | ||
Archangelica officinalis | plants | Apiaceae | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | ヨーロッパトウキ アンゼリカ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Arctostaphylos alpina | plants | Ericaceae | edible | 植物 | ツツジ科 | アルパイン・ベアーベリー アルクトスタフィロス・アルピナ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Armillaria mellea | mushrooms | Physalacriaceae Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | タマバリタケ科 キシメジ科 | ナラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Armoracia rusticana | plants(roots,flowers : condiment) | Brassicaceae | horse radish Horseradish cran cranson raifort | edible | 植物 | アブラナ科 | ホースラディッシュ セイヨウワサビ ワサビダイコン クラン クランソン レフォール レホール | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Artemisia maritima | plants | Asteraceae | edible | 植物 | キク科 | ミブヨモギ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Artemisia sieversiana | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | ハイイロヨモギ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Artemisia vulgaris | plants | Asteraceae | Mugwort Felon herb Chinese moxa | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | オオヨモギ オウシュウヨモギ マグワート | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Asparagus officinalis | plants | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | Asparagus | edible | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | アスパラガス マツバウド セイヨウウド オランダキジカクシ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Asparagus verticillatus | plants | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | edible | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | アスパラガス・ベルティシラツス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Atriplex halimus | plants | Chenopodiaceae Amaranthaceae | edible | 植物 | アカザ科 ヒユ科 | ツリー・パースレーン アトリプレックス・ハリムス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Auricularia auricula-judae | mushrooms | Auriculariaceae | edible | キノコ | キクラゲ科 | キクラゲ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Auricularia polytricha | mushrooms | Auriculariaceae | edible | キノコ | キクラゲ科 | アラゲキクラゲ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Avena nuda | plants | Poaceae | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | ハダカエンバク | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Berberis amurensis | plants | Berberidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | メギ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Berberis sibirica | plants | Berberidaceae | edible | 植物 | メギ科 | サンジョウザン シベリアメギ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Bergenia pacifica | medicinal | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||||||
Beta vulgaris vulgaris | plants(root : sugar) | Chenopodiaceae Amaranthaceae | edible | 植物(砂糖) | アカザ科 ヒユ科 | テンサイ | Jane Grigson, Jane Grigson's vegetable book, (1987) ISBN4-309-26256-2 | |
Betula mandshurica | plants | Betulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カバノキ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Bidens frondosa | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Boletinus asiaticus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | ウツロベニハナイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus calopus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アシベニイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus erythropus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | オオウラベニイロガワリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus luridus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ウラベニイロガワリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus regius | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アケボノヤマドリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus versipellis | fungi | Boletaceae | edible | 菌類 | イグチ科 | キンチャヤマイグチ | ケンブリッジ世界の食物史大百科事典2,-主要食物:栽培植物と使用動物ー,三輪睿太郎 監訳 朝倉書店 ISBN4-254-43532-0 | |
Bos taurus | meats | Bovidae | beef Cattle | edible | 動物(肉) | ウシ科 | ウシ ギュウニク ワギュウ | Jane Grigson, Jane Grigson's vegetable book, (1987) ISBN4-309-26256-2 |
Bovista plumbea | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | シバフダンゴタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Brassica campestris | plants(flowers) | Brassicaceae | nozawana | edible | 植物 | アブラナ科 | ツケナ タアサイ キサラギナ オオサカシロナ テンマナ スグキナ カモナ スイグキ パクチョイ パイゲンサイ シャクシナ ホテイナ サジナ ヒロシマナ アキナ ヒラグキナ キョウナ サントウサイ ベカナ タイサイ ミズカケナ カブ カブラ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Brassica juncea | plants | Brassicaceae | Leaf mustard Brown mustard Indian mustard | medicinal | 植物 | アブラナ科 | カラシナ カツオナ ヤマガタセイサイ センダイバショウナ コブタカナ ザーサイ ダイトウサイ ケッキュウタカナ ハガラシ ナガラシ ハカラシナ タカナ オオバガラシ ワサビナ セイヨウカラシナ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Brassica juncea | plants(inflated,fleshy cylindrical taproot) | Brassicaceae | Leaf mustard Brown mustard Indian mustard | edible | 植物 | アブラナ科 | カラシナ カツオナ ヤマガタセイサイ センダイバショウナ コブタカナ ザーサイ ダイトウサイ ケッキュウタカナ ハガラシ ナガラシ ハカラシナ タカナ オオバガラシ ワサビナ セイヨウカラシナ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Brassica oleracea var. capitata | plants | Brassicaceae | edible | 植物 | アブラナ科 | キャベツ | Jane Grigson, Jane Grigson's vegetable book, (1987) ISBN4-309-26256-2 | |
Buchwaldoboletus spectabilis | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Calendula officinalis | plants(seasoning) | Asteraceae | Marigold Pot marigold | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | キンセンカ トウキンセンカ マリーゴールド トウキンセン カレンデュラ ポットマリーゴールド | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Calligonum pallasia | plants | Polygonaceae | edible | 植物 | タデ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Calocybe gambosa | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 キシメジ科 | ユキワリ ユキタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Calvatia excipuliformis | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | アラゲノウタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Calvatia utriformis | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | キクメタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Camarophyllus niveus | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | コオトメノカサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Camarophyllus pratensis | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | ハダイロガサ オトメノハナガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Camelina sativa | plants | Brassicaceae | edible | 植物 | アブラナ科 | カメリナ・サティバ ナガミノアマナズナ ナガミアマナズナ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Cannabis sativa | plants | Cannabaceae | Hemp Marihuana Hasheesh | edible | 植物 | アサ科 | アサ オノミ ヘンプ 大麻 タイマ カンナビス・サティバ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Cantharellus cibarius | mushrooms | Cantharellaceae | edible | キノコ | アンズタケ科 | アンズタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cantharellus floccosus | mushrooms | Cantharellaceae | edible | キノコ | アンズタケ科 | ウスタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Capsella bursa-pastoris | plants | Brassicaceae | Shepherd's purse Witches'pouches pick poket | medicinal | 植物 | アブラナ科 | ナズナ ペンペングサ シャミセングサ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Caragana arborescens | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | オオムレスズメ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Carum carvi | plants(Salad, cooked green, seasoning, cooked vegetable.) | Apiaceae | Caraway | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | キャラウエイシード キャラウェー カルム キャラウェイ ヒメウイキョウ キュンメル | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Catathelasma ventricosum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | オオモミタケ科 キシメジ科 | モミタケ センダイサマツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cervus elaphus L. | meats | Cervidae | medicinal | 動物(肉) | シカ科 | Takito,Medicinal plant,3rd edition (in JPN),Hirokawa Publishing CO.,(2007) | ||
Cervus nippon Temminck | meats | Cervidae | medicinal | 動物(肉) | シカ科 | Takito,Medicinal plant,3rd edition (in JPN),Hirokawa Publishing CO.,(2007) | ||
Chalciporus piperatus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | コショウイグチ カラアミタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Chelidonium majus | plants | Papaveraceae | Greater celandine Swallow wort Tetterwort | medicinal | 植物 | ケシ科 | ヨウシュクサノオウ クサノオウ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Chroogomphus rutilus | mushrooms | Gomphidiaceae | edible | キノコ | オウギタケ科 | クギタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Citrus limon | plants(flavouring,scenting tea) | Rutaceae | lemon limon | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | レモン クエン | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Clavaria purpurea | mushrooms | Clavariaceae | edible | キノコ | シロソウメンタケ科 | ムラサキナギナタタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clavariadelphus pistillaris | mushrooms | Clavariadelphaceae | edible | キノコ | スリコギタケ科 | スリコギタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clavariadelphus sachalinensis | mushrooms | Clavariadelphaceae | edible | キノコ | スリコギタケ科 | カラフトコスリコギタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clavariadelphus truncatus | mushrooms | Clavariadelphaceae | edible | キノコ | スリコギタケ科 | スリコギタケモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clavulina amethystina | mushrooms | Clavulinaceae | edible | キノコ | カレエダタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Clavulina cristata | mushrooms | Clavulinaceae | edible | キノコ | カレエダタケ科 | カレエダタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Claytonia tuberosa | plants(corm : edible) | Portulacaceae | edible | 植物 | スベリヒユ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Clitocybe infundibuliformis | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | ジョウゴタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe nebularis | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | ハイイロシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe odora | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | アオイヌシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe suaveolens | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Clitopilus prunulus | mushrooms | Entolomataceae | edible | キノコ | イッポンシメジ科 | ヒカゲウラベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clupea harengus | seafood | Clupeidae | Atlantic herring | edible | 魚介類 | ニシン科 | タイセイヨウニシン | Marine Stewardship Council Jun 2 (2014) |
Cnicus oleraceus | plants | Asteraceae | edible | 植物 | キク科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Cnicus serratuloides | plants | Asteraceae | edible | 植物 | キク科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Collybia contorta | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Collybia dryophila | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | モリノカレバタケ モリノカサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Convallaria keiskei | plants | Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Coprinus atramentarius | mushrooms | Psathyrellaceae Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ナヨタケ科 ハラタケ科 | ヒトヨタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Coprinus comatus | mushrooms | Psathyrellaceae Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ナヨタケ科 ハラタケ科 | ササクレヒトヨタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Coprinus micaceus | mushrooms | Psathyrellaceae Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ナヨタケ科 ハラタケ科 | キララタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cornus avellana | plants | Cornaceae | edible | 植物 | ミズキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Cortinarius alboviolaceus | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | ウスフジフウセンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cortinarius armeniaus | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Cortinarius armillatus | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | ツバフウセンタケ アシブトツバタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cortinarius collinitus | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | ツバアブラシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cortinarius glaucopus | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | アオアシフウセンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cortinarius orichalceus | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Cortinarius prasinus | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Crataegus maximowiczii | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Crataegus orientalis | plants | Rosaceae | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Crataegus oxyacantha | plants(flowers) | Rosaceae | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | セイヨウサンザシ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Crataegus sanguinea | plants | Rosaceae | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | ベニサンザシ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Craterellus cornucopioides | mushrooms | Cantharellaceae | edible | キノコ | アンズタケ科 | クロラッパタケ クロウスタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Crisium setosum | medicinal | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||||||
Ctenopharyngodon idellus | seafood | Cyprinidae | grass carp white amur | edible | 魚介類 | コイ科 | ソウギョ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Cucumis longipes | plants | Cucurbitaceae | edible | 植物 | ウリ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Cucumis prophetarum | plants | Cucurbitaceae | edible | 植物 | ウリ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Cyprinus carpio | seafood | Cyprinidae | carp common carp | edible | 魚介類 | コイ科 | コイ マゴイ ヤマトゴイ ノゴイ リクリクギョ サクゴイ ドイツゴイ カワゴイ カガミゴイ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Daucus carota subsp. sativus | plants | Apiaceae | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | ニンジン ナニンジン ハタニンジン セリニンジン | Jane Grigson, Jane Grigson's vegetable book, (1987) ISBN4-309-26256-2 | |
Dryopteris amurensis | plants | Dryopteridaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オシダ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Eleutherococcus senticosus | plants(tea) | Araliaceae | Siberian ginseng eleuthero | medicinal | 植物 | ウコギ科 | エゾウコギ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Eleutherococcus senticosus Maximowicz | plants | Araliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウコギ科 | Takito,Medicinal plant,3rd edition (in JPN),Hirokawa Publishing CO.,(2007) | ||
Empetrum nigrum | plants(Fresh or cooked fruit.) | Empetraceae Ericaceae | Black Crowberry | edible | 植物 | ガンコウラン科 ツツジ科 | ガンコウラン セイヨウガンコウラン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Ephedra distachya | plants | Ephedraceae | Joint fir Ma huang Shrubby horsetail | edible | 植物 | マオウ科 | フタマタマオウ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Eremurus spectabilis | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae | edible | 植物 | ススキノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Fagopyron esculentum | medicinal | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||||||
Fagopyrum esculentum | plants(flowers : tea) | Polygonaceae | Buckwheat | edible | 植物 | タデ科 | ソバ キョウバク ソバムギ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Ferula longifolia | plants | Apiaceae | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Filipendula palmata | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Flammulina velutipes | mushrooms | Physalacriaceae Tricholomataceae | Enoki mushrooms enokitake winter mushrooms | edible | キノコ | タマバリタケ科 キシメジ科 | エノキタケ エノキダケ ナメタケ ナメススキ ユキノシタ ナメラッコ フラムリナ・ベルティペス | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Fomes fomentarius | medicinal | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||||||
Fragaria ananassa | plants | Rosaceae | Strawberry | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | イチゴ オランダイチゴ | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Fragaria orientalis | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Fraxinus excelsior | plants | Oleaceae | edible | 植物 | モクセイ科 | セイヨウトネリコ オウシュウトネリコ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Fraxinus mandschurica | plants | Oleaceae | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Gadus morhua | seafood | Gadidae | Atlantic cod | edible | 魚介類 | タラ科 | タイセイヨウマダラ | Marine Stewardship Council Jun 25 (2013) |
Geranium sibiricum | plants | Geraniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウロソウ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Geum allepicum | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Glycine soja | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | ツルマメ ノマメ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Glycyrrhiza asperrima | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Takito,Medicinal plant,3rd edition (in JPN),Hirokawa Publishing CO.,(2007) | ||
Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisher | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Takito,Medicinal plant,3rd edition (in JPN),Hirokawa Publishing CO.,(2007) | ||
Gomphidius maculatus | mushrooms | Gomphidiaceae | edible | キノコ | オウギタケ科 | キオウギダケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Gomphidius purpurascens | mushrooms | Gomphidiaceae | edible | キノコ | オウギタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Gomphus clavatus | mushrooms | Gomphaceae | edible | キノコ | ラッパタケ科 | ラッパタケ ハナビララッパタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Gyromitra ambigua | mushrooms | Discinaceae | edible | キノコ | フクロシトネタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Gyromitra ussuriensis | mushrooms | Discinaceae | edible | キノコ | フクロシトネタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Helvella crispa | mushrooms | Helvellaceae | edible | キノコ | ノボリリュウ科 ノボリリュウタケ科 | ノボリリュウタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Heracleum flavescens | plants | Apiaceae | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Heracleum sphondylium | plants(young flowers) | Apiaceae | Hogweed Cow parsnip Keck | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | カウパースニップ ホグウィード | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Hericium erinaceus | mushrooms | Hericiaceae | edible | キノコ | サンゴハリタケ科 | ヤマブシタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hibiscus syriacus | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | ムクゲ ハチス | Yoo,Phytochemistry,47,(1998),799 | |
Hippophae rhamnoides | plants | Elaeagnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | グミ科 | スナジグミ シーバックソーン | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Humulus lupulus | plants(flavouring) | Cannabaceae | Hop | medicinal | 植物 | アサ科 | ホップ セイヨウカラハナソウ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Hydnotrya tulasnei | mushrooms | Discinaceae | edible | キノコ | フクロシトネタケ科 | クルミタケ クルミタケモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hydnum repandum | mushrooms | Hydnaceae | edible | キノコ | カノシタ科 | シロカノシタ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrocybe cantharellus | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | ベニヒガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrocybe coccinea | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | ベニヤマタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrocybe conica | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | アカヤマタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrocybe laeta | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | ナナイロヌメリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrocybe obrussea | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | オオキヤマタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrocybe psittacina | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | ワカクサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrocybe punicea | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | ヒイロガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrocybe unguinosa | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | アクイロヌメリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus agathosmus | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | ウスチャヌメリガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus camarophyllus | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | ヤギタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus chrysodon | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | ウコンガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus eburneus | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | シロヌメリガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus erubescens | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | オオサクラシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus limacinus | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Hygrophorus lucorum | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | キヌメリガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | マツノコケイロヌメリガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus pudorinus | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | フキサクラシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus russula | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | サクラシメジモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hypericum attenuatum | plants | Hypericaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オトギリソウ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix | seafood | Cyprinidae | edible | 魚介類 | コイ科 | ハクレン | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) | |
Ictalurus punctatus | seafood | Ictaluridae | channel catfish spotted cat | edible | 魚介類 | アメリカナマズ科 | アメリカナマズ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Inonotus obliquus | fungi | Hymenochaetaceae | medicinal | 菌類 | タバコウロコタケ科 | カバノアナタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Inonotus obliquus Pilat | medicinal | Nakajima,Chem.Pharm.Bull.,55,(2007),1222 | ||||||
Iris setosa | plants(rhizomes : source of starch) | Iridaceae | edible | 植物 | アヤメ科 | ヒオウギアヤメ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Juglans manshurica | plants | Juglandaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クルミ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Kuehneromyces mutabilis | mushrooms | Strophariaceae | edible | キノコ | モエギタケ科 | センボンイチメガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Laccaria amethystina | mushrooms | Hydnangiaceae | edible | キノコ | ヒドナンギウム科 | ウラムラサキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Laccaria laccata | mushrooms | Hydnangiaceae | edible | キノコ | ヒドナンギウム科 | キツネタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius chrysorrheus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | キチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius controversus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ケショウシロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius deliciosus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アカハツタケ アカモミタケ近縁 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius flavidulus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | キハツタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius insulsus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | カラハツモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius japonicus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Lactarius necator | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ウグイスチャチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius piperatus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ツチカブリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius pubescens | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | シロカラハツタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius pyrogalus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ウスズミハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius repraesentaneus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | キイロケチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius resimus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Lactarius rufus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アカチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius scrobiculatus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | キカラハツタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 ケンブリッジ世界の食物史大百科事典2,-主要食物:栽培植物と使用動物ー,三輪睿太郎 監訳 朝倉書店 ISBN4-254-43532-0 | |
Lactarius torminosus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | カラハツタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius trivialis | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | キハダチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius uvidus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | トビチャチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius vellereus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ケシロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius volemus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | チチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Laetiporus sulphureus | mushrooms | Fomitopsidaceae Polyporaceae | edible | キノコ | ツガサルノコシカケ科 サルノコシカケ科 | アイカワタケ ヒラフスベ オオウズラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Langermannia gigantea | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | セイヨウオニフスベ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lathyrus tuberosus | plants(root tuber) | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | キュウコンエンドウ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Leccinum aurantiacum | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アカエノキンチャヤマイグチ アカツブキンチャヤマイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Leccinum chromapes | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アケボノアワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Leccinum extremiorientale | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アカヤマドリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Leccinum oxydabile | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Leccinum scabrum | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ヤマイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Leccinum testaceoscabrum | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Ledum macrophyllum | plants | Ericaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツツジ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Leonurus heterophyllus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Lepista glaucocana | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Leucoagaricus leucothites | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | シロカラカサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Leucocortinarius bulbiger | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | ヒダホテイタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Leunurus cardiaca | medicinal | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||||||
Leuzea carthamoides DC. | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Zsuzsanna,J.Nat.Prod.,61,(1998),1298 | ||
Limacella illinita | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | シロヌメリカラカサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Linum usitatissimum | plants | Linaceae | Flax Linseed Flaxseed | edible | 植物 | アマ科 | アマ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Lonicera maackii | plants | Caprifoliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スイカズラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Lycoperdon perlatum | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | Puffball | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | ホコリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Lycoperdon pyriforme | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | タヌキノチャブクロ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lyophyllum connatum | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 | オシロイシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lyophyllum decastes | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 | ハタケシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lyophyllum ulmarium | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 | シロタモギダケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Maackia amurensis | medicinal | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||||||
Macrolepiota procera | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | カラカサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Macrolepiota puellaris | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Marasmius oreades | mushrooms | Marasmiaceae | edible | キノコ | ホウライタケ科 | シバフタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Marasmius scorodonius | mushrooms | Marasmiaceae | edible | キノコ | ホウライタケ科 | ニオイヒメホウライタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Matricaria matricarioides | plants | Asteraceae | Pineapple-Weed | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Matricaria recutita | plants | Asteraceae | Chamomile German chamomile Scented mayweed | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | カモミール カミツレ カミルレ ワイルドカモマイル ジャーマンカモマイル | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Matteuccia struthiopteris | plants(noodle making) | Woodsiaceae | Kogomi | medicinal | 植物 | イワデンダ科 | クサソテツ コゴミ コゴメ カンソウ ガンソウ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Medicago platycarpa | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Melanogrammus aeglefinus | seafood | Gadidae | edible | 魚介類 | タラ科 | モンツキダラ コダラ | Marine Stewardship Council Jun 25 (2013) | |
Melanoleuca brevipes | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | スジエノザラミノシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Melanoleuca grammopodia | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | オオザラミノシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Mentha arvensis L. var. piperacens Malinvaud | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Takito,Medicinal plant,3rd edition (in JPN),Hirokawa Publishing CO.,(2007) | ||
Mentha haplocalyx | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | タイワンハッカ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Microbiota decussata | medicinal | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||||||
Morchella conica | mushrooms | Morchellaceae | edible | キノコ | アミガサタケ科 | トガリアミガサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Morchella esculenta | mushrooms(Cooked vegetable.) | Morchellaceae | Common Morel | edible | キノコ | アミガサタケ科 | トガリアミガサタケ アミガサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Nicotiana tabacum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | タバコ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Nitraria schoberi | plants | Zygophyllaceae | edible | 植物 | ハマビシ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha | seafood | Salmonidae | pink salmon humpback salmon | edible | 魚介類 | サケ科 | カラフトマス | Marine Stewardship Council Jun 6 (2013) Marine Stewardship Council May 9 (2013) |
Oncorhynchus keta | seafood | Salmonidae | chum salmon dog salmon | edible | 魚介類 | サケ科 | サケ シロザケ シロサケ | Marine Stewardship Council Jun 6 (2013) Marine Stewardship Council May 9 (2013) |
Oncorhynchus kisutch | seafood | Salmonidae | coho salmon silver salmon medium red salmon Jack salmon silverside | edible | 魚介類 | サケ科 | ギンザケ ギンマス | Marine Stewardship Council May 9 (2013) |
Oncorhynchus nerka | seafood | Salmonidae | sockeye kokanee red salmon blueback salmon redfish | edible | 魚介類 | サケ科 | ベニザケ ヒメマス | Marine Stewardship Council May 9 (2013) |
Oryza sativa | plants | Poaceae | Rice Sprouting brown rice | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | イネ ゲンマイ ハツガゲンマイ コメ セイハクマイ | FAO of United Nation,XIX ISSUE No. 1 April (2006) |
Otidea onotica | mushrooms | Pyronemataceae | edible | キノコ | ピロネマキン科 | ウスベニミミタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Oudemansiella brunneomarginata | mushrooms | Physalacriaceae Tricholomataceae Marasmiaceae | edible | キノコ | タマバリタケ科 キシメジ科 ホウライタケ科 | フチドリツエタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Oudemansiella mucida | mushrooms | Physalacriaceae Tricholomataceae Marasmiaceae | edible | キノコ | タマバリタケ科 キシメジ科 ホウライタケ科 | ヌメリツバタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Padus asiatica | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Padus maackii | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Paeonia lactiflora | plants(edible) | Paeoniaceae | Chinese peony | medicinal | 植物 | ボタン科 | シャクヤク エビスグサ ハナノサイショウ カショウ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Pandalus borealis | shrimps, crabs | Pandalidae | edible | 動物(エビ、カニ) | タラバエビ科 | ホッコクアカエビ | Marine Stewardship Council Feb 21 (2013) | |
Panellus serotinus | mushrooms | Mycenaceae Tricholomataceae Typhulaceae | Mukitake | edible | キノコ | クヌギタケ科 キシメジ科 ガマノホタケ科 | ムキタケ アワビタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Panicum miliaceum | plants | Poaceae | millet | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | キビ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Patinopecten yessoensis | seafood | Pectinidae | edible | 魚介類 | イタヤガイ科 | ホタテガイ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) | |
Paxillus involutus | mushrooms | Paxillaceae | edible | キノコ | イチョウタケ科 ヒダハタケ科 | ヒダハタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Perca fluviatilis | seafood | Percidae | edible | 魚介類 | ペルカ科 | ヨーロピアンパーチ | Marine Stewardship Council Aug 1 (2014) | |
Petasites japonicus | plants(flower buds : vegetable,condiment) | Asteraceae | Fuki Giant Butterbur Japanese butterbur scape | edible | 植物 | キク科 | フキノトウ フキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Petroselinum crispum | plants | Apiaceae | Parsley | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | パセリ パセリー オランダパセリ | Jane Grigson, Jane Grigson's vegetable book, (1987) ISBN4-309-26256-2 |
Phaeolepiota aurea | mushrooms | Squamanitaceae Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | カブラマツタケ科 ハラタケ科 | コガネタケ キナコタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Phaseolus vulgaris | plants | Fabaceae | common bean Kidney beans sayaingen | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | インゲンマメ サヤインゲン サイトウ シロインゲンマメ シロハナマメ トラマメ ウズラマメ ゴガツササゲ サンドマメ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Phellinus igniarius | mushrooms | Hymenochaetaceae | medicinal | キノコ | タバコウロコタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Phellodendron amurense | plants | Rutaceae | Amur cork tree | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | キハダ 黄檗 黄膚 黄柏 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Pholiota aurivella | mushrooms | Strophariaceae | edible | キノコ | モエギタケ科 | ヌメリスギタケモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Picea excelsa | plants | Pinaceae | edible | 植物 | マツ科 | ヨーロッパトウヒ オウシュウトウヒ 欧州唐檜 ドイツトウヒ ドイツマツ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Picris koreana | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Pimpinella anisum | plants | Apiaceae | Anise Aniseed | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | アニス アニスシード | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Pinus cembra | plants | Pinaceae | edible | 植物 | マツ科 | ヨーロッパハイマツ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Pinus koraiensis | plants | Pinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マツ科 | マツ チョウセンゴヨウ マツノミ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Pinus koraiensis | plants | Pinaceae | edible | 植物 | マツ科 | マツ チョウセンゴヨウ マツノミ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Pinus sibirica Du Tour | plants | Pinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マツ科 | Shikov,J.Nat.Med.,62,(2008),436 | ||
Pinus spp. | plants | Pinaceae | Pines | medicinal | 植物 | マツ科 | Takito,Medicinal plant,3rd edition (in JPN),Hirokawa Publishing CO.,(2007) | |
Plantago major | plants | Plantaginaceae | Greater plantan Rat-tail plantain Common Plantain | medicinal | 植物 | オオバコ科 | セイヨウオオバコ ヨウシュオオバコ オニオオバコ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Pleurotus citrinopileatus | mushrooms | Pleurotaceae | edible | キノコ | ヒラタケ科 | タモギタケ ニレタケ ヒメヒラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Pleurotus ostreatus | mushrooms | Pleurotaceae | oyster mushroom | edible | キノコ | ヒラタケ科 | ヒラタケ アワビタケ ワカイ カンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Plicaria badia | mushrooms | Pezizaceae | edible | キノコ | チャワンタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Pluteus cervinus | mushrooms | Pluteaceae | edible | キノコ | ウラベニガサ科 | ウラベニガサ シカタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Pluteus coccineus | mushrooms | Pluteaceae | edible | キノコ | ウラベニガサ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Polygonatum officinale | plants(leaves,rhizomes) | Asparagaceae | edible | 植物 | キジカクシ科 | アングラーソロモンズシール アマドコロ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Polygonum aviculare | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | ミチヤナギ ニワヤナギ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Polygonum bistorta | plants(rhizomes) | Polygonaceae | Bistort Snakeweed English serpentary | edible | 植物 | タデ科 | イブキトラノオ 伊吹虎の尾 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Polygonum fragrans | plants | Polygonaceae | edible | 植物 | タデ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Polyporus squamosus | mushrooms | Polyporaceae | edible | キノコ | タマチョレイタケ科 サルノコシカケ科 | アミヒラタケ チャウチワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Porphyrellus atrobrunneus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Porphyrellus pseudoscaber | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | クロイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Potentilla rupestris | plants | Rosaceae | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | シロバナロウゲ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Prunus armeniaca | plants | Rosaceae | Apricot Wild apricot | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | アンズ アプリコット カラモモ アンニン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Prunus padus | plants(flowers : edible) | Rosaceae | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | エゾノウワミズザクラ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Prunus sibirica | plants | Rosaceae | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | モウコアンズ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum | mushrooms | Exidiaceae Auriculariaceae | Jelly Tooth | edible | キノコ | ヒメキクラゲ科 キクラゲ科 | ニカワハリタケ ネコノシタ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Psiloboletinus lariceti | mushrooms | Suillaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Pteris aquilina | plants | Pteridaceae | edible | 植物 | イノモトソウ科 | ワラビ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Ptychoverpa bohemica | mushrooms | Morchellaceae | edible | キノコ | アミガサタケ科 | オオズキンカブリ オオズキンカブリ オオズキンカブリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Pyrus aucuparia | plants | Rosaceae | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | ヨーロッパナナカマド セイヨウナナカマド オウシュウナナカマド | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Pyrus malus | plants(Jelly, fruit, cold drink.) | Rosaceae | Domestic Apple | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | リンゴ セイヨウリンゴ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Pyrus prunifolia | plants | Rosaceae | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Quercus mongolica | plants | Fagaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ブナ科 | モンゴリナラ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Ramaria aurea | mushrooms | Gomphaceae | edible | キノコ | ラッパタケ科 | コガネホウキタケ 黄金箒茸 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Ramaria botrytoides | mushrooms | Gomphaceae | edible | キノコ | ラッパタケ科 | コホウキタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Ramaria flava | mushrooms | Gomphaceae | edible | キノコ | ラッパタケ科 | キホウキタケ 黄箒茸 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Ramaria pulcherrima | mushrooms | Gomphaceae | edible | キノコ | ラッパタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Rhaponticum carthamoides | medicinal | Havlik,Phytochemistry,70,(2009),414 | ||||||
Rhaponticum cathamoides(Wild.) | medicinal | Zsuzsanna,J.Nat.Prod.,61,(1998),1298 | ||||||
Rheum rhaponticum | plants(young flower pouch : edible) | Polygonaceae | Rhubarb | edible | 植物 | タデ科 | ルバーブ ショクヨウダイオウ マルバダイオウ パイノキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Rhizopogon roseolus | mushrooms | Rhizopogonaceae | edible | キノコ | ショウロ科 | ショウロ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Rhodiola rosea | plants(roots) | Crassulaceae | edible | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | イワベンケイ ナガバノイワベンケイ | Kylin,Swedish Univ.Agric.Sci.,Masters thesis,(2010) | |
Rhodiola rosea | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | イワベンケイ ナガバノイワベンケイ | Kylin,Swedish Univ.Agric.Sci.,Masters thesis,(2010) | |
Rhodiola rosea L. | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | Ma,Chem.Pharm.Bull.,54,(2006),1229 Rohloff,Phytochem.,59,(2002),655 | ||
Rhododendron mucronulatum | plants | Ericaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツツジ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Rhodophyllus aprilis | mushrooms | Entolomataceae | edible | キノコ | イッポンシメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Rhodophyllus clypeatus | mushrooms | Entolomataceae | edible | キノコ | イッポンシメジ科 | ウメハルシメジ シメジモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Ribes aciculare | plants | Grossulariaceae Saxifragaceae | edible | 植物 | スグリ科 ユキノシタ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Ribes diacantha | plants | Grossulariaceae Saxifragaceae | edible | 植物 | スグリ科 ユキノシタ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Ribes fragrans | plants | Grossulariaceae Saxifragaceae | edible | 植物 | スグリ科 ユキノシタ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Ribes nigrum | plants(edible) | Grossulariaceae Saxifragaceae | Blackcurrant Quinsy berry | medicinal | 植物 | スグリ科 ユキノシタ科 | カシス クロスグリ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Ribes nigrum | plants(flower buds : edible) | Grossulariaceae Saxifragaceae | Blackcurrant Quinsy berry | edible | 植物 | スグリ科 ユキノシタ科 | カシス クロスグリ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Ribes procumbens | plants | Grossulariaceae Saxifragaceae | edible | 植物 | スグリ科 ユキノシタ科 | ハイスグリ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Ribes saxatile | plants | Grossulariaceae Saxifragaceae | edible | 植物 | スグリ科 ユキノシタ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Rosa davurica | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | カラフトイバラ ヤマハマナス | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Rozites caperata | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | ショウゲンジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Rubus crataegifolius | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | クマイチゴ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Rubus idaeus | plants | Rosaceae | Raspberry | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | ラズベリー ヨーロッパキイチゴ フランボワーズ エゾキイチゴ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Rumex crispus | plants | Polygonaceae | Curled dock Yellow dock | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | ナガバギシギシ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Rumex patientia | plants | Polygonaceae | edible | 植物 | タデ科 | マンシュウギシギシ ルメクス・パティエンティア | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Rumex patientia | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | マンシュウギシギシ ルメクス・パティエンティア | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Russula adusta | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | コゲイロハツタケ コゲイロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula aeruginea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | クサイロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula albonigra | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | シロクロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula alutacea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アカネタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula aurata | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ニシキタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula consobrina | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Russula cyanoxantha | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | カワリハツ ウグイスタケ アオムラサキハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula delica | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | シロハツ アイバシロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula emetica | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ドクベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula flava | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | キイロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula foetens | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | クサハツ ヘクソハツ ニギリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula fragilis | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | コベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula olivascens | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | コケイロタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula pectinatoides | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ニセクサハツ クシノハタケモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula punctata | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ムラサキカスリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula vesca | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | チギレハツタケ チギレハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula virescens | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アイタケ アオハツ アイヨヘイジ ナツアイタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula xerampelina | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ニオイベニハツ ヤブレベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Saiga tatarica L. | medicinal | Takito,Medicinal plant,3rd edition (in JPN),Hirokawa Publishing CO.,(2007) | ||||||
Salmo salar | seafood | Salmonidae | Atlantic salmon black salmon | edible | 魚介類 | サケ科 | タイセイヨウサケ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Salmo trutta | seafood | Salmonidae | brown trout trout sea trout black sea trout lake trout | edible | 魚介類 | サケ科 | ブラウントラウト | FAO Fishery Statistics (2010) |
Sarcodon imbricatus | mushrooms | Bankeraceae Thelephoraceae | edible | キノコ | マツバハリタケ科 イボタケ科 | シシタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Sarcodon lobatus | mushrooms | Bankeraceae Thelephoraceae | edible | キノコ | マツバハリタケ科 イボタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Sarcoscypha coccinea | mushrooms | Sarcoscyphaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニチャワンタケ科 | ベニチャワンタケ アカチャワンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Saxifraga crassifolia | plants | Saxifragaceae | edible | 植物 | ユキノシタ科 | シベリアユキノシタ アルタイユキノシタ ナガバユキノシタ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Schisandra chinensis | plants | Schisandraceae | Schisandra | medicinal | 植物 | マツブサ科 | チョウセンゴミシ 朝鮮五味子 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. | plants | Schisandraceae | medicinal | 植物 | マツブサ科 | Takito,Medicinal plant,3rd edition (in JPN),Hirokawa Publishing CO.,(2007) | ||
Scutiger ovinus | mushrooms | Scutigeraceae | edible | キノコ | ニンギョウタケモドキ科 | ニンギョウタケモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Secale cereale | plants | Poaceae | Rye | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | ライムギ クロムギ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Smilacina racemosa | plants(rootstock,Salad, asparagus.) | Liliaceae Asparagaceae | False Solomon's-Seal | edible | 植物 | ユリ科 キジカクシ科 | スミラキナ・ラケモサ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Solanum lycopersicum | plants | Solanaceae | tomato | edible | 植物 | ナス科 | トマト アカナス チェリートマト ミニトマト プチトマト | Jane Grigson, Jane Grigson's vegetable book, (1987) ISBN4-309-26256-2 |
Solanum tuberosum | plants | Solanaceae | potato | edible | 植物 | ナス科 | ジャガイモ ニドイモ | INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE POTATO 2008 New light on a hidden treasure,(2009)ISBN978-92-5-306142-8 |
Sorbaria sorbifolia | medicinal | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||||||
Sorbus amurensis | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Sparassis crispa | mushrooms | Sparassidaceae | edible | キノコ | ハナビラタケ科 | ハナビラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Spiraea salicifolia | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Strobilomyces floccopus | mushrooms | Boletaceae Strobilomycetaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 オニイグチ科 | オニイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Stropharia rugosoannulata | mushrooms | Strophariaceae | edible | キノコ | モエギタケ科 | サケツバタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus abietinus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Suillus americanus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | キヌメリイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus bovinus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | アミタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus cavipes | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | アミハナイグチ ウツロヒダアミタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus granulatus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | チチアワタケ ツブアワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus grevillei | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | ハナイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus luteus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | ヌメリイグチ ヌメリイクチ カワムキ ボタイグチ マンジュウタケ イグチナバ ジコウボウ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus pictus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | ベニハナイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus placidus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | ゴヨウイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus plorans | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Suillus subluteus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | ヌメリツバイグチ クワイロイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus variegatus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Suillus viscidus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | シロヌメリイグチ クロヌメリイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Syringa vulgaris | plants(edible) | Oleaceae | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | ライラック | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Tamarix gallica | plants | Tamaricaceae | edible | 植物 | ギョリュウ科 | タマリクス・ガリカ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Taraxacum mongolicum | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | モウコタンポポ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Taraxacum officinale | plants | Asteraceae | Dandelion Common Dandelion | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | セイヨウタンポポ タンポポ カントウタンポポ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Thalictrum squarrosum | plants | Ranunculaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キンポウゲ科 | Khamidullina,J.Nat.Prod.,62,(1999),1586 | ||
Thea sinensis | plants | Theaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツバキ科 | チャノキ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | |
Theragra chalcogramma | seafood | Gadidae | Alaska pollock | edible | 魚介類 | タラ科 | スケトウダラ | Marine Stewardship Council Jun 19 (2013) |
Thuja occidentalis | plants | Cupressaceae | American arbor-vitae Eastern white cedar | edible | 植物 | ヒノキ科 | ニオイヒバ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Thymus komarovii | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Tilia amurensis | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Tremiscus helvelloides | mushrooms | Exidiaceae | edible | キノコ | ヒメキクラゲ科 | ニカワジョウゴタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma atrosquamosum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | クロゲシメジ ササクレシメジ オオクロゲシメジ クロゲシメヂ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma fulvum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | キヒダマツシメジ ヌメリキシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma orirubens | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | ケショウシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma portentosum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | シモフリシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma terreum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | クマシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholomopsis decora | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | キサマツモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholomopsis rutilans | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | サマツモドキ アカゲタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Trifolium pratense | plants | Fabaceae | Red clover Purple clover | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | アカツメクサ アカクローバー ムラサキツメクサ | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Trifolium repens | plants | Fabaceae | White Clover | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | オランダゲンゲ クローバー シロツメクサ ツメクサ シロクローバー | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Trionyx sinensis | meats | Trionychidae | edible | 動物(肉) | スッポン科 | スッポン | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) | |
Triticum aestivum L. | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | コムギ | Takito,Medicinal plant,3rd edition (in JPN),Hirokawa Publishing CO.,(2007) | |
Triticum spelta | plants | Poaceae | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | スペルタコムギ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Ulmus campestris | plants | Ulmaceae | edible | 植物 | ニレ科 | オウシュウニレ ヨーロッパニレ イギリスハルニレ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Urtica angustifolia | plants | Urticaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Urtica laetevirens | plants | Urticaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Vaccinium praestans | plants | Ericaceae | edible | 植物 | ツツジ科 | イワツツジ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Vaccinium vitis-idaea | plants(Cooked fruit, jelly, drink.) | Ericaceae | Mountain Cranberry | edible | 植物 | ツツジ科 | コケモモ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Valeriana coreana | plants | Caprifoliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スイカズラ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Vicia villosa | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | ビロードクサフジ シラゲクサフジ ケヤハズエンドウ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Viola acuminata | plants | Violaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スミレ科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Viscum coloratum | plants | Santalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ビャクダン科 | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 | ||
Vitis spp. | plants(Fresh fruit, jelly, cold drink, cooked green.) | Vitaceae | Grape Wild Grapes | edible | 植物 | ブドウ科 | ブドウ | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Volvariella speciosa | mushrooms | Pluteaceae | edible | キノコ | ウラベニガサ科 | シロフクロタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Xerocomus badius | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ニセイロガワリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Xerocomus chrysenteron | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | キッコウアワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Xerocomus rubellus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Xerocomus subtomentosus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Zea mays | plants(eaten) | Poaceae | Corn Ornamental maize Sweet corn | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | トウモロコシ ナンバンキビ トウキビ ヤングコーン ベビーコーン | Moskalenko,J.Ethnophamacol.,21,(1987),231 |
Zea mays L. | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | トウモロコシ ナンバンキビ トウキビ ヤングコーン ベビーコーン | Takito,Medicinal plant,3rd edition (in JPN),Hirokawa Publishing CO.,(2007) |