input word = C00000208

Metabolite InformationStructural formula
Name Vitamin B3
Nicotinic acid
Formula C6H5NO2
Mw 123.03202841
CAS RN 59-67-6
C_ID C00000208 ,
InChICode InChI=1S/C6H5NO2/c8-6(9)5-2-1-3-7-4-5/h1-4H,(H,8,9)
SMILES c1cncc(c1)C(=O)O
Start Substs in Alk. Biosynthesis (Prediction)
Kingdom Family Species Reference
--BangiaceaePorphyra tenera Ref.
AnimaliaBombycidaeBombyx mori Ref.
AnimaliaBovidaeBos taurus domesticus Ref.
AnimaliaHominidaeHomo sapiens (Serum) Ref.
BacteriaEnterobacteriaceaeEscherichia coli Ref.
FungiMortierellaceaeMortierella vinacea Ref.
PlantaeAnacardiaceaeMangifera indica Ref.
PlantaeAnemarrhenaceaeAnemarrhena asphodeloides Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeAngelica sinensis Ref.
PlantaeAraliaceaePanax ginseng Ref.
PlantaeBegoniaceaeBegonia nantoensis Ref.
PlantaeCampanulaceae/LobeliaceaeCodonopsis pilosula Ref.
PlantaeCruciferaeArabidopsis thaliana Ref.
PlantaeCruciferaeBrassica oleracea L. ssp. Botrytis Ref.
PlantaeCucurbitaceaeBenincasa hispida Ref.
PlantaeCyprinidaeCyprinus carpio Ref.
PlantaeDioscoreaceaeDioscorea alata Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeGlycine max Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeMedicago sativa Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeTamarindus indica Ref.
PlantaeLabiataeAjuga taiwanensis Ref.
PlantaeLauraceaeCassytha filiformis Ref.
PlantaeRhamnaceaeZiziphus jujuba Ref.
PlantaeSolanaceaeLycium chinense Ref.
PlantaeSolanaceaeNicotiana tabacum Ref.
--Carpa hircus Ref.
--Gallus gallus domesticus Ref.
zoom in

OrganismPanax ginseng
ReferenceYin, et al., Modern Study of Chinese Drugs and Clinical Applications (1), Xueyuan Press, Beijing, (1993).

Sun, et al., Brief Handbook of Natural Active Compounds, Medicinal Science and Technology Press of China, Beijing, (1998).

Chinese Materia Medica Editing Committee of the National Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Bureau, Chinese Materia Medica (ZHONG HUA BEN CAO), Vol.1-Vol.30, Shanghai Science and technology Press, Shanghai, (1999).

Buckingham(Executive Editor), Dictionary of Natural Products, Chapman & Hall, 1994, Vol1-7

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