Republic of Uganda ウガンダ共和国 | |
Number of matched data : 1888 / Number of edible data : 33 / Number of medicinal data : 1855 |
Species Name | UpperClassification (Region ; Classification) | FamilyName | CommonName | Purpose | 大分類(部位 ; 分類) | 科名 | 一般名 | Reference |
Abrus precatoius L. | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Abrus precatorius | plants(vegetables) | Fabaceae | Jequirity Crab's eye Indian liquorice | medicinal | 植物(野菜) | マメ科 | トウアズキ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Abrus schimperi | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Abutilon angulatum | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Abutilon fruticosum | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Abutilon grandiflorum | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Abutilon hirtum | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Abutilon mauritianum | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Abutilon racemosum | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia abyssinica | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Acacia albida | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia brevispica | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia bussei | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia clavigera | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia comphylacantha | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Acacia drepanolobium | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia elatior | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia etbaica | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia fischeri | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia gerrardii | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia hockii | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Acacia kirkii | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia lahai | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia macrothyrsa | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Acacia mearnsii | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Acacia mellifera | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia nilotica | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | アラビアゴムモドキ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Acacia nubica | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia oerfota | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Acacia polyacantha | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Acacia reficiens | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia senegal | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | Gum arabic | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | アラビアゴムノキ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Acacia seyal | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | アカシア・セイヤル アカシア・セヤル | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | |
Acacia seyal var.fistula | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Acacia sieberiana | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acacia spirocarpa | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Acacia tortilis | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | アカシア・トルティリス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Acacia xanthophloea | plants | Mimosaceae Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ネムノキ科 マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acalypha bipartita | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Acalypha ciliata | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acalypha engleri | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acalypha fruticosa | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acalypha indica | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acalypha manniana | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Acalypha neptunica | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acalypha ornata | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acalypha psilostachya | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acalypha racemosa | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acalypha villicaulis | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Acalypha volkensii | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acanthospermum glabratum | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acanthotermes acanthothorax | insects(insects) | Termitidae | edible | 昆虫類(昆虫) | シロアリ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Acanthus eminens | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acanthus pubescens | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Acheta bimaculata | insects(imagoes : insects) | Gryllidae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫 : ) | コオロギ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Achyranthes aspera | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | ケイノコヅチ アキランテス・アスペラ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Achyropsis lanicepsis | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Achyrospermum carvalhoi | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Achyrospermum radicans | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acmella caulirhiza | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acmella caulorrhiza | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||
Acokanthera oppositifolia | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Acokanthera schimperi | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Adansonia digitata | plants(eaten,flavouring drinks) | Bombacaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キワタ科 パンヤ科 | アフリカバオバブ バオバブ バオバブノキ サルノパンノキ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Adenia cissampeloides | plants | Passifloraceae | medicinal | 植物 | トケイソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Adenia gummifera | plants | Passifloraceae | medicinal | 植物 | トケイソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Adenia keramanthus | plants | Passifloraceae | medicinal | 植物 | トケイソウ科 | アデニア・ケラマンサス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Adenia volkensii | plants | Passifloraceae | medicinal | 植物 | トケイソウ科 | アデニア・ボルケンシー | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Adenium obesum | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | アデニウム・オベスム | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Adenostemma caffra | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Adenostemma viscosum | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Adrenocarpus mannii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Aeolanthus repens | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Aeolanthus zanzibaricus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aerangis thomsonii | plants | Orchidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aerva javanica | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aerva lanata | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | ポルパラ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Aerva leucura | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aeschynomene abyssinica | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aeschynomene rubrofarinacea | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aeschynomene schimperi | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aframomum alboviolaceum | plants | Zingiberaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ショウガ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Aframomum angustifolium | plants | Zingiberaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ショウガ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aframomum sanguineum | plants | Zingiberaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ショウガ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Aframomum zambesiacum | plants | Zingiberaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ショウガ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Afrosersalisia cerasifera | plants | Sapotaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカテツ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Afrosersalisia kaessneri | plants | Sapotaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカテツ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Afzelia quanzensis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Agaricus bingensis | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Agathisanthemum bojeri | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Agave sisalana | plants | Asparagaceae Agavaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キジカクシ科 リュウゼツラン科 | サイザルアサ シザルアサ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Agelaea pentagyna | plants | Connaraceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメモドキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Agelanthus brunneus | plants | Loranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オオバヤドリギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Agelanthus longipes | plants | Loranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オオバヤドリギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Agelanthus sansibarensis | plants | Loranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オオバヤドリギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Agelanthus scassellattii | plants | Loranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オオバヤドリギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ageratum conyzoides | plants(scenting) | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | カッコウアザミ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | |
Agrocharis incognita | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ajuga alba | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Ajuga integrifolia | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Alangium chinense | plants | Cornaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミズキ科 | シナウリノキ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | |
Albizia amara | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | アルビジア | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Albizia anthelmintica | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Albizia cf.malacophylla | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Albizia coriaria | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Albizia grandibracteata | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Albizia gummifera | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Albizia petersiana | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Albizia schimperiana | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Albizia versicolor | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Albizia zimmermannii | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Albizia zygia | plants | Fabaceae Mimosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 ネムノキ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Albuca abyssinica | plants | Liliaceae Amaryllidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 ヒヤシンス科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Albuca wakefieldii | plants | Liliaceae Amaryllidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 ヒヤシンス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Alchornea cordifolia | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Alchornea hirtella | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Alchornea laxiflora | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Alectra sessilijlora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Alepidea peduncularis | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Allanblackia stuhlmannii | plants | Clusiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フクギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Allium cepa | plants | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | Onion | medicinal | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | タマネギ ハタマネギ スカーリオン プチオニオン ペコロス エシャロット エスカロール シャロット ベルギー・エシャロット ヤグラタマネギ エジプシアン・オニオン ツリー・オニオン | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Allium sativum | plants | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | Garlic | medicinal | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | ニンニク ガーリック オオビル | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 |
Allophylus abyssinica | plants | Sapindaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Allophylus africanus | plants | Sapindaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Allophylus pervillei | plants | Sapindaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Allophylus rubifolius | plants | Sapindaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe ballyi | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe dawei | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe flexilifolia | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe kilifiensis | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe lateritia | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe myriacantha | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe nutii | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe rabaiensis | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe schweinfurthii | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe secundiflora | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe spp. | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aloe tweediae | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Aloe volkensii | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Aloe wollastoni | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ススキノキ科 ツルボラン科 ユリ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Alstonia boonei | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Alternanthera sessilis | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | ツルノゲイトウ ホシノゲイトウ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Alternanthera tenella | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | アルターナンテラ・テネラ サングイナリア | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Alysicarpus glumaceus | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Alysicarpus vaginalis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Amaranthus caudatus | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | ヒモゲイトウ アマランサス・カウダツス センニンコク スギモリゲイトウ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Amaranthus cf.spinosus | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Amaranthus hybridus | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | ホナガアオゲイトウ ホソアオゲイトウ アマランツス・ヒブリドゥス | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Amaranthus spinosus | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | ハリビユ | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | |
Amaranthus tricolor | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | ハゲイトウ ヒユ ヒョウ ヒョウナ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Ammannia prieureana | plants | Lythraceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミソハギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ammocharis tinneana | plants | Amaryllidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ampelocissus africana | plants | Vitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ブドウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ananas comosus | plants | Bromeliaceae | pineapple | medicinal | 植物 | パイナップル科 | パイナップル パインアップル アナナス | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 |
Ancylobothrys petersiana | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aneilema aequinoctiale | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aneilema leiocaule | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aneilema petersii | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Angraecum dives | plants | Orchidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Anisopappus africanus | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Anisopappus chinensis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Anisotes dumosus | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Annona senegalensis | plants | Annonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バンレイシ科 | アンノナ・セネガレンシス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Ansellia africana | plants | Orchidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ラン科 | アンセリア・アフリカナ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Anthericum subpetiolatum | plants | Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Antherotoma naudinii | plants | Melastomataceae | medicinal | 植物 | ノボタン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Antherotoma senegambiensis | plants | Melastomataceae | medicinal | 植物 | ノボタン科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Anthriscus sylvestris | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | シャク ヤマニンジン コジャク ワイルドチャービル | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Antiaris toxicaria | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | ウパスノキ | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | |
Antidesma membranaceum | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Antidesma venosum | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aoranthe penduliflora | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aphloia theiformis | plants | Aphloiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アフロイア科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Apodytes dimidiata | plants | Metteniusaceae | white pear umDakane | medicinal | 植物 | メッテニウサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Aporrhiza paniculata | plants | Sapindaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ardisiandra sibthorpioides | plants | Primulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | サクラソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Argemone mexicana | plants | Papaveraceae | medicinal | 植物 | ケシ科 | アザミゲシ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Aristolochia bracteolata | plants | Aristolochiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウマノスズクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aristolochia elegans | plants | Aristolochiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウマノスズクサ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Aristolochia hockii | plants | Aristolochiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウマノスズクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Armillaria mellea | mushrooms | Physalacriaceae Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | タマバリタケ科 キシメジ科 | ナラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Artabotrys modestus | plants | Annonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バンレイシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Artemisia afra | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Asclepias physocarpa | plants | Asclepiadaceae Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 キョウチクトウ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Asparagus africanus | plants | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Asparagus buchananii | plants | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Asparagus falcatus | plants | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Asparagus flagellaris | plants | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Asparagus racemosus | plants(vegetable) | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | Shatavari | medicinal | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | 野生アスパラガス シャタバリ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Asparagus setaceus | plants | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Asparagus spp. | plants | Asparagaceae Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クサスギカズラ科 キジカクシ科 ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Aspilia africana | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Aspilia kotschi | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Aspilia kotschyi | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Aspilia mossambicensis | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Aspilia pluriseta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Asplenium loxoscaphoides | plants | Aspleniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | チャセンシダ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Asteranthe asterias | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Astragalus atropilosulus | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Astripomoea grantii | medicinal | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Astripomoea hyoscyamoides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Astripomoea malvacea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Asystasia gangetica | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | コロマンソウ アシスタシア・ガンゲティカ セキドウサクラソウ ツノグサ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | |
Asystasta gangetica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Asystasta mysorensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Asytasia schimperi | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Avicennia marina | plants | Acanthaceae Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 クマツヅラ科 ヒルギダマシ科 | ヒルギダマシ ヤナギバヒルギ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Azadirachta indica | plants(eaten) | Meliaceae | Neem nimba margosa | medicinal | 植物 | センダン科 | インドセンダン ニームノキ マルゴサノキ ニーム | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 |
Azanza garckeana | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | アザンザ・ガルケアナ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Azima tetracantha | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Bacopa crenata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Balanites aegyptiaca | plants | Zygophyllaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ハマビシ科 | バラニテス・アエギプティアカ バラニテス ザックーム | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Balanites orbicularis | plants | Zygophyllaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ハマビシ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Balanites pedicellaris | plants | Zygophyllaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ハマビシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Balanites rotundifolia | plants | Zygophyllaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ハマビシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Balanites rotundifolius | plants | Zygophyllaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ハマビシ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Baleria acanthoides | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Barleria acanthoides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Barringtonia racemosa | plants | Lecythidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | サガリバナ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Basella alba | plants | Basellaceae | Indian spinach Malabar spinach Malabar nightshade | medicinal | 植物 | ツルムラサキ科 | ツルムラサキ バセラ フジナ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Basilicum polystachyon | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Bauhinia kalantha | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Begonia oxyloba | plants | Begoniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シュウカイドウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Berberis holstii | plants | Berberidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | メギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Berchemia discolor | plants | Rhamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | ベルケルミア・ディスコロル | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Berkheya bipinnatifida | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Berkheya spekeana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Bersama abyssinica | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Bidens grantii | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Bidens kilimandscharica | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Bidens magnifolia | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Bidens pilosa | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Bidens pilosa L. | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | コセンダングサ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | |
Bidens schimperi | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Bidens whytei | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Biophytum petersianum | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Blepharis maderaspatensis | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Blepharis pratensis | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Blepharispermum zanguebaricum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Blighia unijugata | plants | Sapindaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Blumea alata | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Blumea axillaris | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Blumea perottetiana | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Boerhavia diffusa | plants | Nyctaginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オシロイバナ科 | ナハカノコソウ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Boerhavia paludosa | plants | Nyctaginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オシロイバナ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Bombax rhodognaphalon | plants | Malvaceae Bombacaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キワタ科 アオイ科 パンヤ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Bonamia mossambicensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Bonamia poranoides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Bonatea steudneri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Boscia angustifolia | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Boscia coriacea | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Boscia salicifolia | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Boswellia neglecta | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | ボスウェリア・ネグレクタ フランキンセンス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Bothriocline longipes | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Bothriocline ugandensis | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Brachiaria brizantha | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Brachystegia spiciformis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Brachystephanus holstii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Brachytrupes membranaceus | insects(imagoes : insects) | Gryllidae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫 : ) | コオロギ科 | アフリカオオコオロギ | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | |
Brackenridgea zanguebarica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Brassica carinata | plants | Brassicaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アブラナ科 | アビシニアガラシ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Brassica oleracea | plants | Brassicaceae | cauliflower broccoli | medicinal | 植物 | アブラナ科 | カリフラワー ハナキャベツ ハナヤサイ ブロッコリー キャベツ カンラン タマナ レッドキャベツ ケール リョクヨウカンラン ハゴロモカンラン ハボタン コールラビ キュウケイカンラン カブカンラン プチヴェール メキャベツ コモチカンラン ヒメカンラン ヒメキャベツ ヤセイカンラン ワイルドキャベツ ハナランカン | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 |
Brexia madagascariensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Bridelia cathartica | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Bridelia fischeri | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Bridelia micrantha | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Bridelia niedenzui | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Bridelia scleroneura | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Bridelia taitensis | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Brilantaisia owariensis | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Brillantaisia kirungae | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Brucea antidysenterica | plants | Simaroubaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ニガキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Brugmansia candida | medicinal | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||||||
Buchnera nuttii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Budleia polystachya | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Bulbostylis pusilla | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Butyrospermum paradoxum | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Cadaba farinosa | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | カダバ・ファリノーサ カダバ・ファリノサ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Cadaba glandulosa | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cadaba kirkiii | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Caesalpinia decapetala | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Caesalpinia volkensii | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cajanus cajan | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | キマメ リュウキュウマメ | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Callistemon citrinus | plants | Myrtaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Calodendrum capense | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Calophyllum inophyllum | plants | Calophyllum | medicinal | 植物 | テリハボク科 | テリハボク ヒイタマナ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Calotropis procera | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Calvoa orientalis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Canarium schweinfurthii | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | アフリカカンラン アイエレ アベルの木 アベル | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | |
Canarium shweinfurthii | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Canavalia ensiformis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | タチナタマメ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Cannabis sativa | plants | Cannabaceae | Hemp Marihuana Hasheesh | medicinal | 植物 | アサ科 | アサ オノミ ヘンプ 大麻 タイマ カンナビス・サティバ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Canthium keniense | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Canthium lactescens | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Canthium setiflorum | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Capparis cartilaginea | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Capparis erythrocarpos | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Capparis fascicularis | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Capparis sepiaria | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Capparis tomentosa | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Capsicum annuum L. | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | トウガラシ アンヌウム シシトウ シシトウガラシ アオトウガラシ アマトウガラシ ピーマン パプリカ ヒモトウガラシ ムラサキトウガラシ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | |
Capsicum frutescens | plants | Solanaceae | Tabasco pepper Hot pepper Spur pepper | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | ピーマン コーレーグース シマトウガラシ カイエンヌ キダチトウガラシ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Capsicum frutescens L. | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | ピーマン コーレーグース シマトウガラシ カイエンヌ キダチトウガラシ | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | |
Capurnia aurea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Caralluma dummeri | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Caralluma flava | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Caralluma speciosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cardiospermum corindum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cardiospermum grandiflorum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Cardiospermum halicacabum | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Carduus kikuyorum | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Carica papaya | plants | Caricaceae | Papaya Pawpaw | medicinal | 植物 | パパイア科 | パパイア パパイヤ バンカジュ パウパウ ママオ ツリーメロン パパヤ モクカ チチウリ 乳瓜 モクカ 木瓜 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Carica papaya L. | plants | Caricaceae | medicinal | 植物 | パパイア科 | パパイア パパイヤ バンカジュ パウパウ ママオ ツリーメロン パパヤ モクカ チチウリ 乳瓜 モクカ 木瓜 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | |
Carissa edulis | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | カリッサ・エデュリス | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Carissa spinarum | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia abbreviata | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia absus | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia afrofistula | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia alata | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Cassia angolensis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia burttii | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia didymobotrya | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Cassia falcinella | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia fallacina | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia italia | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia kirkii | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia mimosoides | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia nigricans | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassia occidentalis | plants(vegetable) | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | ハブソウ クサセンナ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Cassia siamea | plants(vegetable) | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | タガヤサンノキ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Cassia sieberiana | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cassipourrea mollis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cassitha filiformis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Catha edulis | plants | Celastraceae | medicinal | 植物 | ニシキギ科 | カート アラビアチャノキ チャット | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Catharanthus roseus | plants | Apocynaceae | Madagascar periwinkle Rosy periwinkle Cayenne jasmine | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | ニチニチソウ ニチニチカ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Catunaregam nilotica | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Catunaregam spinosa | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | ハリザクロ ハリクチナシ サボンノキ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Caylusea abyssinica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cayratia gracilis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cayratia ibuensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Celosia anthelmintica | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Celosia hastata | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Celosia schweinfurthiana | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Celosia stuhlmaniana | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Celosia trigyna | plants | Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Celtis africana | plants | Ulmaceae Cannabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ニレ科 アサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||
Celtis philippensis | plants | Ulmaceae Cannabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ニレ科 アサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Centella asiatica | plants | Apiaceae | Gotu kola Indian pennywort Tiger grass | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | ツボクサ クツクサ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 |
Ceratotheca sesamoides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ceropegia brevirostris | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ceropegia stenantha | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Chaetacme aristata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Chamaecrista nigricans | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Chaoborus anomalus | insects(imagoes : insects) | Chaoboridae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫 : ) | ケヨソイカ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Chaoborus edulis | insects(imagoes : insects) | Chaoboridae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫 : ) | ケヨソイカ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Chaoborus pallidipes | insects(imagoes : insects) | Chaoboridae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫 : ) | ケヨソイカ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Chasmanthera dependens | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Chassalia albiflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Chassalia umbraticola | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Chazaliella abrupta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Chenopodium ambroisioides | plants | Chenopodiaceae Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカザ科 ヒユ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Chenopodium ambrosioides | plants | Chenopodiaceae Amaranthaceae | Wormseed Mexican tea epazote Mexican-Tea | medicinal | 植物 | アカザ科 ヒユ科 | アリタソウ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Chenopodium opulifolium | plants | Chenopodiaceae Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカザ科 ヒユ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Chenopodium procerum | plants | Chenopodiaceae Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカザ科 ヒユ科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Chenopodium schraderanum | plants | Chenopodiaceae Amaranthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカザ科 ヒユ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Chionanthus battiscombei | plants | Oleaceae | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Chionanthus niloticus | plants | Oleaceae | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Chloris gayana | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Chloris virgata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Chlorophytum comosus | plants | Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Chlorophytum suffruticosum | plants | Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Chrysanthellum indicum | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Cissampelos mucronata | plants | Menispermaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツヅラフジ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Cissampelos pareira | plants | Menispermaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツヅラフジ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cissampelos truncata | plants | Menispermaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツヅラフジ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cissus adenocaulis | plants | Vitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ブドウ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Cissus cactiformis | plants | Vitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ブドウ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Cissus cornifolia | plants | Vitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ブドウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cissus oliveri | plants | Vitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ブドウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cissus quadrangularis | plants | Vitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ブドウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Cissus rotundifolia | plants | Vitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ブドウ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Cissus trothae | plants | Vitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ブドウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Citropsis articulata | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Citrus aurantifolia | plants | Rutaceae | lime | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | ライム メキシカンライム | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Citrus aurantium | plants(flavouring,scenting tea) | Rutaceae | Bitter orange Seville orange Sour orange | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | ダイダイ サワーオレンジ ビターオレンジ キジツ キコク | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Citrus limon | plants(flavouring,scenting tea) | Rutaceae | lemon limon | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | レモン クエン | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Citrus sinensis | plants(vegetable,tea) | Rutaceae | Valencia orange Blood Orange | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | オレンジ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Clarias gariepinus | seafood | Clariidae | edible | 魚介類 | ヒレナマズ科 | アフリカンクララ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) | |
Clausena anisata | plants | Rutaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Clematis brachiata | plants | Ranunculaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キンポウゲ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clematis hirsuta | plants | Ranunculaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キンポウゲ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Clematis simensis | plants | Ranunculaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キンポウゲ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clematopsis scabiosifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cleome gynandra | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | フウチョウソウ ヨウカクソウ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Cleome hirta | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cleome monophylla | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Cleome usambarica | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clerodendrom ugandense | medicinal | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||||||
Clerodendrum acerbianum | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clerodendrum capitatum | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Clerodendrum eriophyllum | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clerodendrum fuscum | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Clerodendrum incisum | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clerodendrum johnstonii | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clerodendrum myricoides | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Clerodendrum robustum | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clerodendrum rotundifolium | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clerodendrum sansibarense | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clerodendrum umbellatum | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clerodendrum uncinatum | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Clerodendrum wallii | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Clutia abyssinica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Clutia robusta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cluytia abyssinica | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Coccinia adoensis | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Coccinia grandis | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | ヤサイカラスウリ アイビーゴード コッキニア・グランディス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Cocculus hirsutus | plants | Menispermaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツヅラフジ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Coffea arabica | plants | Rubiaceae | Coffee Arabian coffee | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | コーヒー コーヒーノキ アラビアコーヒー アラビカコーヒーノキ アラビアコーヒーノキ | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Coffea canephora | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Coffea cenophora | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Coffea eugenioides | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Coffea sp. | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Coleus comosus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Combretum apiculatum | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum collinum | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Combretum constrictum | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum exalatum | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum fragrans | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum hereroense | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum longispicatum | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum molle | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Combretum mossambicense | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum padoides | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum paniculatum | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum pentagonum | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum schumannii | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum xanthothyrsum | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Combretum zeyheri | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commelina africana | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | コンメリナ・アフリカナ コメリナ・アフリカナ コメリナ・アフリカーナ コムメリナ・アフリカーナ キバナツユクサ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | |
Commelina benghalensis | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | マルバツユクサ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Commelina erecta | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||
Commelina forskalaei | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commelina imberbis | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commelina latifolia | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commelina petersii | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Commicarpus plumbagineus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Commiphora africana | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | コミフォラ・アフリカナ コンミフォラ・アフリカーナ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Commiphora campestris | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commiphora edulis | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commiphora eminii | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commiphora erlangeriana | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commiphora habessinica | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Commiphora madagascariensis | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commiphora pseudopaolii | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commiphora pteleifolia | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commiphora rostrata | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Commiphora schimperi | plants | Burseraceae | medicinal | 植物 | カンラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Conostomium quadrangulare | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Conyza adolfi-fridericii | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Conyza attenuata | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Conyza bonariensis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Conyza floribunda | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Conyza newii | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Conyza pyrrhopappa | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Conyza stricta | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Conyza sumatrensis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Corallocarpus boehmii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Corchorus olitorius | plants | Malvaceae Tiliaceae | mulukhiyya nalta jute tossa jute | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 シナノキ科 | モロヘイヤ シマツナソ タイワンツナソ トロロナ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Corchorus olitorius var.incifolius | plants | Malvaceae Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 シナノキ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Corchorus tridens | plants | Malvaceae Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 シナノキ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Corchorus trilocularis | plants | Malvaceae Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cordia africana | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cordia monoica | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cordia quercifolia | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cordia sinensis | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | コルディア・シネンシス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Cordyla densiflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Corymborkis corymbosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Costus spectabilis | plants | Costaceae Zingiberaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オオホザキアヤメ科 ショウガ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cotula abyssinica | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Cotyledon Barbeyi | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crabbea velutina | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Crassocephalum biafrae | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Crassocephalum cf.crepidioides | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Crassocephalum cf.montuossum | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Crassocephalum crepidioides | medicinal | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Crassocephalum montuosum | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Crassocephalum picridifolium | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Crassocephalum rubens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Crassocephalum sacrobasis | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Crassocephalum vitelinum | medicinal | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||||||
Crassocephalum vitellinum | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Crassula granvikii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Craterispermum schweinfurthii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Craterostigma plantagineum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Crateva adansonii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cremaspora triflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Crepis carbonaria | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crinum macowanii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Crossandra nilotica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Crossopteryx febrifuga | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Crotalaria aculeata | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Crotalaria agathiflora | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Crotalaria agatiflora | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria axillaris | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria brevidens | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria cleomifolia | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria deserticola | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria emarginata | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria glauca | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Crotalaria goodiformis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria goreensis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria incana | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Crotalaria incana L. | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Crotalaria laburnifolia | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria mauensis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria mesopontica | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Crotalaria natalitia | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Crotalaria pallida | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria quartiniana | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria retusa | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Crotalaria spinosa | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Croton dichogamus | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Croton jatrophoides | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Croton macrostachys | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Croton macrostachyus | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Croton megalocarpus | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Croton menyhartii | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Croton polytrichus | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Croton pseudopulchellus | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Croton sylvaticus | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cryptocarya liebertiana | plants | Lauraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クスノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cryptolepis sanguinolenta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Cucumella engleri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cucumis aculeatus | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cucumis dipsaceus | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | ククミス・ディプサケウス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Cucumis ficifolius | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cucumis figarei | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cucurbita maxima | plants | Cucurbitaceae | Pumpkin Squash Winter squash | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | セイヨウカボチャ クリカボチャ ナンキン トウナス ナタワレカボチャ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Cucurbita pepo | plants(vegetables) | Cucurbitaceae | zucchini | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | ズッキーニ ポンキン ツルナシカボチャ イタリアンスカッシュ サマースカッシュ キンシウリ ソウメンカボチャ ソウメンウリ イトカボチャ ペポカボチャ | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 |
Culcasia falcifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cupressus lusitanica | medicinal | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Curtilla africana | insects(larvae, imagoes : insects) | Acrididae | edible | 昆虫類(幼虫,成虫 : ) | バッタ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Cussonia arborea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cussonia holstiii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cussonia kirkii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cussonia spicata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cussonia zimmermannii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cyanotis arachnoidea | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cyanotis barbata | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cyanotis lanata | plants | Commelinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツユクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cyathea stuhlmannii | plants | Cyatheaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヘゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cyathogyne bussei | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cyathula cylindrica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cyathula lanceolata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cyathula orthacantha | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cyathula polycephala | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cyathula uncinulata | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cycnium adonense | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cycnium herzfeldianum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cycnium tubulosum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cycnium veronicifolium | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cylicomorpha parviflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cymbopogon citratus | plants | Poaceae | Lemon grass | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | レモングラス コウスイガヤ レモンソウ メリッサグラス | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Cymbopogon nardus | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | コウスイガヤ シトロネラソウ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | |
Cynanchum altiscandens | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cynanchum defoliascens | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cynodon dactylon | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | ギョウギシバ バミューダグラス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Cynoglossum amplifolium | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||
Cynoglossum coeruleum | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cyperus articulatus | plants | Cyperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cyperus blysmoides | plants | Cyperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cyperus fischerianus | plants | Cyperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Cyperus involucratus | plants | Cyperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cyperus latifolius | plants | Cyperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Cyperus obtustiflorus | plants | Cyperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cyperus papyrus | plants | Cyperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | パピルス カミガヤツリ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Cyperus renschii | plants | Cyperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Cyperus rotundus | plants(famine food,wheat flour) | Cyperaceae | Nut grass Sedge root Coco grass | medicinal | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | ハマスゲ コウブシ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 |
Cyphostemma adenocaule | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Cyphostemma cyphopetalum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Cyphostemma engleri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cyphostemma grahamii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cyphostemma knittelii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cyphostemma pachyanthium | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cyphostemma serpens | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Cyphostemma ukerewense | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Cyrtacanthacris septemfasciata | insects(larvae, imagoes : insects) | Acrididae | edible | 昆虫類(幼虫,成虫 : ) | バッタ科 | アカトビバッタ | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | |
Dactyloctenium aegyptium | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | タツノツメガヤ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | |
Dalbergia boehmii | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dalbergia lactea | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dalbergia melanoxylon | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dalbergia nitidula | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dalbergia vaccinifolia | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dalbergiella nyasae | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dalechampia scandens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Danais xanthorrhoea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dasyphaera tomentosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Datura metel | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | チョウセンアサガオ マンダラゲ キチガイナスビ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Datura stramonium | plants | Solanaceae | Jimson weed Thorn apple Devil's apple | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | シロバナヨウシュチョウセンアサガオ シロバナチョウセンアサガオ フジイロマンダラゲ ヨウシュチョウセンアサガオ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Deinbollia borbonica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Deinbollia kilimandscharica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Delonix elata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Desmodium adscendens | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Desmodium gangeticum | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Desmodium ramosissimum | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Desmodium repandum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Desmodium salicifolium | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Desmodium setigerum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Desmodium tortuosum | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Desmodium triflorum | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Desmodium velutinum | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Diaphananthe fragrantissima | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Dichapetalum braunii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dichapetalum ruhlandii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dichondra repens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dichrocephala integrifolia | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Dichrostachys cinerea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dicliptera laxata | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Dicliptera leonotis | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Dicoma anomala | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dicoma sessilifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Digitaria abysinnica | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Dioscorea asteriscus | plants | Dioscoreaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dioscorea bulbifera | plants(vegetalble) | Dioscoreaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | ニガガシュウ カシュウイモ ブルビフェラ ディオスコレア・ブルビフェラ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Dioscorea dumetorum | plants(famine food) | Dioscoreaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | ビターヤム クラスターヤム | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Dioscorea odoratissima | plants | Dioscoreaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dioscorea quartiniana | plants | Dioscoreaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dioscorea sansibarensis | plants | Dioscoreaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Diospyros abysinica | plants | Ebenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カキノキ科 | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||
Diospyros abyssinica | plants | Ebenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カキノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Diospyros fischeri | plants | Ebenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カキノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Diospyros mespiliformis | plants | Ebenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カキノキ科 | アフリカガキ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Diospyros usambarensis | plants | Ebenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カキノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Discopodium penninervium | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Dissotis brazzaei | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Dissotis irvingiana | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Dissotis rotundifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dissotis senegambiensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dissotis speciosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dobera glabra | plants | Salvadoraceae | medicinal | 植物 | サルバドラ科 サルヴァドラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dobera loranthifolia | plants | Salvadoraceae | medicinal | 植物 | サルバドラ科 サルヴァドラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dodonaea angustifolia L.f. | plants | Sapindaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Dodonaea viscosa | plants | Sapindaceae | Sticky hop bush Native hops | medicinal | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | ドドナエア ドドナエア・ヴィスコサ ハウチワノキ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Dolichos kilimandscharicus | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dolichos sericeus | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dolichos trilobus | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dombeya burgessiae | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dombeya cincinnata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dombeya goetzennii | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Dombeya kirkii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dombeya quinqueseta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dombeya rotundifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dombeya taylorii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dombeya torrida | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dorstenia holstii | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dorstenia scaphigera | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dorstenia zanzibarica | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dovyalis abyssinica | plants | Flacourtiaceae Salicaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イイギリ科 ヤナギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dovyalis macrocalyx | plants | Flacourtiaceae Salicaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イイギリ科 ヤナギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dracaena afromontana | plants | Asparagaceae Dracaenaceae Agavaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キジカクシ科 リュウケツジュ科 リュウゼツラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dracaena deremensis | plants | Asparagaceae Dracaenaceae Agavaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キジカクシ科 リュウケツジュ科 リュウゼツラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dracaena ellenbleckiana | plants | Asparagaceae Dracaenaceae Agavaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キジカクシ科 リュウケツジュ科 リュウゼツラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dracaena fragrans | plants | Asparagaceae Dracaenaceae Agavaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キジカクシ科 リュウケツジュ科 リュウゼツラン科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Dracaena laxissima | plants | Asparagaceae Dracaenaceae Agavaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キジカクシ科 リュウケツジュ科 リュウゼツラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dracaena mannii | plants | Asparagaceae Dracaenaceae Agavaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キジカクシ科 リュウケツジュ科 リュウゼツラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dracaena steudneri | plants | Asparagaceae Dracaenaceae Agavaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キジカクシ科 リュウケツジュ科 リュウゼツラン科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Dregea abyssinica | plants | Apocynaceae Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 ガガイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dregea rubicunda | plants | Apocynaceae Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 ガガイモ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dregea schimperi | plants | Apocynaceae Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 ガガイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Drymaria cordata | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dryopteris inaequlis | plants | Dryopteridaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オシダ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Dryopteris manniana | plants | Dryopteridaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オシダ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Duosperma crenatum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dyschoriste hildebrandtii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Dyschoriste magchana | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Dyschoriste radicans | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Ecbolium boranensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ecbolium viride | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Echinops amplexicaulis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ehretia amoena | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ehretia bakeri | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ehretia cymosa | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ehretia obtusifolia | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ekebergia capensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Elaeis guineensis | plants | Arecaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤシ科 | アブラヤシ ギニアアブラヤシ アフリカアブラヤシ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Elaeodendron buchananii | plants | Celastraceae | medicinal | 植物 | ニシキギ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Elaeodendron schweinfurthianum | plants | Celastraceae | medicinal | 植物 | ニシキギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Eleusine coracana | plants | Poaceae | Finger millet | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | シコクビエ コウボウビエ チョウセンビエ カラッピエ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Embelia schimperi | plants | Myrsinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤブコウジ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Emilia coccinea | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Emilia discifolius | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Enantia kummariae | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Encephalartos kisambo | plants | Zamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ザミア科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Endostemon tereticaulis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Englerina woodfordioides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Engleromyces goetzei | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Englerophytum megalismontanum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Englerophytum natalense | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Enicostema axillare | plants | Gentianaceae | medicinal | 植物 | リンドウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ensete ventricosum | plants | Musaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バショウ科 | エンセテ・ウェントリコスム エンセーテ エチオピアバナナ アビシニアバナナ アビシニアバショウ ニセバナナ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Entada abyssinica | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Entada leptostachys | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Entada stuhlmannii | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Entandrophragma bussei | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Epilobium hirsutum | plants | Onagraceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカバナ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Erianthemum commiphorae | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Erianthemum dregei | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Erigeron floribunda | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Eriobotria japonica | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Eriosema glomeratum | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Eriosema parviflorum | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Eriosema robustum | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Eriosema stanerianum | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Erlangea cordifolia | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Erlangea tomemtosa | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Erlangea tomentosa | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||||||
Erucastrum arabicum | plants | Brassicaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アブラナ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Erythrina abyssinica | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Erythrina excelsa | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Erythrococca bongensis | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Erythrococca fischeri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Erythrophleum africanum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Erythrophleum suaveolens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ethulia scheffleri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ethulia vernonioides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Eucalyptus bicostata | plants | Myrtaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Eucalyptus citriodora | plants | Myrtaceae | Lemon-scented gum | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | レモンユーカリ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Eucalyptus grandis | plants | Myrtaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Eucalyptus sp. | plants | Myrtaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||
Eucalyptus spp. | plants | Myrtaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Eucalyptus ssp. | plants | Myrtaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Euclea divinorum | plants | Ebenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カキノキ科 | エウクレアディビノルム エウクレア・ディビノルム | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Euclea natalensis | plants | Ebenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カキノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euclea schimperi | plants | Ebenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カキノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Eugenia caryophyllata | plants | Myrtaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | チョウジ チョウジノキ クローブ チョウコウ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Eulophia galeoloides | plants | Orchidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Eulophia petersii | plants | Orchidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ラン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia bongensis | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Euphorbia buruana | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia candelabrum | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia cooperi | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Euphorbia crotonoides | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia cuneata | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia espinosa | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia gossypina | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia grantii | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Euphorbia greenwayi | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia heterochroma | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Euphorbia heterophylla | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Euphorbia heterospina | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia hirta | plants | Euphorbiaceae | Asthma weed pill-bearing spurge | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | シマニシキソウ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Euphorbia inaequilatera | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia joyae | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia obovalifolia | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia prostrata | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Euphorbia quadrangularis | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia quinquecostata | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia robecchii | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia scheffleri | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia schimperiana | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Euphorbia systiloides | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Euphorbia tirucalli | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Euphorbia uhligiana | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euphorbia usambarica | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Euryops jacksoni | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Evoluvlus alsinoides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Excocaria bussei | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Fadogia ancylantha | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Fadogia cienkowskii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Fadogia elskensii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Fagara macrophylla | medicinal | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||||||
Fagaropsis angolensis | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||||||
Fagaropsis hildebrandtii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Fagonia isotricha | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Fagopyrum esculentum | plants(tea) | Polygonaceae | Buckwheat | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | ソバ キョウバク ソバムギ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Faurea saligna | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Fernandoa magnifica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ficus asperifolia | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Ficus cyathistipula | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ficus glumosa | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Ficus leprieurii | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ficus natalensis | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Ficus ottoniifolia | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Ficus ovata | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Ficus platyphylla | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Ficus stuhlmannii | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ficus sur | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | ブッシュフィグ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Ficus sycomorus | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | イチジクグワ エジプトイチジク | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Ficus thonningii | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ficus vasta | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Fimbristylis ovata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Flacourtia indica | plants | Flacourtiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イイギリ科 | インドルカム テンジクイヌカンコ ラモンチー | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Flagellaria guineensis | plants | Flagellariaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウツルモドキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Flueggea virosa | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Flueggera virosa | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Foeniculum vulgare | plants | Apiaceae | Fennel | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | フェンネル ウイキョウ フェネル ショウウィキョウ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Foretia apodanthera | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Friesodielsia obovata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Fuerstia africana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Funtumia latifolia | medicinal | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||||||
Galinsoga ciliata | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | ハキダメギク | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | |
Galinsoga parviflora | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | コゴメギク | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Galium aparinoides | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Galium ruwenzoriense | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Galium spurium | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Garcinia buchanani | plants | Clusiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フクギ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Garcinia buchananii | plants | Clusiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フクギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Garcinia livingstonei | plants | Clusiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フクギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gardenia erubescens | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gardenia jovis-tonantis | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Gardenia posoquerioides | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gardenia subacaulis | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gardenia ternifolia | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Gardenia volkensii | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gerbera viridifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ghikaena speciosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Girardinia condensata | plants | Urticaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gisekia Phanaceoides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Glinus oppositifolius | plants | Molluginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ザクロソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gloriosa minor | plants | Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gloriosa superba | plants | Liliaceae | Glory lily Malabar glory liliy Mozambique lily | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 | グロリオサ ユリグルマ キツネユリ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Glycine wightii | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gnaphalium purpureum | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Gnidia glauca | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gnidia goetzeana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gnidia involucrata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gnidia kraussiana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gnidia latifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gnidia microcephala | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gomphocarpus fruticosa | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Gomphocarpus fruticosus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gomphocarpus physocarpus | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Gomphocarpus semilunatus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gomphocarpus stenophyllus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gomphrena globosa | plants | Amaranthaceae | globe amaranth bachelor's button | medicinal | 植物 | ヒユ科 | センニチコウ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Gonatopus boivinii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gossypioides kirkii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gossypium barbadense | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gossypium herbaceum | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Gossypium hirsutum | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | ワタ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Gouania longispicata | plants | Rhamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Grewia arborea | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia bicolor | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia forbesii | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia glandulosa | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia goetzeana | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia holstii | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia kakothamnos | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia micrantha | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia mollis | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia plagiophylla | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia platyclada | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia similis | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia tenax | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | グレヴィアテナックス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Grewia tephrodermis | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia trichocarpa | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Grewia truncata | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Grewia villosa | plants | Tiliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シナノキ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Guizotia scabra | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Gutenbergia cordifolia | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Gutenbergia petersii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gutenbergia rueppellii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Gynura colorata | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gynura scandens | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Gynura valeriana | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Habenaria cirrhata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Habenaria lindblomii | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Habenaria macrandra | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Habenaria walleri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Hagenia abyssinica | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Hallea rubrostipulata | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Haplocoelum foliolosum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Harrisonia abyssinica | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Harungana madagascariensis | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Heinsia crinata | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Helenium africanum | medicinal | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||||||
Helichrysum Schimperi | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Helichrysum foetidum | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Helichrysum formosissimum | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Helichrysum forskahlii | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Helichrysum gerberaefolium | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Helichrysum globosum | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Helichrysum nudifolium | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Helichrysum odoratissimum | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Helinus mystacinus | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Heliotropium indicum | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | ナンバンルリソウ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Heliotropium zeylanicum | plants | Boraginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムラサキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Herichrysum panduratum | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Heteromorpha trifoliata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Hewittia malabarica | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Hewittia sublobata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Hibiscus acetosella | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Hibiscus aerhiopicus | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hibiscus aponeurus | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hibiscus calphyllus | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Hibiscus calyphyllus | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hibiscus cannabinus | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | ケナフ 洋麻 アンバリ麻 ボンベイ麻 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Hibiscus flavifolius | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hibiscus fuscus | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Hibiscus greenwayi | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hibiscus lunariifolius | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hibiscus micranthus | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hibiscus physaloides | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hibiscus sabdariffa | plants | Malvaceae | Hibiscus Jamaica sorrel Karkade | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | ハイビスカス ハイビスカス・ローゼル ローゼル | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Hibiscus surattensis | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hibiscus trionum | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | ギンセンカ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | |
Hildebrantia obcordata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Hilleria latifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Holarrhena pubescens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Hoslundia opposita | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | ホスルンディアオポシタ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Huernia aspera | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Hugonia castaneifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Hunteria zeylanica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Hydnora abyssinica | plants | Hydnoraceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒドノラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hydrocotyle mannii | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hygrophila auriculata | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Hygrophila spiciformis | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hymenocardia acida | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Hymenodictyon parvifolium | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Hypericum kiboense | plants | Hypericaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オトギリソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hypericum revolutum | plants | Hypericaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オトギリソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Hypericum roeperanum | plants | Hypericaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オトギリソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hyphaene compressa | plants | Arecaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤシ科 | ドームヤシ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Hyphaene coriacea | plants | Arecaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤシ科 | ドームヤシ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Hyphaene petersiana | plants | Arecaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Hypitis pectinata | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Hypoestes aristata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Hyptis pectiana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Iboza multiflora | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Iboza riparia | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Ilex mitis | plants | Aquifoliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | モチノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Impatiens digitata | plants | Balsaminaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツリフネソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Impatiens pseudoviola | plants | Balsaminaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツリフネソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Impatiens sodenii | plants | Balsaminaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツリフネソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Impatiens stuhlmanii | plants | Balsaminaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツリフネソウ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Impatiens stuhlmannii | plants | Balsaminaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツリフネソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Impatiens tinctoria | plants | Balsaminaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツリフネソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Impatiens walleriana | plants | Balsaminaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツリフネソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Imperata cylindrica | plants(survival food,beer,sweet juice) | Poaceae | Japanese blood grass | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | チガヤ チバナ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Indigofera ambelacensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Indigofera arrecta | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Indigofera circinella | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Indigofera congesta | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Indigofera conjugata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Indigofera dendroides | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Indigofera drepanocarpa | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Indigofera emarginella | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Indigofera garckeana | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Indigofera hirsuta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Indigofera lupatana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Indigofera paniculata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Indigofera rhynchocarpa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Indigofera spicata | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Indigofera swaziensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Indigofera tenuis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Indigofera tinctoria | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Indigofera trita | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Indigofera vohemarensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Inhambanella henriquesii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ipomea alba | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Ipomoea batatas | plants | Convolvulaceae | Sweet potato | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | サツマイモ カンショ カライモ リュウキュウイモ シモンイモ シロサツマイモ | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 |
Ipomoea cairica | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Ipomoea hildebrandtii | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ipomoea hildebrandtii subsp.grantii | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Ipomoea jaegeri | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ipomoea longituba | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | イポモエアロンギツーバ イポメアロンギチューバ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Ipomoea obscura | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ipomoea pes-caprae | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ipomoea spathulata | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ipomoea tenuirostris | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ipomoea wightii | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Isoglossa lactea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ixora narcissodora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Jacquemontia tamnifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Jasminum eminii | plants | Oleaceae | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Jasminum floribundun | plants | Oleaceae | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Jasminum parvifolium | plants | Oleaceae | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Jateorhiza palmata | plants | Menispermaceae | Calumba Colombo | medicinal | 植物 | ツヅラフジ科 | コロンボ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Jatropha arguata | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Jatropha curcas | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | ナンヨウアブラギリ タイワンアブラギリ ジャトロファ ヤトロファ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Jatropha curcas L. | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Jatropha dichtar | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Jatropha spicata | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Jatropia curcas | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Jatropia multifida | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Josephinia africana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Juncus oxycarpus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Juniperus procera | plants | Cupressaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Justica betonica | medicinal | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||||||
Justica exigua | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Justica striata | medicinal | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||||||
Justicia betonica | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Justicia calyculata | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Justicia campylostemon | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Justicia engleriana | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Justicia exigua | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Justicia flava | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Justicia heterocarpa | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Justicia luteocinerea | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Justicia odora | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Justicia pinguior | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Justicia salvioides | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Justicia schimperiana | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Justicia striata | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Kalanchoe citrina | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Kalanchoe crenata | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | コチョウノマイ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Kalanchoe densiflora | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Kalanchoe lanceolata | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Kalanchoe marmorata | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Kalanchoe schweinfurthii | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Kalanchoe sp. | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Kalanchoe spp. | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Kalanchoe tubiflora | plants | Crassulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ベンケイソウ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Kedrostis foetidissima | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Kedrostis gijef | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Keetia gueinzii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Keetia venosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Keetia zanzibarica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Khaya senegalensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Kigelia africana | plants | Bignoniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ノウゼンカズラ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Kigelia moosa | plants | Bignoniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ノウゼンカズラ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Kleinia odora | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Kohautia caespitosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Kosteletzkya adoensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Kotschya africana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Kotschya africana var.bequaertii | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Lablab purpureus | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | フジマメ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Lactuca inermis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lagenaria breviflora | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lagenaria shaerica | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Lagenaria siceraria | plants | Cucurbitaceae | bottle gourd | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | ユウガオ ヒョウタン | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Lagenaria sphaerica | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Laggera alata | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Laggera brevipes | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Laggera crispata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Landolphia buchananii | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lannea alata | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lannea edulis | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Lannea fulva | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lannea humilis | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lannea rivae | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lannea schimperi | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lannea schweinfurthii | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | ラネア・シュヴァインフルシー | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Lannea triphylla | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lannea welwitschii | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lantana camara | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | ランタナ シチヘンゲ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Lantana trifolia | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | ポップコーンランタナ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Lantana trifolia L. | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Lantana ukambensis | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Laportea aestuans | plants | Urticaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Laportea alatipes | plants | Urticaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Laportea lanceolata | plants | Urticaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Laportea ovalifolia | plants | Urticaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lathyrus hygrophilus | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Launaea cornuta | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | ワイルドレタス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Lawsonia inermis | plants | Lythraceae | Henna Mignonette tree Egyptian privet | medicinal | 植物 | ミソハギ科 | ヘンナ ヘナ シコウカ ツマクレナイノキ エジプトイボタノキ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Lecaniodiscus fraxinifolius | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Lefebvrea longipedicellata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Lentinus prolifer | mushrooms | Polyporaceae Pleurotaceae | edible | キノコ | タマチョレイタケ科 ヒラタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Leonotis mollissima | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Leonotis nepetifolia | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Leonotis pole-evansii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Lepidotrichilia volkensii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Leptadenia hastata | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | レプタデニア・ハスタタ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Leptoderris harmsiana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Leucaena leucocephala | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Leucas calostachys | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Leucas concinna | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Leucas martinicensis | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Leucas mollis | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Leucas oligocephala | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lightfootia abyssinica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Lindernia insularia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Lippia carviodora | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lippia javanica | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | バーベナ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Lippia kituiensis | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lobelia anceps | plants | Campanulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キキョウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lobelia farvens | plants | Campanulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キキョウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lobelia holstii | plants | Campanulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キキョウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Lobelia stuhlmannii | plants | Campanulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キキョウ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Locusta migratoria migratorioides | insects(imagoes : insects) | Acrididae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫 : ) | バッタ科 | トノサマバッタ1亜種 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | |
Lonchocarpus bussei | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Lonchocarpus capassa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Lonchocarpus eriocalyx | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Lonchocarpus laxiflorus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Lotus goetzei | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ludwigia abyssynica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ludwigia erecta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ludwigia jussiaeoides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Luffa cylindrica | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | ヘチマ イトウリ ナーベーラー ナーベナ ナーベラ | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | |
Lycium europaeum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | ヨーロッパクコ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Lycopersicon esculentum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | トマト アカナス | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | |
Lysimachia ruhmeriana | plants | Primulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | サクラソウ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Macaranga kilimandscharica | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Mackaya bella | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Maclura africana | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Maclura excelsa | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Macrotermes bellicosus | insects(alate imagoes, soldier ants, queen ants : insects) | Termitidae | edible | 昆虫類(有翅成虫,兵アリ,女王 : ) | シロアリ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Macrotermes falciger | insects(alate imagoes, soldier ants, queen ants : insects) | Termitidae | edible | 昆虫類(有翅成虫,兵アリ,女王 : ) | シロアリ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Macrotermes subhyalinus | insects(alate imagoes, soldier ants, queen ants : insects) | Termitidae | edible | 昆虫類(有翅成虫,兵アリ,女王 : ) | シロアリ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Maerua angolensis | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 フウチョウボク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Maerua bussei | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 フウチョウボク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Maerua decumbens | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 フウチョウボク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Maerua edulis | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 フウチョウボク科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Maerua kirkii | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 フウチョウボク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Maerua parvifolia | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 フウチョウボク科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Maerua triphylla | plants | Capparaceae Capparidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウチョウソウ科 フウチョウボク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Maesa lanceolata | plants | Primulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | サクラソウ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Maesopsis eminii | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Mallotus oppositifolius | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Mammea africana | plants | Calophyllaceae Hypericaceae | medicinal | 植物 | テリハボク科 オトギリソウ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Mangifera indica | plants | Anacardiaceae | Mango | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | マンゴー アンラ アンマラ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 |
Mangifera indica L. | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | マンゴー アンラ アンマラ | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | |
Manihot esculenta | plants(flour,condiment,alcholic beverage) | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | キャッサバ | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Manilkara discolor | plants | Sapotaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカテツ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Manilkara mochisia | plants | Sapotaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカテツ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Manilkara obovata | plants | Sapotaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカテツ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Manilkara sansibarensis | plants | Sapotaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカテツ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Manilkara sulcata | plants | Sapotaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカテツ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Mansonia diatomanthera | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Maprounea africana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Marantochloa leucantha | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Margaritaria discoidea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Margaritaria discoides | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Markhamia acuminata | plants | Bignoniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ノウゼンカズラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Markhamia lutea | plants | Bignoniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ノウゼンカズラ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Markhamia obtusifolia | plants | Bignoniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ノウゼンカズラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Markhamia zanzibarica | plants | Bignoniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ノウゼンカズラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Maytenus aethiopicum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Maytenus buchananii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Maytenus heterophylla | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Maytenus obscura | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Maytenus putterlickioides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Maytenus senegalensis | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Maytenus undata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Meineckia phyllanthoides | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Melanthera biflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Melanthera scandens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Melhania velutina | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Melia azedarach | plants | Meliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | センダン科 | センダン | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Melia azedarach L. | plants(vegetables) | Meliaceae | Chinabery Bead tree Persian lilac | medicinal | 植物 | センダン科 | センダン | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 |
Melia volkensii | plants | Meliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | センダン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Melinis minutiflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Melochia corchorifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Memecylon flavovirens | plants | Melastomataceae | medicinal | 植物 | ノボタン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Merremia kentrocaulos | plants | Convolvulaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒルガオ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Meyna tetraphylla | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Micrococca mercurialis | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Microglossa afzelii | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Microglossa angolensis | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Microglossa densiflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Microglossa pyrifolia | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Mikania cordata | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Mildbraedia carpinifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Mildbraedia datylophylla | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Milicia excelsa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Millettia lasiantha | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Millettia makondensis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Millettia oblata | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Millettia usaramensis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Mimosa latispinosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Mimosa pigra | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Mimosa pudica | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Mimulopsis solmsii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Mimusops kummel | plants | Sapotaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカテツ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Mirabilis jalpa | plants | Nyctaginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オシロイバナ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Mollugo cerviana | plants | Molluginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ザクロソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Momordica foetida | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Momordica friesiorum | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Momordica spinosa | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Monanthotaxis fornicata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Monanthotaxis poggei | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Monanthotaxis trichocarpa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Mondia whitei | plants | Apocynaceae Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 ガガイモ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Miththapala,Conserving Medicinal Species,IUCN,(2006),ISBN:955-8177-41-5 | ||
Monechma subsessilis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Monodora myristica | plants | Annonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バンレイシ科 | ジャマイカナツメグ | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | |
Monsonia angustifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Monsonia ovata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Morella kandtiana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Morella salicifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Moringa oleifera | plants | Moringaceae | Horseradish tree Ben | medicinal | 植物 | ワサビノキ科 | ワサビノキ | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 |
Moringa stenopetala | plants | Moringaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ワサビノキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Morus mesozygia | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Mucuna pruriens | plants | Fabaceae | Cowhage Cowitch Kaunch | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | ベルベット・ビーン | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 |
Mukia maderaspatana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Multidentia crassa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Mundulea sericea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Musa acuminata | plants(eaten) | Musaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バショウ科 | タイワンバナナ | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | |
Musa paradisiaca | plants(famine food,vegetable) | Musaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バショウ科 | プランテン | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | |
Musa paradisiaca subsp.sapientum | plants | Musaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バショウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Musa paradisiaca var.paradisiaca | plants | Musaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バショウ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Musa paradisiaca var.sapientum | plants | Musaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バショウ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Musa sapientum | plants | Musaceae | Banana | edible | 植物 | バショウ科 | バナナ クッキングバナナ リョウリバショウ ミバショウ ゴシャクバナナ 五尺バナナ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine |
Musa x paradisiaca var.paradisiaca | plants | Musaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バショウ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Musa x paradisiaca var.sapientum | plants | Musaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バショウ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Musanga ceropioides | medicinal | Lontsi,Phytochemistry,48,(1998),171 | ||||||
Mussaenda arcuata | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Mussaenda microdonta | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Myrianthus holstii | plants | Urticaceae Cecropiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 ケクロピア科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Myrica kandtiana | plants | Myricaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマモモ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Myrica salicifolia | plants | Myricaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマモモ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Myrothamnus flabellifolius | plants | Myrothamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミロタムヌス科 | ミロタムヌス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Myrsine africana | plants | Myrsinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤブコウジ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Myrsine melanophloeos | plants | Myrsinaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤブコウジ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Neorautanenia mitis | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Newtonia buchananii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Newtonia hildebrandtii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Nicotiana tabacum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | タバコ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Nicotonia tabacum L. | medicinal | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||||||
Notonia petraea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Nuxia congesta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Nuxia floribunda | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Nymphaea capensis | plants | Nymphaeaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スイレン科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Nymphaea lotus | plants(famine food,) | Nymphaeaceae | Egyptian lotus White lotus Tiger Lotus | medicinal | 植物 | スイレン科 | タイガー・ロータス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Nymphaea nouchali | plants | Nymphaeaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スイレン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Obetia radula | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Ochna hosltii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ochna insculpta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ochna mossambicensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ochna schweinfurthiana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ocimum basilicum | plants | Lamiaceae | Basil Sweet basil | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | バジル バジリコ スイートバジル メボウキ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Ocimum basilicum L. | plants(seasoning,) | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | バジル バジリコ スイートバジル メボウキ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | |
Ocimum gratissimum | plants | Lamiaceae | East indian basil Tree basil Fever plant | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | マンジェリコン バナトゥルシー ツリーバジル インドメボウキ | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Ocimum kilimandscharicum | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ocimum kilimandschricum | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Ocimum lamiifolium | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Ocimum suave | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Ocotea kenyensis | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Ocotea usambarensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Odontella fischeri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Oenanthe palustris | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Oenanthe procumbens | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Olax dissitiflora | plants | Olacaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オラクス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Oldenlandia capensis | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Oldenlandia herbacea | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Oldenlandia johnstonii | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Oldenlandia monanthos | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Oldfieldia somalensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Olea africana | plants | Oleaceae | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Olea capensis | plants | Oleaceae | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Olea europaea | plants | Oleaceae | Olive Olive leaf | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | オリーブ オリーブリーフ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Olea europaea L. | plants | Oleaceae | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Olinia macrophylla | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Olinia rochetiana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Oliverella hildebrandtii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Oncella ambigua | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Oncoba spinosa | plants | Flacourtiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イイギリ科 | オンコバ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Opilia amentacea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Opuntia cochenillifera | plants | Cactaceae | medicinal | 植物 | サボテン科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Oreochromis niloticus | seafood | Cichlidae | Nile tilapia | edible | 魚介類 | カワスズメ科 | チカダイ テラピア イズミダイ | Main producer countries of Oreochromis niloticus (FAO Fishery Statistics, 2006) |
Ormocarpum flavum | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ormocarpum kirkii | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ormocarpum muricatum | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ormocarpum trachycarpum | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ormocarpum trichocarpum | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Ornithogalum longibracteatum | plants | Asparagaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キジカクシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Orthosiphon roseus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Osteospermum vaillantii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Osyris lanceolata | plants | Santalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ビャクダン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ottelia ulvifolia | plants | Hydrocharitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トチカガミ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Oxalis corniculata | plants(edible) | Oxalidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カタバミ科 | カタバミ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Oxalis corniculata L. | plants | Oxalidaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カタバミ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Oxyanthus speciosus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Oxygonum atriplicifolium | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Oxygonum sinuatum | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Ozoroa insignis | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Ozoroa obovata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pachycarpus concolor | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pachycarpus lineolacus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pallaea adiantoides | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Panicum maximum | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Papaver somniferum | plants | Papaveraceae | Opium poppy | medicinal | 植物 | ケシ科 | オーピウム・ポピー ポピーシード | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 |
Pappea capensis | plants | Sapindaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | パッペア・カペンシス ジャケットプラム | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Parinari curatellifolia | plants | Chrysobalanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クリソバラヌス科 | パリナリ・クラテリフォリア パリナリクラテリフォリア | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | |
Parinari excelsa | plants | Chrysobalanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クリソバラヌス科 | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||
Parquetina nigrescens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Paspalum commersonii | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Passiflora edulis | plants(edulis) | Passifloraceae | Passion fruit | medicinal | 植物 | トケイソウ科 | パッションフルーツ クダモノトケイソウ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Passiflora quadrangularis | plants | Passifloraceae | medicinal | 植物 | トケイソウ科 | オオミノトケイソウ オオナガミクダモノトケイ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | |
Paullinia pinnata | plants | Sapindaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ムクロジ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pauridiantha paucinervis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pavetta abyssinica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pavetta crassipes | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pavetta gardeniifolia var.gardeniifolia | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Pavetta holstii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pavetta hymenophylla | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pavetta oliveriana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pavetta schumanniana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pavetta subcana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pavonia patens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pavonia urens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pedalium murex | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Peddiea africana | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Pelargonium alchemilloides | plants | Geraniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウロソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pelargonium luridum | plants | Geraniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウロソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pelargonium quinquelobatum | plants | Geraniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フウロソウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pellaea viridis | insects | Pentatomidae | medicinal | 昆虫類 | カメムシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pennisetum glaucum | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | トウジンビエ 唐人稗 パールミレット | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Pennisetum polystachion | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Pennisetum purpureum | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Pentanisia ouranogyne | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pentarrhinum abyssinicum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pentarrhinum insipidum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pentas bussei | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pentas decora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pentas hindsioides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pentas longiflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pentas micrantha | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pentas pubiflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pentas zanzibarica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pentodon pentandrus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Peponium vogelii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pergularia daemia | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pericopsis angolensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Periploca linearifolia | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Perotis patens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Persea americana Mill. | plants | Lauraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クスノキ科 | アボカド ワニナシ バターフルーツ アバカテ | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | |
Peucedanum aculeolatum | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phaulopsis longifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Philippia benguelensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Phoenix reclinata | plants(palm sugar) | Arecaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤシ科 | セネガルヤシ カブダチソテツジュロ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Phragmanthera usuiensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Phyllanthus amarus | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus beillei | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus capillaris | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus engleri | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus fischeri | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus guineensis | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus hutchinsonianus | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus leucocalyx | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus maderaspatensis | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus niruri | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus nummularifolius | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Phyllanthus numulariifolius | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus odontadenius | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus ovalifolius | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Phyllanthus reticulatus | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus rhizomatosus | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus rotundifolius | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus sacleuxii | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Phyllanthus volkensii | plants | Pyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コミカンソウ科 トウダイグサ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Physalis lagascae | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Physalis micrantha | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Physalis minima | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | ヒメセンナリホオズキ | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Physalis peruviana | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | シマホオズキ ブドウホオズキ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Phytolacca dodecandra | plants | Phytolaccaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマゴボウ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Piliostigma thonningii | plants | Fabaceae | msegese | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | ムセゲッセ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Piloselloides hirsuta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pimpinella keniensis | plants | Apiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | セリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Piper capense | plants | Piperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コショウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Piper guineense | plants(spice) | Piperaceae | West African Black Pepper | medicinal | 植物 | コショウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Piper guineensis | plants | Piperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コショウ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Piper umbellatum | plants | Piperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | コショウ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Piptadeniastrum africanum | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Pistia stratiotes | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pittosporum lanatum | plants | Pittosporaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トベラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pittosporum manii | plants | Pittosporaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トベラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pittosporum viridiflorum | plants | Pittosporaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トベラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Plantago major | plants | Plantaginaceae | Greater plantan Rat-tail plantain Common Plantain | medicinal | 植物 | オオバコ科 | セイヨウオオバコ ヨウシュオオバコ オニオオバコ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Plantago palmata | plants | Plantaginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オオバコ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Platostoma africanum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Plectranthus aegypticus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Plectranthus alboviolaceus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Plectranthus amboinicus | plants | Lamiaceae | Indian borage Oregano Spanish thyme | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | インディアンボリジ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Plectranthus barbatus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | コレウス・フォルスコリ プレクトランツス・バルバツス | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | |
Plectranthus caninus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Plectranthus cylindraceus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Plectranthus edulis | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Plectranthus lanuginosus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Plectranthus laxiflorus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Plectranthus longipes | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Plectranthus prostratus | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||
Plectranthus sylvestris | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pleurostelma cernuum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pleurostylia capensis | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Plicosepalus curviflorus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pluchea dioscoridis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Plumbago dawei | plants | Plumbaginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イソマツ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Plumbago zeylanica | plants | Plumbaginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イソマツ科 | セイロンマツリ インドマツリ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Plumbago zeylanica L. | plants | Plumbaginaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イソマツ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Plumeria rubra L. | medicinal | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||||||
Podocarpus falcatus | plants | Podocarpaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Podocarpus latifolius | plants | Podocarpaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Podocarpus milanjianus | plants | Podocarpaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マキ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Pollichia campestris | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Polycarpaea eriantha | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Polygala cf.sadebeckiana | plants | Polygalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒメハギ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Polygala erioptera | plants | Polygalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒメハギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Polygala macrostigma | plants | Polygalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒメハギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Polygala paniculata | plants | Polygalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒメハギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Polygala persicariifolia | plants | Polygalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒメハギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Polygala sphenoptera | plants | Polygalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒメハギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Polygala stenopetala | plants | Polygalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒメハギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Polygala wadibomica | plants | Polygalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヒメハギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Polygonum pulchrum | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Polygonum salicifolium | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Polygonum senegalense | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Polygonum setosulum | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Polysphaeria multiflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Polysphaeria parvifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Polysphaeria schweinfurthii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Portulaca foliosa | plants | Portulacaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スベリヒユ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Portulaca oleracea | plants | Portulacaceae | Purslane | medicinal | 植物 | スベリヒユ科 | スベリヒユ プルピエ オオスベリヒユ タチスベリヒユ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Portulaca quadrifida | plants | Portulacaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スベリヒユ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pouteria adolfi-friedricii | plants | Sapotaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカテツ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pouzolzia parasitica | plants | Urticaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Premna chrysoclada | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Premna resinosa | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Premna serratifolia | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | タイワンウオクサギ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Premna velutina | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pristimera andongensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Priva cordifolia | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Priva curtisiae | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Priva flabelliformis | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Procladius umbrosus | insects(imagoes : insects) | Chaoboridae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫 : ) | ケヨソイカ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Protea gaguedi | plants | Proteaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマモガシ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Protea madiensi | plants | Proteaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマモガシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Prunus africana | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Miththapala,Conserving Medicinal Species,IUCN,(2006),ISBN:955-8177-41-5 Miththapala,Conseving Medicinal Species (IUCN),(2006),ISBN:955-8177-41-5 | ||
Pseudacanthotermes spiniger | insects(alate imagoes : insects) | Termitidae | edible | 昆虫類(有翅成虫 : ) | シロアリ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Pseudarthria confertiflora | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Pseudarthria hookeri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Pseuderanthemum hildebrandtii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pseuderanthemum tunicatum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pseudoarthria hookeri | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Pseudocedrela kotschy | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pseudosopubia hildebrandtii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pseudospondias microcarpa | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Pseudovigna argentea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psiadia punctulata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psidium guajava | plants | Myrtaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | グァバ ギャバ バンザクロ バンジロウ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Psilotrichum elliotii | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Psilotrichum elliottii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psilotrichum scleranthum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psophocarpus scandens | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Psorespermum febrifugum | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Psorospermum febrifugum | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Psorospermum febrigum | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Psychotria amboniana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psychotria capensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psychotria cyathicalyx | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psychotria eminiana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psychotria faucicola | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psychotria holtzii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psychotria kirkii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psychotria lauracea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psychotria mahonii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psychotria punctata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psychotria tanganyicensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psydrax parviflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Psydrax schimperiana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pteleopsis myrtifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pteridium aquilinum | plants | Dennstaedtiaceae | western bracken fern Bracken Pasture Brake | medicinal | 植物 | コバノイシカグマ科 | ワラビ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Pterocarpus angolensis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Pterodiscus ruspolii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pterolobium stellatum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Punica granatum | plants | Punicaceae | Pomegranate | medicinal | 植物 | ザクロ科 | ザクロ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Pupalia lappacea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Pycnostachys eminii | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Pycnostachys erici-rosenii | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Pycnostachys umbrosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ranunculus multifidus | plants | Ranunculaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キンポウゲ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ranunculus oreophytus | plants | Ranunculaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キンポウゲ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rapanea melanophloes | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Rauvolfia caffra | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rauvolfia mombasiana | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rauvolfia vomitoria | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rhamnus prinoides | plants | Rhamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||
Rhamnus staddo | plants | Rhamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rhipsalis baccifera | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Rhizophora mucronata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Rhoicissus revoilii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Rhoicissus tridentata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Rhus longipes | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rhus natalensis | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Rhus vulgaris | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Rhynchosia albiflora | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rhynchosia congensis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rhynchosia hirta | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rhynchosia resinosa | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Rhynchosia sublobata | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rhynchosia usambarensis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rhynchosia viscosa | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Riccinus communis | medicinal | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||||||
Ricinodendron heudelotii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ricinus communis | plants | Euphorbiaceae | Costor-oil plant palma-chisti | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | トウゴマ アカトウゴマ ミズマ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Ricinus communis L. | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Rinorea arborea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Rinorea elliptica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Rinorea ilicifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Rothmannia urcelliformis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Rourea orientalis | plants | Connaraceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメモドキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rubia cordifolia | plants | Rubiaceae | Indian madder Munjeet Manjishta | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | クルマバアカネ アカミノアカネ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 |
Rubus apetalous | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Rubus apetalus | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Rubus pinnatus | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||
Rubus rigidus | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rubus steudneri | plants | Rosaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Ruellia patula | plants | Acanthaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キツネノマゴ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rumex abyssinicus | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Rumex bequaertii | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Rumex usambarensis | plants | Polygonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | タデ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Ruspolia differens | insects(imagoes : insects) | Tettigoniidae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫 : ) | キリギリス科 | クサキリ類 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | |
Ruspolia viridulus | insects(insects) | Tettigoniidae | edible | 昆虫類(昆虫) | キリギリス科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Rytigynia beniensis | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Rytigynia kigeziensis | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Rytigynia uhligii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Saba comorensis | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | イロンボ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Saccharum officinarum | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | サトウキビ | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Saccharum officinarum | plants | Poaceae | edible | 植物 | イネ科 | サトウキビ | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Sacciolepis curvata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Salacia lehmbachii | plants | Celastraceae | medicinal | 植物 | ニシキギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Salix subserrata | plants | Salicaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤナギ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Salvadora persica | plants | Salvadoraceae | Toothbrush tree Salt bush Mustard tree | medicinal | 植物 | サルヴァドラ科 | サルバドル・ペルシカ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Sanseveria suffruticosa | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Sansevieria conspicua | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sansevieria kirkii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sansevieria parva | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sansevieria robusta | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sansevieria suffruticosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sapium ellipticum | plants | Euphorbiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | トウダイグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Sarcocephalus latifolius | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Sarcophyte sanguinea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sarcostemma viminale | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sasamum indicum | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Satureia abyssinica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Satureia biflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Schefflera barteri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Schefflera volkensii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Schistocerca gregaria | insects(larvae, imagoes : insects) | Acrididae | edible | 昆虫類(幼虫,成虫 : ) | バッタ科 | サバクトビバッタ | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | |
Schizozygia coffaeoides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Schkuhria pinnata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Schoenoplectus articulatus | plants | Cyperaceae | medicinal | 植物 | カヤツリグサ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Schrebera alata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Schwenkia americana | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Scilla indica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sclerocarya birrea | plants | Anacardiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウルシ科 | マルーラ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Scorodophloeus fischeri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Screbera trichoclada | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Scutia myrtina | plants | Rhamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Secamone africana | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Secamone parvifolia | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Secamone stuhlmannii | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Securidaca longepedunculata | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Securidaca longipedunculata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Securidata longipedunculata | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Seddera hirsuta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Senecio deltoides | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Senecio hadiensis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Senecio syringifolius | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Senencio nandensis | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Senencio petitianus | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Senna alexandrina | plants | Fabaceae | Alexandrian senna Tinnevelly senna | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | センナ ホソバセンナ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Senna bicapsularis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Senna cf.baccarinii | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Senna didymobotrya | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Senna obtusifolia | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Senna occidentalis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | ハブソウ クサセンナ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Senna occidentalis L. | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Senna petersiana | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Senna septentrionalis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Senna siamea | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Senna singueana | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Sericocomopsis hildebrandtii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sericocomopsis pallida | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sesamothamnus busseanus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sesamothamnus rivae | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sesamum angolense | plants | Pedaliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ゴマ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sesamum angustifolium | plants | Pedaliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ゴマ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Sesamum calycinum | plants | Pedaliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ゴマ科 | セサマム・カリシナム | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Sesbania bispinosa | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sesbania sesban | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Sesbania tetraptera | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Setaria poiretiana | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Setaria verticillata | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sida acuta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sida alba | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sida cordifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sida cuneifolia | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Sida linifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sida ovata | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sida rhombifolia | medicinal | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Sida schimperiana | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Sida tenuicarpa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sida urens | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Siegesbeckia orientalis | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Smilax anceps | plants | Liliaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ユリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanecio angulatus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Solanecio manii | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Solanecio mannii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Solanum aculeastrum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum aculeatissimum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Solanum aethiopicum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | ジロ | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | |
Solanum anguivi | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Solanum anguivii | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Solanum arundo | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum betaceum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||
Solanum bojeri | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum campylacanthum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Solanum coagulans | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum cyaneopurpureum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Solanum dasyphyllum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum giganteum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Solanum gilo | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Solanum goetzei | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum hastifolium | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum incanum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Solanum indicum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | ソラヌム・インデイクム テンジクナスビ ポイズンベリー | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | |
Solanum lycopersicum | plants | Solanaceae | tomato | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | トマト アカナス チェリートマト ミニトマト プチトマト | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Solanum macrocarpon | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Solanum mauense | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum nigrum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | イヌホオズキ バカナス | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Solanum renschii | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum schumannianum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum sessilistellatum | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum sp.G. | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum taitense | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum terminale | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solanum tuberosum | plants | Solanaceae | potato | edible | 植物 | ナス科 | ジャガイモ ニドイモ | INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE POTATO 2008 New light on a hidden treasure,(2009)ISBN978-92-5-306142-8 |
Solanum zanzibarense | plants | Solanaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Solenostemon latifolius | medicinal | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Sonchus luxurians | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sonchus oleraceus | plants | Asteraceae | Common Sow-Thistle | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | ノゲシ ハルノノゲシ ケシアザミ タイワンハチジョウナ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Sonchus schweinfurthii | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Sopubia ramosa | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Sopubia ramose | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Sorghum bicolor | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | モロコシ ナミモロコシ ソルガム マイロ タカキビ モロコシキビ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Sorghum verticilliflorum | plants | Poaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sorinderia madagascariensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Spathodea campanulata | plants | Bignoniaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ノウゼンカズラ科 | カエンボク | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Spermacoce princea | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Spermacoce princeae | medicinal | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Spermacoce senensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Spermacoce subvulgata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sphaeranthus bullatus | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sphaeranthus kirkii | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sphaeranthus steetzii | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sphaeranthus suaveolens | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sphaeranthus ukambensis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Spilanthes africana | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||
Sporobolus festivus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sporobolus pyramidalis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sprobolus pyramidalis | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis | plants | Verbenaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クマツヅラ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Stapelia semota | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Stathmostelma pauciflora | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Stathmostelma spectabile | plants | Asclepiadaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガガイモ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Steganotaenia araliacea | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Stephania abyssinica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Sterculia africana | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sterculia appendiculata | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sterculia mbosya | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sterculia quinqueloba | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sterculia rhynchocarpa | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Sterculia stenocarpa | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Stereospermum kunthianum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Stigmatorhynchus umbelliferus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Streblus usambarensis | plants | Moraceae | medicinal | 植物 | クワ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Striga hermonthica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Striga pubiflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Strombosia scheffleri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Strophanthus eminii | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Struthiola thomsonii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Strychnos cerasifera | plants | Loganiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マチン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Strychnos cocculoides | plants | Loganiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マチン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Strychnos henningsii | plants | Loganiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マチン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Strychnos innocua | plants | Loganiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マチン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Strychnos spinosa | plants | Loganiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マチン科 | モンキーボール ストリクノス・スピノサ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Stylosanthes fruticosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Suregada zanzibarensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Symphonia globulifera | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Synadenium compactum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Synadenium grantii | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Synadenium pereskiifolium | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Synaptolepis alternifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Synaptolepis kirkii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Syzygium cordatum | plants | Myrtaceae | Water Berry | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | シジギウム・コルダツム | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 |
Syzygium guineense | plants | Myrtaceae | medicinal | 植物 | フトモモ科 | シジギウム・ギネエンス | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | |
Tabernaemontana pachysiphon | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Tabernaemontana ventricosa | plants | Apocynaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キョウチクトウ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Tabernemontana holstii | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Tacca leontopetaloides | plants | Dioscoreaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ヤマノイモ科 | タシロイモ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Tagetes erecta | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Tagetes minuta | plants | Asteraceae | Muster-John-Henry Khaki weed Stinking Roger | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | タジェット | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 |
Tagetes minuta L. | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Talinum caffrum | plants | Portulacaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スベリヒユ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Talinum paniculatum | plants | Portulacaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スベリヒユ科 | シュッコンハゼラン | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | |
Talinum portulacifolium | plants | Portulacaceae | medicinal | 植物 | スベリヒユ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Tamarindus indica | plants(vegetable) | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | タマリンド | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | |
Tanypus guttatipennis | insects(imagoes : insects) | Chaoboridae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫 : ) | ケヨソイカ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Taraxacum officinale | plants | Asteraceae | Dandelion Common Dandelion | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | セイヨウタンポポ タンポポ カントウタンポポ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |
Tarchonanthus camphoratus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tarenna graveolens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tarenna pavettoides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tcphrosia vogelii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Teclea nobilis | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Teclea simplicifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Telfairia pedata | plants | Cucurbitaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ウリ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Tephrosia aequilata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tephrosia interrupta | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tephrosia linearis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Tephrosia nana | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Tephrosia noctiflora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tephrosia paucijuga | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tephrosia pentaphylla | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tephrosia pumila | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tephrosia purpurea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tephrosia villosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tephrosia vogelii | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Terminalia brownii | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Terminalia glaucescens | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Terminalia kaiserana | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Terminalia kilimandscharica | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Terminalia sericea | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Terminalia spinosa | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Terminalia trichopoda | plants | Combretaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シクンシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Termitomyces aurantiacus | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Termitomyces eurhizus | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 | オオシロアリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Termitomyces letestui | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Termitomyces microcarpus | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Termitomyces robustus | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Termitomyces striatus | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Tetracera boiviniana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tetradenia riparia | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Tetrochidium didymostemon | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Thalictrum rhynchocarpum | plants | Ranunculaceae | medicinal | 植物 | キンポウゲ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Thea sinensis | plants | Theaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ツバキ科 | チャノキ | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | |
Thespesia danis | plants | Malvaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アオイ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Thevetia peruviana | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Thunbergia alata | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Thunbergia fischeri | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Thunbergia mildbraediana | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Thylochium africanum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tinnea aethiopica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Tinospora caffra | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tinospora cffra | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Tinospora oblongifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tithonia diversifolia | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Toddalia asiatica | plants | Rutaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Torilis arvensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tradescantia zebrina | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Tragia benthami | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Tragia brevipes | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Tragia furialis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tragia subsessilis | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Trema orientalis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Triaspis mozambica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tribulus terrestris | plants | Zygophyllaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ハマビシ科 | ハマビシ | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Tricalysia ovalifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tricalysia pallens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Trichilia dregeana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Trichilia emetica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Trichilia prieureana | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||||||
Trichocladus ellipticus | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Trichodesma physaloides | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Trichodesma zeylanicum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tricholoma sp. | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | アイゾメハエトリシメジ ニセシロシメジ アシブトシメジ アシボソミネシメジ イロガワリネズミシメジ オオクダアカゲシメジ オオハダイロシメジ オオミノケショウシメジ カキシメジモドキ カレバシメジ キアシノクマシメジ キゾメノシロシメジ キヒダシメジ ケンロクエンミネシメジ ササクレシメジ シロニオイシメジ シロミネシメジ タカネキヒダシメジ チャゾメシメジ チャハエトリシメジ ナガエノニガシメジ ナガミノシロシメジ ナベシメジ ニセネズミシメジ ネズミニガシメジ ハダイロニガシメジ ビロードシメジ フタツミキヒダガサ フタツミネズミシメジ マツタケダマシ モミニオイシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Triclista sacleuxii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tridax procumbens | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Trifolium baccarinii | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Trifolium ruepellianum | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Trilipisium madagascariensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Trimeria grandifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Trimfetta brachyceras | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Trimfetta cordifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Trimfetta pilosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Trimfetta rhomboidea | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tristemma incompletum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tristemma mauritanium | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Tristemma mauritianum | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Triumfetta annua | medicinal | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Triumfetta cordifolia | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Triumfetta longicornuta | medicinal | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||||||
Triumfetta rhomboidea | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||||||
Tryphostemma longifolium | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Turraea floribunda | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Turraea holstii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Turraea mombassana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Turraea nilotica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Turraea robusta | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Tylosema fassoglensis | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Typha domingensis | plants(flour) | Typhaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ガマ科 | ヒメガマ | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Uapaca kirkiana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Uncaria africana | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Urena lobata | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Urera hypselodendron | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Urera sansibarica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Urera trinervis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Urtica massaica | plants | Urticaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Urtica ovalifolia | plants | Urticaceae | medicinal | 植物 | イラクサ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Usnea africana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Usnea flavescens | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Uvaria acuminata | plants | Annonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バンレイシ科 | ウバリア・アクミナタ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Uvaria leptocladon | plants | Annonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バンレイシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Uvaria schefferi | plants | Annonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バンレイシ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vahlia digyna | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Vangueria acutiloba | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Vangueria apiculata | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Vangueria infausta | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | ヴァングエリア・インファウスタ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Vangueria madagascariensis | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vangueria schumannianum | plants | Rubiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | アカネ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vepris eugeniifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Vepris glomerata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Vernonia adoensis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia aemulans | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia amygdalia | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||
Vernonia amygdalina | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Vernonia auriculifera | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia brachycalys | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia brachycalyx | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Vernonia campanea | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Vernonia cinerea | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | ムラサキムカシヨモギ ヤンバルヒゴタイ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | |
Vernonia colorata | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia glabra | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia hildebrandtii | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia hochstetteri | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia holstii | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia homilantha | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia hymenolepsis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia jugalis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Vernonia karaguensis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia lasiopus | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Vernonia myriantha | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia poskeana | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia smithiana | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia sp. | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia sp.A | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia stenocephala | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||
Vernonia thomsoniana | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia tufnellae | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||
Vernonia ugandonsis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 | ||
Vernonia usafuensis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia wakefieldii | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vernonia zanzibarensis | plants | Asteraceae | medicinal | 植物 | キク科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vigna mungo | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Vigna schimperi | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vigna unguiculata | plants | Fabaceae | cowpea | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | ササゲ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Vigna vexillata | plants | Fabaceae | medicinal | 植物 | マメ科 | サクヤアカササゲ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Virectaria major | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 | ||||||
Viscum fischeri | plants | Santalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ビャクダン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Viscum tuberculatum | plants | Santalaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ビャクダン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vismia orientalis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Vitellaria paradoxa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Vitex buchananii | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vitex doniana | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | クロスモモ 黒スモモ | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Vitex ferruginea | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Vitex fischeri | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vitex mombassae | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vitex payos | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vitex strickeri | plants | Lamiaceae | medicinal | 植物 | シソ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Vittaria guineensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Waltheria indica | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Warburgia salutaris | medicinal | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 | ||||||
Warburgia stuhlmannii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Warburgia ugandensis | medicinal | Lacroix,J.Ethnopharmacol.,133,(2011),850 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 | ||||||
Warburgia ugandensis var.ugandensis | medicinal | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||||||
Wedelia africana | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Wedelia mossambicensis | medicinal | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||||||
Whitfieldia elongata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Withania somnifera | plants | Solanaceae | Winter cherry Ashwagandha | medicinal | 植物 | ナス科 | アシュワガンダ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Xeroderris stuhlmannii | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Xerophyta spekei | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Ximenia americana | plants(eaten) | Olacaceae | medicinal | 植物 | オラクス科 | ハマナツメモドキ タローナッツ | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Xylmalos monospora | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Xylocarpus granatum | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Xylopia aethiopica | plants | Annonaceae | medicinal | 植物 | バンレイシ科 | ギニアペッパーグローブ | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | |
Xylotheca tettensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Zamioculcas zamiifolia | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Zanha africana | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Zanha golungensis | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Zanthoxylum chalybeum | plants | Rutaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Ssegawa,J.Ethnopharmacol.,113,(2007),521 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Zanthoxylum gilletii | plants | Rutaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,70,(2000),281 Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 | ||
Zanthoxylum gillettii | plants | Rutaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Zanthoxylum usambarense | plants | Rutaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides | plants | Rutaceae | medicinal | 植物 | ミカン科 | Hamill,J.Ethnopharmacol.,84,(2003),57 | ||
Zea mays | plants(eaten) | Poaceae | Corn Ornamental maize Sweet corn | medicinal | 植物 | イネ科 | トウモロコシ ナンバンキビ トウキビ ヤングコーン ベビーコーン | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 |
Zehneria minutiflora | medicinal | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Zehneria scabra | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Zimmermannia capillipes | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||||||
Zingiber officinale | plants | Zingiberaceae | Ginger | medicinal | 植物 | ショウガ科 | ショウガ コショウガ ハジカミ クレノハジカミ ジンジャー | Kamatenesi,J.Ethnopharmacol.,109,(2007),1 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,127,(2010),130 |
Ziziphus abyssinica | plants | Rhamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||
Ziziphus mauritania | plants | Rhamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | Grade,J.Ethnopharmacol.,122,(2009),273 | ||
Zizyphus abyssinica | plants | Rhamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Zizyphus mauritiana | plants | Rhamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Zizyphus mucronata | plants | Rhamnaceae | medicinal | 植物 | クロウメモドキ科 | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 | ||
Zornia glochidiata | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 Tabuti,J.Ethnopharmacol.,88,(2003),19 | ||||||
Zornia setosa | medicinal | Medicinal Plants of East Africa (Third Edition) by John O.Kokwaro ISBN 9966-846-84-0 |