種名Channa argusSpeciesChanna argus
学名(一般名)Channa argus[northern snakehead、かむるちー、カムルチー]Latin Name(General Name)Channa argus[northern snakehead]
原産/分布中国全土から、朝鮮半島、ロシアのアムール川流域まで分布、この仲間では最も北に分布。OriginIt ranges from the whole of China,the Korean Peninsula, to the Amur basin of Russia. Among the family of Channa, the habitat is the northernmost.
日本伝来-Introduction into Japan-
概説日本では1923-23年ごろに朝鮮半島から持ち込まれたものが自然繁殖して定着し、現在では北海道、本州、四国、九州の平野部の池や沼、流の穏やかな河川の水草がよく繁殖した場所に好んで生息する。SummaryChanna argus was first brought in 1923 from the Korean peninsula. It has been propagated naturally and settled in Japan now that it is distributed from Hokkaido, Honsyu, Shikoku, Kyusyu. It preferrs ponds, marshlands, calm rivers where watergrass grows thickly.
EdibleThe flesh is reddish and tasty though it is watery.
It is mainly grilled or put in a soup as an ingredient.
[how to cook]Cut it in a filet, sprinkle salt over it, and dry in shade for a few days and stir-fry with butter.
It is believed to be tonic in China and eaten as medicine for cold, spleen disorder, painful urination.
In Korea, it is recommended to women having childbirth for the effect of blood replenishment.
健康促進/薬用-Health Care/ Medicinal Usage-
健康促進 概要-Summary of Health Care-
一般文献多紀保彦ら監修・執筆 食材魚貝大百科 4 海藻類・魚類・その他、平凡社(2000)Literature-
加工品-Processed Food-

文部科学省 日本食品標準成分表2020 八訂 登録データなし

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