input word = C00002493

Metabolite InformationStructural formula
Name Pimpinellin
Formula C13H10O5
Mw 246.05282343
CAS RN 131-12-4
C_ID C00002493 ,
InChICode InChI=1S/C13H10O5/c1-15-11-7-3-4-9(14)18-10(7)8-5-6-17-12(8)13(11)16-2/h3-6H,1-2H3
SMILES c1(c2c(c3c(c1OC)ccc(=O)o3)cco2)OC
Start Substs in Alk. Biosynthesis (Prediction)
Kingdom Family Species Reference
PlantaeApiaceaeAngelica genuflexa Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum asperum Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum candicans WALL. Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum dissectum Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum grandiflorum Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum lehmannianum Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum moellendoeffii Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum moellendorffii Hance Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum moellendorffii Hance var.paucivitatum Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum ponticum Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum scabridum Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum sphondylium Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum spp. Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum woroschiklowii Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeHeracleum yungningense Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaePeucedanum govanianum var.bicolo Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaePimpinella magna Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaePimpinella saxifraga Ref.
PlantaeApocynaceaeAlstonia moirei Ref.
PlantaeAsteraceaeArtemisia canariensis Ref.
PlantaeCyperaceaeCyperus papyrus Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia asaroides Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia bahiensis Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia barnimiana Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia brasiliensis Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia bryonifolia Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia cayapiaa Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia contrajerva Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia drakena Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia excentria Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia heringerii Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia lindeniana Ref.
PlantaeMoraceaeDorstenia psilurus Ref.
PlantaeRutaceaeClausena anisata Ref.
PlantaeRutaceaeToddalia asiatica Ref.
PlantaeThymelaeaceaeStellera chamaejasme Ref.
--Archangelica brevicaulis Ref.
zoom in

OrganismHeracleum moellendoeffii
ReferenceEdited by Jiangsu New Medicinal College, Chinese Medicine Dictionary, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1979).

Rao, et al., CCMM, 18, (1993), 681.

Rao, et al., CCMM, 20, (1995), 740.

Sun, et al., Brief Handbook of Natural Active Compounds, Medicinal Science and Technology Press of China, Beijing, (1998).

Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).

Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7

1995, Vol8

1996, Vol9

1997, Vol10

1998, Vol11