Republic of Singapore シンガポール共和国 | |
INPUT DATA : "Republic of Singapore " All the registration data |
Number of matched data : 331 / Number of edible data : 252 / Number of medicinal data : 79 |
Species Name | UpperClassification (Region ; Classification) | FamilyName | CommonName | Purpose | 大分類(部位 ; 分類) | 科名 | 一般名 | Reference |
Abrus precatorius (L.) Wight. | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Acacia catechu | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | Black catechu | edible | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | アセンヤクノキ ペグノキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Adansonia digitata | plants(tuberous roots,flowers : eaten,flavouring drinks) | Bombacaceae | edible | 植物 | キワタ科 パンヤ科 | アフリカバオバブ バオバブ バオバブノキ サルノパンノキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Adiantum capillus-veneris L. | plants | Adiantaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ホウライシダ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Aegle marmelos | plants(young leaves,young inflorescences,flower infusion : beverage) | Rutaceae | edible | 植物 | ミカン科 | ベルノキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Agapetes saligna | plants | Ericaceae | edible | 植物 | ツツジ科 | カキドオシ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Aglaia edulis | plants | Meliaceae | edible | 植物 | センダン科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Albizia lucida | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Albizia myriophylla | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Allamanda cathartica L. | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Alocasia indica | plants(corm,shoots) | Araceae | edible | 植物 | サトイモ科 | マクロリザ インドクワズイモ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Aloe vera Mill. | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Alpinia striata | plants | Zingiberaceae | edible | 植物 | ショウガ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Amanita virginea | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | ケンブリッジ世界の食物史大百科事典2,-主要食物:栽培植物と使用動物ー,三輪睿太郎 監訳 朝倉書店 ISBN4-254-43532-0 | ||
Amaranthus polygamus | plants | Amaranthaceae | edible | 植物 | ヒユ科 | ハゲイトウ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Amaranthus polystachyus | plants | Amaranthaceae | edible | 植物 | ヒユ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Amomum aromaticum | plants | Zingiberaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ショウガ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Amomum aromaticum | plants | Zingiberaceae | edible | 植物 | ショウガ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Amomum villosum | plants | Zingiberaceae | edible | 植物 | ショウガ科 | ヨウシュンシャ シュクシャ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Amorphophallus lyratus | plants | Araceae | edible | 植物 | サトイモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Andrographis paniculata NEES | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Annona reticulata | plants | Annonaceae | edible | 植物 | バンレイシ科 | ギュウシンリ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Anthocephalus morindaefolius | plants | Rubiaceae | edible | 植物 | アカネ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Antidesma diandrum | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | edible | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Antidesma ghaesembilla | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | edible | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | マオ・カイプラー | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Apocynum reticulatum | plants | Apocynaceae | edible | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Aporosa lindleyana | plants | Euphorbiaceae | edible | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Ardisia elliptica Thunb. | plants | Myrsinaceae Primulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤブコウジ科 サクラソウ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Areca catechu | plants | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | ビンロウジュ ビンロウ アレカ・カテチュ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Areca catechu L. | plants | Arecaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤシ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Arenga pinnata | plants(sap : sugar,alcohol) | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | サトウヤシ | J. Haynes, J. McLaughlin, Fact Sheet MDCE-00-50-1, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, Edible palms and their uses, (2000) | |
Artocarpus hirsuta | plants | Moraceae | edible | 植物 | クワ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Artocarpus integrifolia | plants | Moraceae | edible | 植物 | クワ科 | ジャック・フルーツ ナガミパンノキ パラミツ ジャックフルーツ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Artocarpus lakoocha | plants(male inflorescence acid and astringent) | Moraceae | edible | 植物 | クワ科 | ラクチパンノキ リンゴパンノキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Asparagus acerosus | plants | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | edible | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Asparagus racemosus | plants(fasciculated roots,tuberous roots : vegetable) | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | Shatavari | edible | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | 野生アスパラガス シャタバリ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Asparagus sannentosus | plants | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | edible | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Asplenium nidus L. | plants | Aspleniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | チャセンシダ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Aster tataricus LI fil. | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Averrhoa bilimbi | plants(flowers) | Oxalidaceae | edible | 植物 | カタバミ科 | ナガバノゴレンシ ビリンビ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Averrhoa carambola | plants(flowers) | Oxalidaceae | star fruit carambola | edible | 植物 | カタバミ科 | スターフルーツ ゴレンシ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Azadirachta indica A. Juss. | plants | Meliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | センダン科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Baccaurea dulcis | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | edible | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Baccaurea sapida | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | edible | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | インドメテング | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Bambusa arundinacea | plants | Poaceae | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | バンブサ・アルンジナセア バンブーサ・アルンディナセア | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Bambusa tulda | plants(young rhizomes : vegetable) | Poaceae | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Barringtonia racemosa (L.) Roxb. | plants | Lecythidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | サガリバナ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Bassia butyracea | plants | Chenopodiaceae Amaranthaceae | edible | 植物 | アカザ科 ヒユ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Bassia latifolia | plants(fruits and flowers) | Chenopodiaceae Amaranthaceae | edible | 植物 | アカザ科 ヒユ科 | バシアラチホリア | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Bassia longifolia | plants(fruits and flowers) | Chenopodiaceae Amaranthaceae | edible | 植物 | アカザ科 ヒユ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Bauhinia malabarica | plants(flowers) | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | マラバル・バウヒニア | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Bauhinia purpurea | plants(flower buds,young terminal leaves,stems,flowers,buds : vegetable,potherb) | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | ムラサキモクワンジュ ムラサキソシンカ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Bauhinia purpurea L. | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Bauhinia vahlii | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Bauhinia variegata | plants(young flower buds,young leaves and pods,flowers,young fruits : vegetable,nectar) | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | フイリソシンカ コチョウボク | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Begonia barbata | plants | Begoniaceae | edible | 植物 | シュウカイドウ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Begonia malabarica | plants | Begoniaceae | edible | 植物 | シュウカイドウ科 | ベゴニア・マラバリカ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Berberis aristata | plants(flower buds) | Berberidaceae | edible | 植物 | メギ科 | ベルベリス・アリスタタ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Bixa orellana L. | plants | Bixaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベニノキ科 | ベニノキ リップスティックツリー | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Bombax malabaricum | plants(roots,buds,flowers,stamens : spice,tea) | Malvaceae Bombacaceae | edible | 植物 | キワタ科 アオイ科 パンヤ科 | キワタ ボンバックス・マラバリクム キワタノキ インドキワタノキ インドワタノキ ニセパンヤ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Borassus flabellifer | plants | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | オウギヤシ ウチワヤシ パルミラヤシ シュガーパーム | J. Haynes, J. McLaughlin, Fact Sheet MDCE-00-50-1, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, Edible palms and their uses, (2000) | |
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza | plants | Rhizophoraceae | edible | 植物 | ヒルギ科 | オヒルギ ベニガクヒルギ アカバナヒルギ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Buchanania lancifolia | plants | Anacardiaceae | edible | 植物 | ウルシ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Cajanus indicus | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | キマメ リュウキュウマメ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Calamus paspalanthus | plants | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | カラムス・パスパランツス | J. Haynes, J. McLaughlin, Fact Sheet MDCE-00-50-1, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, Edible palms and their uses, (2000) | |
Calamus rotang | plants(rhizome) | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | ロタントウ | J. Haynes, J. McLaughlin, Fact Sheet MDCE-00-50-1, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, Edible palms and their uses, (2000) U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Callicarpa lanata | plants | Verbenaceae | edible | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Calophyllum inophyllum L. | plants | Calophyllum | medicinal | 植物 | テリハボク科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Cananga odorata (L.) Hook. f. & Th. | plants | Annonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バンレイシ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Canavalia ensiformis | plants(young leaves,flowers) | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | タチナタマメ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Canna coccinea | plants | Cannaceae | edible | 植物 | カンナ科 | ダンドク アカバナダンドク | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Capparis aphylla | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | edible | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Capparis spinosa | plants(flower buds : flavouring) | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | caper | edible | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | ケッパー フウチョウボク カープル ケイパー ケーパー トゲフウチョウボク セイヨウフウチョウボク | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Capsicum annuum L. | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | トウガラシ アンヌウム シシトウ シシトウガラシ アオトウガラシ アマトウガラシ ピーマン パプリカ ヒモトウガラシ ムラサキトウガラシ | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Cardiopteris lobata | plants | Cardiopteridaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマイモモドキ科 | ヤマイモモドキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Carica papaya | plants | Caricaceae | Papaya Pawpaw | edible | 植物 | パパイア科 | パパイア パパイヤ バンカジュ パウパウ ママオ ツリーメロン パパヤ モクカ チチウリ 乳瓜 モクカ 木瓜 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Carum sylvestre | plants | Apiaceae | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Caryota mitis | plants | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | カブダチクジャクヤシ コモチクジャクヤシ | J. Haynes, J. McLaughlin, Fact Sheet MDCE-00-50-1, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, Edible palms and their uses, (2000) | |
Cassia auriculata | plants(flowers,dried flowers : vegetable,coffee substitute) | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Cassia fistula L. | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Caulerpa serrulata | green algae | Caulerpaceae | edible | 緑藻 | イワヅタ科 | ヨレズタ ガルガラクガク | ケンブリッジ世界の食物史大百科事典2,-主要食物:栽培植物と使用動物ー,三輪睿太郎 監訳 朝倉書店 ISBN4-254-43532-0 | |
Celesia argentea L. | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Celtis australis | plants | Ulmaceae Cannabaceae | edible | 植物 | ニレ科 アサ科 | ケルティス・アウストラリス ネトルツリー | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | ツボクサ クツクサ | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. de Padua et al.(1999), Plant Resources of South-East Asia 12,(1) Medicinal and poisonous plants 1, Bogor, Indonesia | |
Cerbera odollam Gaertn. | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Cereus bulbosa | plants | Cactaceae | edible | 植物 | サボテン科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Cereus tuberosa | plants | Cactaceae | edible | 植物 | サボテン科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Chanos chanos | seafood | Chanidae | edible | 魚介類 | サバヒー科 | サバヒー | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) | |
Cicer arietinum | plants | Fabaceae | Chickpea Chick pea | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | ガルバンゾ チックピー ヒヨコマメ ヒヨッコマメ エジプト豆 チャナ豆 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Cinnamomum zeylanicum | plants | Lauraceae | Cinnamon Ceylon cinnamon | edible | 植物 | クスノキ科 | シナモン ニッケイ ケイヒ ニッキ セイロンニッケイ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Cissus quadrangularis L. | plants | Vitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ブドウ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Clausena excavata | plants(young leaves,flowers : flavouring) | Rutaceae | edible | 植物 | ミカン科 | ピンクワンピ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Cleome chelidonii | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | edible | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | ムラサキヒメフウチョウ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Cleome felina | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | edible | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Clinogyne dichotoma | plants | Marantaceae | edible | 植物 | クズウコン科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Cocos nucifera L. | plants(sugar) | Arecaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤシ科 | ココヤシ ホンヤシ ヤシ ココナッツ | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Coix lacryma-jobi L. | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Coleus aromaticus | plants | Lamiaceae | edible | 植物 | シソ科 | アロマチクス キューバンオレガノ コリウス・アロマティカス アロマティカス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Coleus barbatus | plants | Lamiaceae | edible | 植物 | シソ科 | コレウス・バルバツス コリウス・バルバーツス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Coleus spicatus | plants | Lamiaceae | edible | 植物 | シソ科 | スピカーツス コリウス・スピカーツス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Costus speciosus | plants(tuberous rhizomes : food and spice) | Costaceae Zingiberaceae | edible | 植物 | オオホザキアヤメ科 ショウガ科 | フクジンソウ オオホザキアヤメ コスツス・スペキオスス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Crinum asiaticum L. | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Cucumis prophetarum | plants | Cucurbitaceae | edible | 植物 | ウリ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Curcuma amada | plants(rhizome : food,medicine) | Zingiberaceae | edible | 植物 | ショウガ科 | マンゴージンジャー | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Curcuma psoraloides | plants | Zingiberaceae | edible | 植物 | ショウガ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Curcuma rubescens | plants | Zingiberaceae | edible | 植物 | ショウガ科 | クルクマ・ルベスケンス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Cycas circinalis | plants | Cycadaceae | edible | 植物 | ソテツ科 | ナンヨウソテツ シダヤシ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Cynometra cauliflora | plants | Fabaceae Caesalpiniaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 ジャケツイバラ科 | キノメトラ・カウリフロラ ナムナムノキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Cyperus bulbosus | plants(tubers,bulbs : starch) | Cyperaceae | edible | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Dillenia pentagyna | plants(flower buds,flowers : vegetables) | Dilleniaceae | edible | 植物 | ビワモドキ科 | ディレニア・ペンタギナ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Dioscorea daemona | plants | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Dioscorea deltoidea | plants(tubers : food) | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Dioscorea globosa | plants | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | ディオスコレア・グロボーサ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Dioscorea hastifolia | plants(tubers) | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | ディオスコレア・ハスティフォリア | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Dioscorea oppositifolia | plants(tuber) | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | ナガイモ ヤマノイモ ヤマイモ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Dioscorea purpurea | plants | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Dioscorea rubella | plants | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Dioscorea spicata | plants | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Dioscorea tomentosa | plants | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Diospyros chloroxylon | plants | Ebenaceae | edible | 植物 | カキノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Diospyros embryopteris | plants | Ebenaceae | edible | 植物 | カキノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Diospyros melanoxylon | plants | Ebenaceae | edible | 植物 | カキノキ科 | ボンベイコクタン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Diospyros toposia | plants | Ebenaceae | edible | 植物 | カキノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Dobera roxburghii | plants | Salvadoraceae | edible | 植物 | サルバドラ科 サルヴァドラ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Dolichos biflorus | plants(rootstock) | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Dolichos lablab L. | plants(vegetables) | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | フジマメ アジマメ センゴクマメ インゲンマメ | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Dregea volubilis | plants(young shoot,inflorescence) | Apocynaceae Asclepiadaceae | edible | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 ガガイモ科 | クラトゥン・マーバー | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Durio zibethinus | plants(flowers : eaten) | Bombacaceae | durian | edible | 植物 | キワタ科 パンヤ科 | ドリアン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Elaeocarpus munroii | plants | Elaeocarpaceae | edible | 植物 | ホルトノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Eleocharis tuberosa | plants | Cyperaceae | edible | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | オオクログワイ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Elephantopus scaber L. | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Elettaria cardamomum | plants | Zingiberaceae | cardamon cardamom | edible | 植物 | ショウガ科 | カルダモン ショウズク | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Eleusine coracana | plants | Poaceae | Finger millet | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | シコクビエ コウボウビエ チョウセンビエ カラッピエ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Enydra paludosa | plants | Asteraceae | edible | 植物 | キク科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Epinephelus coioides | seafood | Serranidae | edible | 魚介類 | ハタ科 | チャイロマルハタ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) | |
Eugenia acris | plants | Myrtaceae | edible | 植物 | フトモモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Eugenia arnottiana | plants | Myrtaceae | edible | 植物 | フトモモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Eugenia cauliflora | plants | Myrtaceae | edible | 植物 | フトモモ科 | ブラジリアングレープツリー ジャブチカバ ジャボチカ グアペルー ヒバプルー イバプルー サバラ ジャボチカバ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Eugenia macrocarpa | plants | Myrtaceae | edible | 植物 | フトモモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Eugenia oblata | plants | Myrtaceae | edible | 植物 | フトモモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Eugenia revoluta | plants | Myrtaceae | edible | 植物 | フトモモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Eulophia campestris | plants | Orchidaceae | edible | 植物 | ラン科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Eulophia herbacea | plants | Orchidaceae | edible | 植物 | ラン科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Euphorbia hirta L. | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Eurycoma longifolia Jack | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Eurycoma longifolia Jack. | medicinal | Bedir,Chem.Pharm.Bull.,51,(2003),1301 | ||||||
Feronia elephantum | plants | Rutaceae | edible | 植物 | ミカン科 | ナガエミカン ウッドアップル | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Ficus benghalensis | plants | Moraceae | edible | 植物 | クワ科 | ベンガルボダイジュ バンヤンジュ ガジュマル | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Ficus palmata | plants | Moraceae | edible | 植物 | クワ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Ficus religiosa | plants | Moraceae | edible | 植物 | クワ科 | インドボダイジュ テンジクボダイジュ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Flacourtia cataphracta | plants | Flacourtiaceae | edible | 植物 | イイギリ科 | フラクールティア | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Flacourtia montana | plants | Flacourtiaceae | edible | 植物 | イイギリ科 | フラクールティア | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Flacourtia ramontchi | plants | Flacourtiaceae | edible | 植物 | イイギリ科 | テンジクイヌカンコ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Flacourtia sepiaria | plants | Flacourtiaceae | edible | 植物 | イイギリ科 | テンジクイヌカンコ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Flemingia leucopyms | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Flemingia tuberosa | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Garcinia cambogia | plants | Clusiaceae | edible | 植物 | フクギ科 | ガルニシアカンポジア インディアンデイト ゴラカ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Garcinia cornea | plants | Clusiaceae | edible | 植物 | フクギ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Garcinia cowa | plants | Clusiaceae | edible | 植物 | フクギ科 | コワガンボジ ガルシニアコワ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Garcinia indica | plants | Clusiaceae | edible | 植物 | フクギ科 | ガルシニアインディカ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Garcinia mangostana | plants | Clusiaceae | Mangosteen | edible | 植物 | フクギ科 | マンゴスチン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Garcinia morella | plants | Clusiaceae | edible | 植物 | フクギ科 | カンボウジノキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Garcinia xanthochymus | plants | Clusiaceae | edible | 植物 | フクギ科 | タマゴノキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Gardenia gummifera | plants | Rubiaceae | edible | 植物 | アカネ科 | クチナシ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Garuga pinnata | plants | Burseraceae | edible | 植物 | カンラン科 | ガルガ インドテルグ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Glycine soja | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | ツルマメ ノマメ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Gracilaria lichenoides | marine algae | Gracilariaceae | edible | 海藻 | オゴノリ科 | カタオゴノリ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Grewia asiatica | plants | Tiliaceae | edible | 植物 | シナノキ科 | インドウオトリギ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Grewia pilosa | plants | Tiliaceae | edible | 植物 | シナノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Grewia populifolia | plants | Tiliaceae | edible | 植物 | シナノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Grewia salvifolia | plants | Tiliaceae | edible | 植物 | シナノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Grewia villosa | plants | Tiliaceae | edible | 植物 | シナノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Gymnema lactiferum | plants | Apocynaceae Asclepiadaceae | edible | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 ガガイモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Hibiscus grahamii | plants | Malvaceae | edible | 植物 | アオイ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Hibiscus hirtus | plants | Malvaceae | edible | 植物 | アオイ科 | ヒビスクスヒルツス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Hibiscus micranthus | plants | Malvaceae | edible | 植物 | アオイ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Hibiscus mutabilis L. | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Hibiscus tiliaceus L. | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Hypophthalmichthys nobilis | seafood | Cyprinidae | edible | 魚介類 | コイ科 | コクレン | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) | |
Imbricaria malabarica | plants | Sapotaceae | edible | 植物 | アカテツ科 | サオ ワイルドディリー ワイルドサポディラ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Impatiens balsamina L. | plants | Balsaminaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツリフネソウ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | チガヤ チバナ | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Ipomoea batatas | plants | Convolvulaceae | Sweet potato | edible | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | サツマイモ カンショ カライモ リュウキュウイモ シモンイモ シロサツマイモ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) Sweet | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Ixora chinensis L. | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Jatropha curcas L. | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Juniperus chinensis L. | plants | Cupressaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒノキ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Kaempferia galanga L. | plants | Zingiberaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ショウガ科 | バンウコン | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Kandelia rheedii | plants | Rhizophoraceae | edible | 植物 | ヒルギ科 | メヒルギ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Kedrostis rostrata | plants | Cucurbitaceae | edible | 植物 | ウリ科 | ケドロスティスロストラータ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Kleinhovia hospita | plants(flowers) | Sterculiaceae | edible | 植物 | アオギリ科 | フウセンアカメガシワ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Lagerstroemia parviflora | plants | Lythraceae | edible | 植物 | ミソハギ科 | バナバ オオバナサルスベリ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Lantana camara L. | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Lates calcarifer | seafood | Latidae | baramundi seabass | edible | 魚介類 | アカメ科 | ミナミアカメ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Lethocerus indicus | insects(imagoes, eggs : insects) | Belostomatidae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫,卵 : ) | コオイムシ科 | タイワンタガメ | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | |
Lonicera japonica Thunb. | plants | Caprifoliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スイカズラ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Macrobrachium rosenbergii | shrimps, crabs | Palaemonidae | edible | 動物(エビ、カニ) | テナガエビ科 | オニテナガエビ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) | |
Maesa indica | plants | Primulaceae | edible | 植物 | サクラソウ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Mangifera foetida | plants | Anacardiaceae | edible | 植物 | ウルシ科 | ホースマンゴー | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Mangifera indica L. | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | マンゴー アンラ アンマラ | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Manihot esculenta Crantz | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Melaleuca cajuputi Roxb. | plants | Myrtaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Melastoma malabathricum L. | plants | Melastomataceae | medicinal | 植物 | ノボタン科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Melia azadirachta | plants | Meliaceae | edible | 植物 | センダン科 | センダン オウチ アミノキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Melocanna bambusoides | plants | Poaceae | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Mentha arvensis L. | plants(edible) | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | コーンミント ヨウシュハッカ | de Padua et al.(1999), Plant Resources of South-East Asia 12,(1) Medicinal and poisonous plants 1, Bogor, Indonesia | |
Mesua ferrea | plants(flowers) | Calophyllaceae Hypericaceae | edible | 植物 | テリハボク科 オトギリソウ科 | テツザイノキ セイロンテツボク ローズウッド タガヤサン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Metroxylon laeve | plants | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Metroxylon rumphii | plants | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | トゲサゴ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Mimosa pudica L. | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Mimusops elengi | plants | Sapotaceae | edible | 植物 | アカテツ科 | ミサキノハナ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Mimusops hexandra | plants | Sapotaceae | edible | 植物 | アカテツ科 | セイロンアイロンウッド | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Mirabilis jalapa L. | plants | Nyctaginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オシロイバナ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Momordica dioica | plants | Cucurbitaceae | edible | 植物 | ウリ科 | カックロール | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Morinda citrifolia | plants | Rubiaceae | Indian mulberry Awl tree Cheese fruit | edible | 植物 | アカネ科 | ヤエヤマアオキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Morinda citrifolia L. | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | ヤエヤマアオキ | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Morinda tinctoria | plants | Rubiaceae | edible | 植物 | アカネ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Moringa concanensis | plants | Moringaceae | edible | 植物 | ワサビノキ科 | モリンガコンカネンシス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Mucuna capitata | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | フウキマメ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Mucuna gigantea | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | ワニグチモダマ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Mucuna monosperma | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Mugil cephalus | seafood | Mugilidae | striped mullet black mullet bully mullet jumper stringer | edible | 魚介類 | ボラ科 | ボラ マボラ マクチ クロメ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Musa sapientum | plants | Musaceae | Banana | edible | 植物 | バショウ科 | バナナ クッキングバナナ リョウリバショウ ミバショウ ゴシャクバナナ 五尺バナナ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Myristica fragrans | plants | Myristicaceae | Nutmeg Jatiphala | medicinal | 植物 | ニクズク科 | ナツメグ ニクズク メース | Medicinal Plants of the World by Ivan A.Ross,Vol.2,ISBN 0-89603-877-7. |
Myristica fragrans | plants | Myristicaceae | Nutmeg Jatiphala | edible | 植物 | ニクズク科 | ナツメグ ニクズク メース | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Nasturtium indicum | plants | Brassicaceae | edible | 植物 | アブラナ科 | ノウゼンハレン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. | plants(flavouring tea,starch) | Nelumbonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ハス科 | ハス レンコン カヨウ レンボウ グウセツ レンシシン レンシ レンシュ | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Nephelium lappaceum | plants | Sapindaceae | Rambutan | edible | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | ランブータン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Nephelium lappaceum L. | plants | Sapindaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Nephelium longana | plants | Sapindaceae | edible | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | リュウガン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Nephelium rimosum | plants | Sapindaceae | edible | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Nerium oleander L. | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Nypa fruticans | plants(inflorescence) | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | ニッパヤシ | J. Haynes and J. Mclaughlin, Edible palms and their uses, Fact Sheet MDCE-00-50 of the UF/Miami-Dade County Extension office (2000) K.Tsuji et al., Sains Malaysiana 40, (2011),1407-1412 U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Ochrocarpos longifolius | plants | Hypericaceae | edible | 植物 | オトギリソウ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Ocimum gratissimum | plants | Lamiaceae | East indian basil Tree basil Fever plant | edible | 植物 | シソ科 | マンジェリコン バナトゥルシー ツリーバジル インドメボウキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Oenanthe stolonifera | plants | Apiaceae | edible | 植物 | セリ科 | セリ ネジログサ カワナ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Ophiopogon japonicus Ker-Gawler | plants | Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Orthosiphon rubicundus | plants | Lamiaceae | edible | 植物 | シソ科 | オルシソンルビクンデュス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Osyris arborea | plants | Santalaceae | edible | 植物 | ビャクダン科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Oxalis corniculata L. | plants | Oxalidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カタバミ科 | de Padua et al.(1999), Plant Resources of South-East Asia 12,(1) Medicinal and poisonous plants 1, Bogor, Indonesia | ||
Pachyrhizus angulatus | plants(root) | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Paederia foetida | plants(roots,young leaves,flowers : vegetables) | Rubiaceae | edible | 植物 | アカネ科 | ヘクソカズラ ヤイトバナ サオトメバナ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Panicum decompositum | plants | Poaceae | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Peltophorum pterocarpum Backer ex K. Heyne | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Penaeus monodon | shrimps, crabs | Penaeidae | black tiger prawn | edible | 動物(エビ、カニ) | クルマエビ科 | ウシエビ ブラックタイガー | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Phaseolus aconitifolius | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | モスビーン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Phaseolus adenanthus | plants(roots) | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Phaseolus calcaratus | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | ツルアズキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Phoenix acaulis | plants | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | チャボナツメヤシ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Phoenix humilis | plants | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | フェニクス・フミリス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Phoenix pusilla | plants | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | ヒメナツメヤシモドキ オオカミヤシ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Phoenix sylvestris | plants(sap from inflorescence stalk : palm sugar) | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | サトウナツメヤシ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Phyllanthus amarus Schum and Thonn. | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Phyllanthus distichus | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | edible | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | ナンヨウユカン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Pinanga dicksonii | plants | Arecaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤシ科 | ピナンガ・ディクソニー | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Piper betle | plants | Piperaceae | Betel | edible | 植物 | コショウ科 | ベテル キンマ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Piper nigrum L. | plants | Piperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コショウ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Piper sarmentosum | plants(infructescene : spice) | Piperaceae | edible | 植物 | コショウ科 | ハイゴショウ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Piper sarmentosum Roxb. | plants | Piperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コショウ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Piper sylvaticum | plants | Piperaceae | edible | 植物 | コショウ科 | ピペル・シルヴァティクム ピペル・シルバティクム | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Pisonia alba | plants | Nyctaginaceae | edible | 植物 | オシロイバナ科 | トゲミウドノキ サラダノキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Pithecellobium bigeminum | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | ピセセロビウム・ビゲミナム アカハダノキ タマザキゴウカン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Plantago major L. | plants | Plantaginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オオバコ科 | セイヨウオオバコ ヨウシュオオバコ オニオオバコ | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Polyalthia cerasoides | plants | Annonaceae | edible | 植物 | バンレイシ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Pouzolzia viminea | plants(bark : powder) | Urticaceae | edible | 植物 | イラクサ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Premna integrifolia | plants | Verbenaceae | edible | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | タイワンウオクサギ ケウオクサギ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Premna latifolia | plants | Verbenaceae | edible | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Prosopis spicigera | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Pterygota alata | plants | Sterculiaceae Malvaceae | edible | 植物 | アオギリ科 アオイ科 | ブッダ・ココナッツ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Punica granatum L. | plants(eaten) | Punicaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ザクロ科 | ザクロ | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Randia uliginosa | plants | Rubiaceae | edible | 植物 | アカネ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Rhododendron arboreum | plants(flowers,petals) | Ericaceae | edible | 植物 | ツツジ科 | ロードデンドロン・アルボレウム ロドデンドロン・アルボレウム | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa | plants | Myrtaceae | edible | 植物 | フトモモ科 | テンニンカ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk. | plants | Myrtaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Rhoeo spathacea (Sw.) Stearn | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Ricinus communis L. | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Ruta graveolens L. | plants | Rutaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Saccharum officinarum | plants | Poaceae | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | サトウキビ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Saccharum officinarum L. | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Saccharum sara | plants | Poaceae | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Sageretia oppositifolia | plants | Rhamnaceae | edible | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Salacia roxburghii | plants | Celastraceae | edible | 植物 | ニシキギ科 | サラシア・ロクスブルギイ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Salicornia brachiata | plants | Chenopodiaceae | edible | 植物 | アカザ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Salvadora persica | plants | Salvadoraceae | Toothbrush tree Salt bush Mustard tree | edible | 植物 | サルヴァドラ科 | サルバドル・ペルシカ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Salvia indica | plants | Lamiaceae | edible | 植物 | シソ科 | サルビア・インディカ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Sapium indicum | plants | Euphorbiaceae | edible | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Sarcostemma brevistigma | plants | Asclepiadaceae | edible | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Sarcostemma intermedium | plants | Asclepiadaceae | edible | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Scirpus articulatus | plants | Cyperaceae | edible | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Scirpus grossus | plants(roots : bread(flour)) | Cyperaceae | edible | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | オオサンカクイ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Sesbania grandiflora | plants(flowers,young fruits,young leaves and pods,the shoots : vegetable) | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | シロゴチョウ 白胡蝶 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Sideroxylon tomentosum | plants | Sapotaceae | edible | 植物 | アカテツ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Solanum nigrum L. | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | イヌホオズキ バカナス | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Sonneratia acida | plants | Lythraceae | edible | 植物 | ミソハギ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Spilanthes acmella | plants(young leaves,flower heads,flowers) | Asteraceae | edible | 植物 | キク科 | オランダセンニチ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Sterculia urens | plants(roots) | Malvaceae | edible | 植物 | アオイ科 | カラヤゴムノキ カラヤガム | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Strychnos potatorum | plants | Loganiaceae | edible | 植物 | マチン科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Swietenia macrophylla King | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Tacca dubia | plants | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Tacca palmata | plants | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | タッカ・パルマータ タッカ・パルマタ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Terminalia arjuna | plants | Combretaceae | edible | 植物 | シクンシ科 | アルジュナ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Terminalia catappa L. | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Terminalia citrina | plants | Combretaceae | edible | 植物 | シクンシ科 | ビンガス | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Termitomyces albuminosus | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 | オオシロアリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Testudinaria elephantipes | plants | Dioscoreaceae | edible | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | キッコウリュウ 亀甲竜 ツルカメソウ 蔓亀草 ゾウノアシソウ 象趾草 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Theligonum cynocrambe | plants | Rubiaceae | edible | 植物 | アカネ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) Schum. | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Tinospra crispa (L.) Diels | medicinal | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||||||
Typha elephantina | plants(pollens) | Typhaceae | edible | 植物 | ガマ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Uncaria gambir | plants | Rubiaceae | edible | 植物 | アカネ科 | ガンビールノキ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Uvaria zeylanica | plants | Annonaceae | edible | 植物 | バンレイシ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Vateria indica | plants | Dipterocarpaceae | edible | 植物 | フタバガキ科 | タンガル | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Vigna catjang | plants | Fabaceae | edible | 植物 | マメ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Vitex rotundifolia L. f. | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | ||
Vitis elongata | plants | Vitaceae | edible | 植物 | ブドウ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Vitis indica | plants | Vitaceae | edible | 植物 | ブドウ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Vitis latifolia | plants | Vitaceae | edible | 植物 | ブドウ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Zanthoxylum rhetsa | plants | Rutaceae | edible | 植物 | ミカン科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Zingiber officinale Rosc. | plants(flavouring) | Zingiberaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ショウガ科 | ショウガ | Ling,A guide to medicinal plants,(2009),World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. | |
Zingiber zerumbet | plants(rhizomes,flower buds : vegetable,flavouring) | Zingiberaceae | edible | 植物 | ショウガ科 | ランプヤン | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Zizyphus jujuba | plants | Rhamnaceae | edible | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | ナツメ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Zizyphus napeca | plants | Rhamnaceae | edible | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Zizyphus rotundifolia | plants | Rhamnaceae | edible | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Zizyphus rugosa | plants | Rhamnaceae | edible | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Zizyphus xylopyrus | plants | Rhamnaceae | edible | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |