input word = C00041015

Metabolite InformationStructural formula
Name Isomangiferin
Formula C19H18O11
Mw 422.08491142
CAS RN 24699-16-9
C_ID C00041015 ,
InChICode InChI=1S/C19H18O11/c20-4-11-15(26)16(27)17(28)19(30-11)13-9(24)2-8(23)12-14(25)5-1-6(21)7(22)3-10(5)29-18(12)13/h1-3,11,15-17,19-24,26-28H,4H2/t11-,15-,16+,17-,19+/m1/s1
SMILES c12c(c(=O)c3c(o1)cc(c(c3)O)O)c(cc(c2[C@H]1[C@@H]([C@H]([C@@H]([C@H](O1)CO)O)O)O)O)O
Start Substs in Alk. Biosynthesis (Prediction)
Kingdom Family Species Reference
PlantaeAnacardiaceaeMangifera indica Ref.
PlantaeAnemarrhenaceaeAnemarrhena asphodeloides Ref.
PlantaeAspleniaceaeAsplenium montanum Willd. Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeHedysarum denticulatum Ref.
PlantaeHypericaceaeCratoxylum formosum ssp.pruniflorum Ref.
PlantaeHypericaceaeHypericum sampsonii Ref.
PlantaeIridaceaeIris florentina Ref.
PlantaePolypodiaceaePyrrosia calvata Ref.
PlantaePolypodiaceaePyrrosia lingua Ref.
PlantaePolypodiaceaePyrrosia petiolosa Ref.
PlantaePolypodiaceaePyrrosia pseudocalvata Ref.
PlantaePolypodiaceaePyrrosia sheareri Ref.
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OrganismPyrrosia sheareri
ReferenceYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).

Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).

Ou, et al., Brief Handbook of Components of Traditional Chinese Medicines, The People's Medical Publishing House, Beijing, (2003).

Chen, Liu, et al., Determination of Effective Components in Traditional Chinese medicines, People's Medical Publishing House, Beijing, (2009)