input word = C00013329

Metabolite InformationStructural formula
Name Tricin
Formula C17H14O7
Mw 330.0739528
CAS RN 520-32-1
C_ID C00013329 ,
InChICode InChI=1S/C17H14O7/c1-22-14-3-8(4-15(23-2)17(14)21)12-7-11(20)16-10(19)5-9(18)6-13(16)24-12/h3-7,18-19,21H,1-2H3
SMILES c12c(cc(cc1O)O)oc(cc2=O)c1cc(c(c(c1)OC)O)OC
Start Substs in Alk. Biosynthesis (Prediction)
Kingdom Family Species Reference
PlantaeAsteraceaeArtemisia minor Ref.
PlantaeBerberidaceaeEpimedium acuminatum Ref.
PlantaeBerberidaceaeEpimedium brevicornum Ref.
PlantaeBerberidaceaeEpimedium koreanum Ref.
PlantaeBromeliaceaeAechmea glomerata Ref.
PlantaeConnaraceaeAgelaea pentagyna Ref.
PlantaeCrassulaceaeRhodiola sachalinensis Ref.
PlantaeCucurbitaceaeTrichosanthes rosthornii Ref.
PlantaeEphedraceaeEphedra sinica Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeHymenaea palustris Ducke Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeLespedeza virgata Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeMedicago sativa Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeMedicago truncatula Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeTrigonella foenum-graecum Ref.
PlantaeGinkgoaceaeGinkgo biloba Ref.
PlantaeLabiataeLeucas cephalotes SPRENG. Ref.
PlantaeMyoporaceaeMyoporum bontioides Ref.
PlantaeOrobanchaceaeCastilleja fissifolia Ref.
PlantaeOrobanchaceaePedicularis longiflora var. tubiformis Ref.
PlantaePalmaePhoenix canariensis Ref.
PlantaePoaceaeGynerium sagittatum Ref.
PlantaePoaceaeMiscanthus sinensis Ref.
PlantaePoaceaeOryza sativa Ref.
PlantaePoaceaePhragmites communis Ref.
PlantaePoaceaeSpartina cynosuroides Ref.
PlantaeSmilacaceaeSmilax bracteata Ref.
PlantaeTaxaceaeTaxus chinensis Ref.
PlantaeThymelaeaceaeWikstroemia indica Ref.
PlantaeValerianaceae/Linnaeaceae/Dipsacaceae/DiervillaceaeValeriana laxiflora Ref.
PlantaeVelloziaceaeXerophyta retinervis Ref.
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OrganismPhragmites communis
ReferenceJi, et al., Pharmacological Action and Application of Available Composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Science and technology Press, Heilongjiang, (1995).

Li, et al., ZYZ, 30, (1995), 455.

Liang, et al., CCMM, 18, (1993), 677.

Shang, et al., CCMM, 23, (1998), 614.

Sun, et al., Brief Handbook of Natural Active Compounds, Medicinal Science and Technology Press of China, Beijing, (1998).

Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).

Gu, et al., Planta Med, 70, (2004), 509