input word = C00002740

Metabolite InformationStructural formula
Name Methyl chavicol
Formula C10H12O
Mw 148.08881501
CAS RN 140-67-0
C_ID C00002740 ,
InChICode InChI=1S/C10H12O/c1-3-4-9-5-7-10(11-2)8-6-9/h3,5-8H,1,4H2,2H3
SMILES c1c(ccc(c1)CC=C)OC
Start Substs in Alk. Biosynthesis (Prediction)
Kingdom Family Species Reference
AnimaliaCyprinidaeOrthodon methylchavicoliferum Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeAngelica decursiva Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeFoeniculum vulgare Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeLigusticum jeholense Ref.
PlantaeAristolochiaceaeAsarum heterotropoides var.mandsuricum Ref.
PlantaeAristolochiaceaeAsarum sieboldii Ref.
PlantaeAsteraceaeArtemisia dracunculus Ref.
PlantaeAsteraceaeCyathocline purpurea Ref.
PlantaeAsteraceaeGrindelia paludosa Ref.
PlantaeAsteraceaeSantolina corsica Jordan et Fourr Ref.
PlantaeAsteraceaeSolidago odora Ref.
PlantaeAsteraceaeTagetes florida Ref.
PlantaeCrassulaceaeRhodiola rosea L. Ref.
PlantaeEuphorbiaceaeCroton zehntneri Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeMonopteryx spp. Ref.
PlantaeIlliciaceaeIllicium verum Ref.
PlantaeLabiataeAgastache foenicula Ref.
PlantaeLabiataeAgastache rugosa Ref.
PlantaeLabiataeAgastache rugosus Ref.
PlantaeLabiataeOcimum basilicum Ref.
PlantaeLauraceaeLindera neesiana Ref.
PlantaeLauraceaePersea gratissima Ref.
PlantaeMagnoliaceaeMagnolia kobus Ref.
PlantaeMyrtaceaeMyrtus communis Ref.
PlantaePinaceaePinus sibirica Ref.
PlantaePinaceaePinus spp. Ref.
PlantaePinaceaePinus sylvestris Ref.
PlantaePiperaceaePiper betle Ref.
PlantaePlantaginaceaeLimnophila rugosa Ref.
PlantaeRanunculaceaeNigella sativa L Ref.
PlantaeRutaceaeDictamnus albus Ref.
PlantaeRutaceaeFeronia elephantum Ref.
PlantaeRutaceaeZanthoxylum bungeanum Ref.
zoom in

OrganismLimnophila rugosa
ReferenceBuckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7

1995, Vol8

1996, Vol9

1997, Vol10

1998, Vol11.

Sun, et al., Brief Handbook of Natural Active Compounds, Medicinal Science and Technology Press of China, Beijing, (1998).

Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).

Yin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).

Ji, et al., Pharmacological Action and Application of Available Composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Science and technology Press, Heilongjiang, (1995).

Edited by Jiangsu New Medicinal College, Chinese Medicine Dictionary, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1979).