Ukraine ウクライナ | |
Number of matched data : 178 / Number of edible data : 177 / Number of medicinal data : 1 |
Species Name | UpperClassification (Region ; Classification) | FamilyName | CommonName | Purpose | 大分類(部位 ; 分類) | 科名 | 一般名 | Reference |
Agaricus arvensis | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | シロオオハラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Agaricus bisporus | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | White mushroom | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | マッシュルーム ツクリタケ セイヨウマツタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Agaricus bitorquis | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | ツクリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Agaricus campestris | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | ハラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Agaricus macrosporus | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Agaricus placomyces | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | ハラタケモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Agaricus silvaticus | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | モリハラタケ モリノハラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Allium sativum | plants | Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae Liliaceae | Garlic | edible | 植物 | ヒガンバナ科 ネギ科 ユリ科 | ニンニク ガーリック オオビル | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Amanita caesarea | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | セイヨウタマゴタケ 西洋卵茸 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanita excelsa | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | キリンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanita porphyria | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | コテングタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanita rubescens | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | ガンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanita vaginata | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | ツルタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Amanita xanthodermus | mushrooms | Amanitaceae | edible | キノコ | テングタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Armillaria mellea | mushrooms | Physalacriaceae Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | タマバリタケ科 キシメジ科 | ナラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Armoracia rusticana | plants(roots,flowers : condiment) | Brassicaceae | horse radish Horseradish cran cranson raifort | edible | 植物 | アブラナ科 | ホースラディッシュ セイヨウワサビ ワサビダイコン クラン クランソン レフォール レホール | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Astrosporina asterospora | mushrooms | Inocybaceae | edible | キノコ | アセタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Boletus appendiculatus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ミヤマアミアシイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus aurantiacus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Boletus calopus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アシベニイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus edulis | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ヤマドリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus elegans | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Boletus erythropus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | オオウラベニイロガワリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus impolitus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Boletus luridus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ウラベニイロガワリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus regius | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アケボノヤマドリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus rubellus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | コウジタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus scaber | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ヤマイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus subtomentosus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | アワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Boletus variegatus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Calvatia utriformis | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | キクメタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cantharellus cibarius | mushrooms | Cantharellaceae | edible | キノコ | アンズタケ科 | アンズタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Chalciporus piperatus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | コショウイグチ カラアミタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe aurantiaca | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | ヒロハアンズタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe clavipes | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | ホテイシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe nebularis | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | ハイイロシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clitocybe olearia | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Clitocybe rivulosa | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Clitopilus prunulus | mushrooms | Entolomataceae | edible | キノコ | イッポンシメジ科 | ヒカゲウラベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Clupea harengus | seafood | Clupeidae | Atlantic herring | edible | 魚介類 | ニシン科 | タイセイヨウニシン | Marine Stewardship Council Jun 2 (2014) |
Collybia butyracea | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | エセオリミキ コアカチャツエタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Coprinus comatus | mushrooms | Psathyrellaceae Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ナヨタケ科 ハラタケ科 | ササクレヒトヨタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Coprinus micaceus | mushrooms | Psathyrellaceae Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ナヨタケ科 ハラタケ科 | キララタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cortinarius crassus | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | シロアシフウセンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cortinarius mucosus | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | アブラシメジモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cortinarius multiformis | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | マンジュウガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Cortinarius varius | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | マンジュウガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Crassostrea gigas | seafood | Ostreidae | glant pacific oyster | edible | 魚介類 | イタボガキ科 | マガキ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Crataegus orientalis | plants | Rosaceae | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Ctenopharyngodon idellus | seafood | Cyprinidae | grass carp white amur | edible | 魚介類 | コイ科 | ソウギョ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Cyprinus carpio | seafood | Cyprinidae | carp common carp | edible | 魚介類 | コイ科 | コイ マゴイ ヤマトゴイ ノゴイ リクリクギョ サクゴイ ドイツゴイ カワゴイ カガミゴイ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Entoloma clypeatum | mushrooms | Entolomataceae | edible | キノコ | イッポンシメジ科 | ハルシメジ シメジモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Entoloma rhodopolium | mushrooms | Entolomataceae | edible | キノコ | イッポンシメジ科 | クサウラベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Eremurus spectabilis | plants | Xanthorrhoeaceae | edible | 植物 | ススキノキ科 | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | ||
Flammulina velutipes | mushrooms | Physalacriaceae Tricholomataceae | Enoki mushrooms enokitake winter mushrooms | edible | キノコ | タマバリタケ科 キシメジ科 | エノキタケ エノキダケ ナメタケ ナメススキ ユキノシタ ナメラッコ フラムリナ・ベルティペス | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Fragaria ananassa | plants | Rosaceae | Strawberry | edible | 植物 | バラ科 | イチゴ オランダイチゴ | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Gomphidius glutinosus | mushrooms | Gomphidiaceae | edible | キノコ | オウギタケ科 | シロエノクギダケ ヨゴレオウギタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Gyrodon lividus | mushrooms | Paxillaceae | edible | キノコ | ヒダハタケ科 | ハンノキイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Gyromitra esculenta | mushrooms | Discinaceae | edible | キノコ | フクロシトネタケ科 | ジャグマアミガサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Gyroporus castaneus | mushrooms | Gyroporaceae | edible | キノコ | クリイロイグチ科 | クリイロイグチ クリイグチ アカタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Gyroporus cyanescens | mushrooms | Gyroporaceae | edible | キノコ | クリイロイグチ科 | アイゾメイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hydnum repandum | mushrooms | Hydnaceae | edible | キノコ | カノシタ科 | シロカノシタ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hygrophorus hypothejus | mushrooms | Hygrophoraceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリガサ科 | フユヤマタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hypholoma capnoides | mushrooms | Strophariaceae | edible | キノコ | モエギタケ科 | クリタケモドキ スギクリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hypholoma epixanthum | mushrooms | Strophariaceae | edible | キノコ | モエギタケ科 | キシワクリタケ カチグリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix | seafood | Cyprinidae | edible | 魚介類 | コイ科 | ハクレン | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) | |
Kuehneromyces mutabilis | mushrooms | Strophariaceae | edible | キノコ | モエギタケ科 | センボンイチメガサ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Laccaria laccata | mushrooms | Hydnangiaceae | edible | キノコ | ヒドナンギウム科 | キツネタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius acris | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ハイイロカラチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius controversus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ケショウシロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius deliciosus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アカハツタケ アカモミタケ近縁 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius glyciosmus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ヤミイロタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius helvus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アカチチモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius insulsus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | カラハツモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius lignyotus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | クロチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius necator | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ウグイスチャチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius pallidus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Lactarius piperatus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ツチカブリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius porninsis | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | カラマツチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius quietus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | チョウジチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius repraesentaneus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | キイロケチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius resimus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Lactarius rufus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アカチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius sanguifluus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ブラッディミルクキャップ ハツタケ近縁 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius scrobiculatus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | キカラハツタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius semisanguifluus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Lactarius subdulcis | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ヒメチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius torminosus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | カラハツタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius vellereus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ケシロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius vietus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | コキハダチチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius violascens | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ウズハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius volemus | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | チチタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lactarius zonarius | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | キカラハツモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Langermannia gigantea | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | セイヨウオニフスベ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lepiota lilacea | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Lepista irina | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | シロムラサキシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Lepista nuda | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Leucopaxillus giganteus | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | オオイチョウタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Locusta migratoria | insects(imagoes : insects) | Acrididae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫 : ) | バッタ科 | トノサマバッタ アフリカトビバッタ トノサマバッタ類 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | |
Locusta tatarica | insects(imagoes : insects) | Acrididae | edible | 昆虫類(成虫 : ) | バッタ科 | Jun Mitsuhashi,Sekai Konchu Daizen Yasakashobo, ,(2008)ISBN978-4-89694-920-9 | ||
Lycoperdon perlatum | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | Puffball | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | ホコリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Lyophyllum decastes | mushrooms | Lyophyllaceae | edible | キノコ | シメジ科 | ハタケシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Macrolepiota excoriata | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Macrolepiota procera | mushrooms | Agaricaceae | edible | キノコ | ハラタケ科 | カラカサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Marasmius alliaceus | mushrooms | Marasmiaceae | edible | キノコ | ホウライタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Marasmius oreades | mushrooms | Marasmiaceae | edible | キノコ | ホウライタケ科 | シバフタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Marasmius prasiosmus | mushrooms | Marasmiaceae | edible | キノコ | ホウライタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Marasmius scorodonius | mushrooms | Marasmiaceae | edible | キノコ | ホウライタケ科 | ニオイヒメホウライタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Morchella esculenta | mushrooms(Cooked vegetable.) | Morchellaceae | Common Morel | edible | キノコ | アミガサタケ科 | トガリアミガサタケ アミガサタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Mytilus galloprovincialis | seafood | Mytilidae | blue mussel | edible | 魚介類 | イガイ科 | ムラサキイガイ | FAO Fishery Statistics (2006) |
Olea europaea | plants | Oleaceae | Olive Olive leaf | medicinal | 植物 | モクセイ科 | オリーブ オリーブリーフ | Medicinal Plants of the World by Ivan A.Ross,Vol.3,ISBN 978-1-58829-129-5. |
Paxillus atrotomentosus | mushrooms | Paxillaceae | edible | キノコ | イチョウタケ科 ヒダハタケ科 | ニワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Paxillus involutus | mushrooms | Paxillaceae | edible | キノコ | イチョウタケ科 ヒダハタケ科 | ヒダハタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Pholiota squarrosa | mushrooms | Strophariaceae | edible | キノコ | モエギタケ科 | スギタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Pleurotus ostreatus | mushrooms | Pleurotaceae | oyster mushroom | edible | キノコ | ヒラタケ科 | ヒラタケ アワビタケ ワカイ カンタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |
Pluteus cervinus | mushrooms | Pluteaceae | edible | キノコ | ウラベニガサ科 | ウラベニガサ シカタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Porphyrellus pseudoscaber | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | クロイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Ramaria mairei | mushrooms | Gomphaceae | edible | キノコ | ラッパタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Rozites caperata | mushrooms | Cortinariaceae | edible | キノコ | フウセンタケ科 | ショウゲンジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Rumex patientia | plants | Polygonaceae | edible | 植物 | タデ科 | マンシュウギシギシ ルメクス・パティエンティア | U. P. Hedrick, Sturtevants Edible Plants of the World, (1919), The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine | |
Russula adusta | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | コゲイロハツタケ コゲイロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula aeruginea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | クサイロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula alutacea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アカネタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula atropurpurea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ムラサキハツ オオベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula aurata | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ニシキタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula badia | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Russula brunneoviolacea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Russula caerulea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Russula claroflava | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | イロガワリキイロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula cyanoxantha | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | カワリハツ ウグイスタケ アオムラサキハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula decolorans | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ススケベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula delica | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | シロハツ アイバシロハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula emetica | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ドクベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula farinipes | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | コクサハツ ヘクソハツモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula fellea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Russula firmmula | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Russula foetens | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | クサハツ ヘクソハツ ニギリタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula heterophylla | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ウグイスハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula integra | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ヨヘイジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula lepida | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ヤブレベニタケ アカフチベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula maculata | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Russula melliolens | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ヨヘイジモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula mustelina | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Russula nigricans | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | クロハツ クロベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula ochroleuca | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ナタネハツ ナタネハツタケ ヤマブキハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula paludosa | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ハクサンアカネハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula pectinata | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | クシノハタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula rosea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ヤブレベニタケ アカフチベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula sanguinea | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | チシオハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula sardonia | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Russula vesca | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | チギレハツタケ チギレハツ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula virescens | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | アイタケ アオハツ アイヨヘイジ ナツアイタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Russula xerampelina | mushrooms | Russulaceae | edible | キノコ | ベニタケ科 | ニオイベニハツ ヤブレベニタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Salmo trutta | seafood | Salmonidae | brown trout trout sea trout black sea trout lake trout | edible | 魚介類 | サケ科 | ブラウントラウト | FAO Fishery Statistics (2010) |
Sarcodon imbricatus | mushrooms | Bankeraceae Thelephoraceae | edible | キノコ | マツバハリタケ科 イボタケ科 | シシタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Scleroderma aurantiacum | mushrooms | Sclerodermataceae | edible | キノコ | ニセショウロ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | ||
Scutiger ovinus | mushrooms | Scutigeraceae | edible | キノコ | ニンギョウタケモドキ科 | ニンギョウタケモドキ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Solanum tuberosum | plants | Solanaceae | potato | edible | 植物 | ナス科 | ジャガイモ ニドイモ | INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE POTATO 2008 New light on a hidden treasure,(2009)ISBN978-92-5-306142-8 |
Sparassis crispa | mushrooms | Sparassidaceae | edible | キノコ | ハナビラタケ科 | ハナビラタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Strobilomyces floccopus | mushrooms | Boletaceae Strobilomycetaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 オニイグチ科 | オニイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus bovinus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | アミタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus cavipes | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | アミハナイグチ ウツロヒダアミタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Suillus granulatus | mushrooms | Suillaceae Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | ヌメリイグチ科 イグチ科 | チチアワタケ ツブアワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma flavovirens | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | キシメジ キンタケ シモコシ キタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma imbricatum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | アカゲシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma populinum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | ムレワシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma portentosum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | シモフリシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma robustum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | マツタケモドキ マツタケノオバサン オバマツタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma saponaceum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | ミネシメジ ミドリシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholoma terreum | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | クマシメジ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tricholomopsis rutilans | mushrooms | Tricholomataceae | edible | キノコ | キシメジ科 | サマツモドキ アカゲタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tuber aestivum | mushrooms | Tuberaceae | edible | キノコ | セイヨウショウロ科 | 夏トリュフ アミメクロセイヨウショウロ クロアミメセイヨウショウロ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Tylopilus felleus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ニガイグチ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Vitis spp. | plants(Fresh fruit, jelly, cold drink, cooked green.) | Vitaceae | Grape Wild Grapes | edible | 植物 | ブドウ科 | ブドウ | USDA, freshfruits and vegetables (2012) |
Volvariella bombycina | mushrooms | Pluteaceae | edible | キノコ | ウラベニガサ科 | キヌオオフクロタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Xerocomus badius | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | ニセイロガワリ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Xerocomus chrysenteron | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | キッコウアワタケ | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 | |
Xerocomus parasiticus | mushrooms | Boletaceae | edible | キノコ | イグチ科 | E. Boa, Wild edible fungi, A global overview of their use and importance to people, Non-wood Forest Products 17, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2004) ISBN 92-5-105157-7 |