種名Salvelinus fontinalisSpeciesSalvelinus fontinalis
学名(一般名)Salvelinus fontinalis[brook trout、speckled char、red trout、sea trout、mud trout、American trout、aurora trout、かわます、カワマス]Latin Name(General Name)Salvelinus fontinalis[brook trout,speckled char,red trout,sea trout,mud trout,American trout,aurora trout]
原産/分布原産地はカナダやアメリカ東部。OriginIt is native to Canada and East coast of America.
日本伝来-Introduction into Japan-
SummaryIt was brougt into Zenji lake as fising target in 1902, by the English ambassodor McDonald.
It is now found in cold lakes and rivers which have many springs, north to Tyubu.
It prefers colder water than raibow trout.
食用大型のものは肉が赤みを帯び美味。EdibleThe flesh of those in bigger size is reddish and tasty.
健康促進/薬用-Health Care/ Medicinal Usage-
健康促進 概要-Summary of Health Care-
一般文献多紀保彦ら監修・執筆 食材魚貝大百科 1 エビ・カニ類、魚類(2000)Literature-
加工品-Processed Food-

文部科学省 日本食品標準成分表2020 八訂 登録データなし

アミノ酸成分表 登録データなし