input word = C00025575

Metabolite InformationStructural formula
Name Isoharringtonine
Formula C28H37NO9
Mw 531.24683179
CAS RN 26833-86-3
C_ID C00025575 ,
InChICode InChI=1S/C28H37NO9/c1-16(2)6-9-28(33,24(30)25(31)35-4)26(32)38-23-21(34-3)14-27-8-5-10-29(27)11-7-17-12-19-20(37-15-36-19)13-18(17)22(23)27/h12-14,16,22-24,30,33H,5-11,15H2,1-4H3/t22-,23-,24-,27-,28-/m1/s1
SMILES c12c(cc3c(c1)[C@H]1[C@]4(N(CC3)CCC4)C=C([C@H]1OC(=O)[C@]([C@@H](C(=O)OC)O)(CCC(C)C)O)OC)OCO2
Start Substs in Alk. Biosynthesis (Prediction) L-Trp L-Pro
Kingdom Family Species Reference
PlantaeCephalotaxaceaeCephalotaxus fortunei Ref.
PlantaeCephalotaxaceaeCephalotaxus hainanensis Ref.
PlantaeCephalotaxaceaeCephalotaxus harringtonia var.drupacea Ref.
PlantaeCephalotaxaceaeCephalotaxus sinensis Ref.
PlantaeCephalotaxaceaeCephalotaxus wilsoniana Ref.
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OrganismCephalotaxus sinensis
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