C_ID |
Metabolite Name |
Activity Category |
Biological Activity (Function) |
Target Species |
Reference |
C00002542 | Licoisoflavone A | Antifungal | antifungal activity | | Harborne,Phytochemical Dictionary Second Edition,Taylor and Francis,(1999),Chapter38 |
C00002542 | Licoisoflavone A | Feeding deterrent | Feeding deterrents | Costelytra zealandica | Lane,J.Chem.Ecol.,13,(1987),771 |
C00002542 | Licoisoflavone A | Phytoalexin | Phytoalexins and inducers of nitrogen fixing bacteria | Cladosporium cladosporioides | Lane,J.Chem.Ecol.,13,(1987),771 |
C00002542 | Licoisoflavone A | Phytoalexin | Phytoalexins and inducers of nitrogen fixing bacteria | Colletrichum gloeosporioides | Lane,J.Chem.Ecol.,13,(1987),771 |
Number of matched data : DB match=4