input word = C00002345

Metabolite InformationStructural formula
Name Ibotenic acid
Formula C5H6N2O4
Mw 158.0327567
CAS RN 2552-55-8
C_ID C00002345 ,
InChICode InChI=1S/C5H6N2O4/c6-4(5(9)10)2-1-3(8)7-11-2/h1,4H,6H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t4-/m0/s1
SMILES c1c(noc1[C@H](N)C(=O)O)O
Start Substs in Alk. Biosynthesis (Prediction) L-Tyr L-Arg L-Asp L-Phe
Kingdom Family Species Reference
FungiAmanitaceaeAmanita cothurnata Ref.
FungiAmanitaceaeAmanita gemmata Ref.
FungiAmanitaceaeAmanita muscaria Ref.
FungiAmanitaceaeAmanita pantherina Ref.
FungiAmanitaceaeAmanita smithiana Ref.
FungiAmanitaceaeAmanita spp. Ref.
FungiAmanitaceaeAmanita strobiliformis Ref.
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OrganismAmanita spp.
ReferenceJi, et al., Pharmacological Action and Application of Available Antitumor Composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Science and technology Press, Heilongjiang, (1998).

Sun, et al., Brief Handbook of Natural Active Compounds, Medicinal Science and Technology Press of China, Beijing, (1998).

Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7

1995, Vol8

1996, Vol9

1997, Vol10

1998, Vol11.

Karikome, Wen-ben Yang translated, Phytochemistry, Science Press, Beijing, (1985)