INPUT WORD = [ Match Type : Exact , C_ID : C00000723 ]

C_ID Metabolite Name Activity Category Biological Activity (Function) Target Species Reference
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
AntimalarialAntimalarial inactivePlasmodium falciparumYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).
Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).
Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7
1995, Vol8
1996, Vol9
1997, Vol10
1998, Vol11.
Lami, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 39, (1991), 1551.
Zhao, et al., Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs(Zhongcaoyao), 21, (1990), 140.
Xu, et al., Zhiwu Xuebao, 31, (1989), 132.
Nichibe, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 38, (1990), 1763.
Kong, et al., Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi, 23, (1992), 215.
Chem Abstr, 118, (1993), P154549c.
Chem Abstr, 124, (1996), 298555y.
HUA, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 50, (2002), 1393.
Kirmizibekmez, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 711.
Jung, et al., Planta Med, 69, (2003), 610.
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
AntitrypanosomalAntitrypanosomalTrypanosoma brucei rhodesienseYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).
Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).
Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7
1995, Vol8
1996, Vol9
1997, Vol10
1998, Vol11.
Lami, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 39, (1991), 1551.
Zhao, et al., Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs(Zhongcaoyao), 21, (1990), 140.
Xu, et al., Zhiwu Xuebao, 31, (1989), 132.
Nichibe, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 38, (1990), 1763.
Kong, et al., Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi, 23, (1992), 215.
Chem Abstr, 118, (1993), P154549c.
Chem Abstr, 124, (1996), 298555y.
HUA, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 50, (2002), 1393.
Kirmizibekmez, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 711.
Jung, et al., Planta Med, 69, (2003), 610.
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
AntitrypanosomalAntitrypanosomalTrypanosoma cruziYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).
Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).
Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7
1995, Vol8
1996, Vol9
1997, Vol10
1998, Vol11.
Lami, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 39, (1991), 1551.
Zhao, et al., Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs(Zhongcaoyao), 21, (1990), 140.
Xu, et al., Zhiwu Xuebao, 31, (1989), 132.
Nichibe, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 38, (1990), 1763.
Kong, et al., Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi, 23, (1992), 215.
Chem Abstr, 118, (1993), P154549c.
Chem Abstr, 124, (1996), 298555y.
HUA, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 50, (2002), 1393.
Kirmizibekmez, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 711.
Jung, et al., Planta Med, 69, (2003), 610.
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
CytotoxicCytotoxic inactive, L6(=L-6) cellsYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).
Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).
Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7
1995, Vol8
1996, Vol9
1997, Vol10
1998, Vol11.
Lami, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 39, (1991), 1551.
Zhao, et al., Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs(Zhongcaoyao), 21, (1990), 140.
Xu, et al., Zhiwu Xuebao, 31, (1989), 132.
Nichibe, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 38, (1990), 1763.
Kong, et al., Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi, 23, (1992), 215.
Chem Abstr, 118, (1993), P154549c.
Chem Abstr, 124, (1996), 298555y.
HUA, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 50, (2002), 1393.
Kirmizibekmez, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 711.
Jung, et al., Planta Med, 69, (2003), 610.
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
Sedativestress-reducing activityHarborne,Phytochemical Dictionary Second Edition,Taylor and Francis,(1999),Chapter39
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
AnalgesicAnalgesic, acetic acid-induced writhing and hotplate method, in vivomouseYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).
Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).
Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7
1995, Vol8
1996, Vol9
1997, Vol10
1998, Vol11.
Lami, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 39, (1991), 1551.
Zhao, et al., Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs(Zhongcaoyao), 21, (1990), 140.
Xu, et al., Zhiwu Xuebao, 31, (1989), 132.
Nichibe, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 38, (1990), 1763.
Kong, et al., Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi, 23, (1992), 215.
Chem Abstr, 118, (1993), P154549c.
Chem Abstr, 124, (1996), 298555y.
HUA, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 50, (2002), 1393.
Kirmizibekmez, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 711.
Jung, et al., Planta Med, 69, (2003), 610.
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
AnalgesicAnalgesic, acetic acid-induced writhing modelmusYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).
Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).
Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7
1995, Vol8
1996, Vol9
1997, Vol10
1998, Vol11.
Lami, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 39, (1991), 1551.
Zhao, et al., Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs(Zhongcaoyao), 21, (1990), 140.
Xu, et al., Zhiwu Xuebao, 31, (1989), 132.
Nichibe, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 38, (1990), 1763.
Kong, et al., Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi, 23, (1992), 215.
Chem Abstr, 118, (1993), P154549c.
Chem Abstr, 124, (1996), 298555y.
HUA, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 50, (2002), 1393.
Kirmizibekmez, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 711.
Jung, et al., Planta Med, 69, (2003), 610.
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
AntiedemicAnti-inflammatory, paw edema model, induced by carrageenanmusYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).
Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).
Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7
1995, Vol8
1996, Vol9
1997, Vol10
1998, Vol11.
Lami, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 39, (1991), 1551.
Zhao, et al., Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs(Zhongcaoyao), 21, (1990), 140.
Xu, et al., Zhiwu Xuebao, 31, (1989), 132.
Nichibe, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 38, (1990), 1763.
Kong, et al., Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi, 23, (1992), 215.
Chem Abstr, 118, (1993), P154549c.
Chem Abstr, 124, (1996), 298555y.
HUA, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 50, (2002), 1393.
Kirmizibekmez, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 711.
Jung, et al., Planta Med, 69, (2003), 610.
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
AntihepatotoxicAntihepatotoxinYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).
Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).
Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7
1995, Vol8
1996, Vol9
1997, Vol10
1998, Vol11.
Lami, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 39, (1991), 1551.
Zhao, et al., Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs(Zhongcaoyao), 21, (1990), 140.
Xu, et al., Zhiwu Xuebao, 31, (1989), 132.
Nichibe, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 38, (1990), 1763.
Kong, et al., Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi, 23, (1992), 215.
Chem Abstr, 118, (1993), P154549c.
Chem Abstr, 124, (1996), 298555y.
HUA, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 50, (2002), 1393.
Kirmizibekmez, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 711.
Jung, et al., Planta Med, 69, (2003), 610.
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
AntihypertensiveACE inhibitorYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).
Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).
Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7
1995, Vol8
1996, Vol9
1997, Vol10
1998, Vol11.
Lami, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 39, (1991), 1551.
Zhao, et al., Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs(Zhongcaoyao), 21, (1990), 140.
Xu, et al., Zhiwu Xuebao, 31, (1989), 132.
Nichibe, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 38, (1990), 1763.
Kong, et al., Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi, 23, (1992), 215.
Chem Abstr, 118, (1993), P154549c.
Chem Abstr, 124, (1996), 298555y.
HUA, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 50, (2002), 1393.
Kirmizibekmez, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 711.
Jung, et al., Planta Med, 69, (2003), 610.
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
AntihypertensiveCalcium antagonistYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).
Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).
Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7
1995, Vol8
1996, Vol9
1997, Vol10
1998, Vol11.
Lami, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 39, (1991), 1551.
Zhao, et al., Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs(Zhongcaoyao), 21, (1990), 140.
Xu, et al., Zhiwu Xuebao, 31, (1989), 132.
Nichibe, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 38, (1990), 1763.
Kong, et al., Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi, 23, (1992), 215.
Chem Abstr, 118, (1993), P154549c.
Chem Abstr, 124, (1996), 298555y.
HUA, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 50, (2002), 1393.
Kirmizibekmez, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 711.
Jung, et al., Planta Med, 69, (2003), 610.
Acanthoside D
(+)-Syringaresinol di-O-beta-glucopyranoside
AntileishmanialAntileishmanialYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).
Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).
Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7
1995, Vol8
1996, Vol9
1997, Vol10
1998, Vol11.
Lami, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 39, (1991), 1551.
Zhao, et al., Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs(Zhongcaoyao), 21, (1990), 140.
Xu, et al., Zhiwu Xuebao, 31, (1989), 132.
Nichibe, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 38, (1990), 1763.
Kong, et al., Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi, 23, (1992), 215.
Chem Abstr, 118, (1993), P154549c.
Chem Abstr, 124, (1996), 298555y.
HUA, et al., Chem Pharm Bull, 50, (2002), 1393.
Kirmizibekmez, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 711.
Jung, et al., Planta Med, 69, (2003), 610.
Number of matched data : DB match=12

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