INPUT WORD = [ Match Type : Exact , C_ID : C00001573 ]

C_ID Metabolite Name Activity Category Biological Activity (Function) Target Species Reference
C00001573KalbreclasineAnalgesicused as a popular medicine in the treatment of the coughsHarborne,Phytochemical Dictionary Second Edition,Taylor and Francis,(1999),Chapter17
C00001573KalbreclasineAntiasthmaticused as a popular medicine in the treatment of the asthmaHarborne,Phytochemical Dictionary Second Edition,Taylor and Francis,(1999),Chapter17
C00001573KalbreclasineAntipyreticused as a popular medicine in the treatment of the common coldHarborne,Phytochemical Dictionary Second Edition,Taylor and Francis,(1999),Chapter17
C00001573KalbreclasineAntitussiveused as a popular medicine in the treatment of the asthma, and in the healing of woundsHarborne,Phytochemical Dictionary Second Edition,Taylor and Francis,(1999),Chapter17
C00001573KalbreclasineImmunostimulantcause significant mitogenic activation of splenic lymphocytes, characteristic of immunostimulantsHarborne,Phytochemical Dictionary Second Edition,Taylor and Francis,(1999),Chapter17
Number of matched data : DB match=5

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