The Kingdom of Thailand

INPUT DATA : Cucurbita pepo

Number of matched data : 9 / Number of edible data : 8 / Number of medicinal data : 1
Species NameUpperClassification
(Region ; Classification)
FamilyNameCommonName Purpose大分類(部位 ; 分類)科名一般名Reference
Cucurbita pepo Linn.
plantsCucurbitaceaemedicinal植物ウリ科Herb Encyclopedia of Thai, ISBN 974-277-385-8
Cucurbita pepo var. clypeata
plantsCucurbitaceaeedible植物ウリ科Thai common and scientific name of vegetables, Maejo University
Cucurbita pepo var. condensa
plantsCucurbitaceaeedible植物ウリ科Thai common and scientific name of vegetables, Maejo University
Cucurbita pepo var. cylindrica
plantsCucurbitaceaeedible植物ウリ科ズッキーニThai common and scientific name of vegetables, Maejo University
Cucurbita pepo var. ionga
plantsCucurbitaceaeedible植物ウリ科Thai common and scientific name of vegetables, Maejo University
Cucurbita pepo var. pepo
plantsCucurbitaceaeedible植物ウリ科Thai common and scientific name of vegetables, Maejo University
Cucurbita pepo var. recticollis
plantsCucurbitaceaeedible植物ウリ科Thai common and scientific name of vegetables, Maejo University
Cucurbita pepo var. torticollis
plantsCucurbitaceaeedible植物ウリ科Thai common and scientific name of vegetables, Maejo University
Cucurbita pepo var. turbinata
plantsCucurbitaceaeedible植物ウリ科ドングリカボチャThai common and scientific name of vegetables, Maejo University
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