input word = C00001755

Metabolite InformationStructural formula
Name Olivacine
Formula C17H14N2O
Mw 262.11061308
CAS RN 484-49-1
C_ID C00001755 ,
InChICode InChI=1S/C17H14N2O/c1-10-13-9-14-11-5-3-4-6-15(11)19-16(14)17(20-2)12(13)7-8-18-10/h3-9,19H,1-2H3
SMILES c12c3c([nH]c1c(c1c(c2)c(ncc1)C)OC)cccc3
Start Substs in Alk. Biosynthesis (Prediction) Anthranilate
Kingdom Family Species Reference
PlantaeApocynaceaeAspidosperma campus-belus Ref.
PlantaeApocynaceaeAspidosperma nigricans Ref.
PlantaeApocynaceaeAspidosperma olivaceum Ref.
PlantaeApocynaceaeTabernaemontana psychotrifolia Ref.
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OrganismAspidosperma olivaceum
ReferenceJi, et al., Pharmacological Action and Application of Available Antitumor Composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Science and technology Press, Heilongjiang, (1998).

Sun, et al., Brief Handbook of Natural Active Compounds, Medicinal Science and Technology Press of China, Beijing, (1998)